Scary For Kids
Flickering Lights

Flickering Lights

Flickering Lights is an urban legend about a woman who is disturbed by reports of a crazy person on the loose and the lights flickering in her upstairs bedroom.

Flickering Lights

A few years ago, there was a lady who lived near a mental hospital. One night, she was at home watching TV, waiting for a phonecall from her brother. He was flying into town to meet her and was going to call when his plane landed.

It was a very stormy night. Suddenly, the television program was interrupted by a news bulletin. The news reader said that a crazy woman had escaped from the local mental hospital. They doctors said that the crazy woman was very dangerous. She had killed 12 people before she had been caught and sent to the mental institution. They also said she was obsessive compulsive and was obsessed with light switches.

The woman was distracted by her phone ringing. It was her neighbor from across the street. He told her that her upstairs lights in one window kept flickering on and off. The lady thanked for letting her know and hung up the phone.

She thought it was probably just an electrical problem, but she decided to go upstairs and check, just in case. In the darkened hallway, through the crack under the door, she saw that the lights in one bedroom were indeed flickering on and off. Gripping the door handle, she opened it cautiously. The room was empty. The fan in the room was on and it was blowing a coat hanging beside it. The coat kept knocking the light switch on and off. Relieved, the lady turned off the fan and went back downstairs.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on her door. It was her neighbor again. He told her that the lights upstairs were still flickering on and off, but this time it was in a different window. Together, they went upstairs to check it out. When she opened the door of the room, the lady found it empty. The lights were off. Her neighbor stepped into the room and began switching the lights on and off again and again.

At this point, the lady decided that her neighbor must be imagining things, so she thanked him and escorted him downstairs. After he left, the phone started ringing. Her brother called to tell her he had arrived at the airport.

“You don’t need to pick me up””, he said. “I’m getting a taxi. I’ll be there in about half an hour.”

Then, on the line, she heard a raspy female voice say “I’ll see you soon.”

scary for kids


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  • I think that the crazy murderer wanted to steal that woman’s life!

  • the person switching the lghts was actually the mental lady, but she thought it was her neighbor!!!

  • @Queen Of Chills
    Her neighbour wasn’t switching the lights on and off. If you read the start of the story, it says a woman who was obsessed with Light Switches escaped from the Asylum. The Escaped Inmate had entered the woman’s house and was flicking her lights on and off. The ‘coat’ by the light switch was the escaped inmate

  • @ShadowWolf the lady kept flicking the light on and off upstairs and then when the boy phoned, the old lady was on another phone is the house upstairs…kinda freaky lol x hope you understand now x

  • Omigosh!!! It is sort of scary… And to think most of the stories i read frm this website comes true.. O_O’ well, the tricks played by friends XD

  • i assume the neighbor switched the lights on and off on that one part to see if they were working right

  • crazy mental person but why was the lady’s neighbour switching the lights on and off???

  • @theawesomeness
    She wasn’t at the airport, she was on another phone in the woman’s house DURDUR!!!

  • gosh i HATE these stories that make no sense. the crazy lady was upstairs, no she is at the air port

  • crazy witch!!
    old women freak meh out for some reason old men are ok but old women justr freak meh out! i usually think about hitting every old women that approaches me

  • To all who didn’t understand… The crazy woman was in the house, remember how the neighbour said he saw her lights flicking on and off? Yeah, so the crazy woman was in the house. The phone rang and the other woman picked up the phone. A few seconds later the crazy woman picked up another phone in the house. She heard everything and said “I’ll see you soon”…

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