Scary For Kids

Free Pizza

Free Pizza is a stupid scary story about a group of friends who have a strange encounter with a pizza delivery guy.

Free Pizza

It was 1983 and a group of close friends decided to have a sleepover. There were two teenage girls named Sandra and Tina and one guy named Gary.

After Sandra’s parents left, the three teenagers made themselves some snacks and watched a movie together. They were busy chatting away until 10 PM, when they suddenly heard a knock on the front door. Sandra was puzzled because she wasn’t expecting any more visitors that evening. When she got up and went to answer the door, she got a shock.

Standing on the front porch was a pizza delivery man.

“There must be some mistake,” said Sandra. “We didn’t order any pizza.”

The man grinned at her and replied, “This pizza is free.”

Shrugging her shoulders, the girl accepted the pizza and shut the door. She brought the pizza into the living room and opened the box. Inside, she found a half-eaten pizza. Everybody had a few slices and, within a few minutes, the pizza was gone. Gary stood up and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

A short while later, Sandra and Tina heard a terrifying scream coming from upstairs. They ran out into the hallway just in time to see Gary tumbling down the stairs. He landed on the floor and lay motionless. There was a sharp kitchen knife sticking out of his back.

Sandra ran to the phone and tried to call an ambulance, while Tina tried to comfort Gary. It was no use, he was already dead. When Sandra picked up the phone, she was shocked to discover that there was no dial tone. Since mobile phones hadn’t been invented yet, the girls decided to wait until their parents came home.

As the clock struck 11PM there was a knock at the front door. Sandra opened it, expecting to see her parents. Instead, the pizza delivery man was standing there holding another free pizza. Sandra was suspicious but she took the pizza and shut the door. When they opened the pizza box, they saw that there was only a quarter of a pizza inside.

The girls were hungry, so they ate the pizza. Just as Tina was swallowing the last slice, a shot rang out and she keeled over and slammed face-first into the ground. Sandra screamed and bent down to help her friend. She saw that there was a gunshot wound in the back of Tina’s head and blood was leaking out and pooling on the carpet.

At midnight, there was a final knock on the door. Sandra shuddered uneasily as she opened the door. The pizza delivery man handed her another free pizza. Inside, she found one single slice of pizza. With trembling fingers, she raised the slice to her mouth and began to eat it.

Suddenly, she felt a tangled rope snake its way around her neck. It pulled tight and she hung from the ceiling like a coat on a hatstand.

Later that night, Sandra’s parents returned home and found a scene of carnage in their little house. Gary’s corpse lay at the foot of the stairs, impaled with a knife. Tina’s body lay face-down on the carpet in a pool of blood. Sandra’s corpse was hanging by the neck from a thick rope, her face purple and her tongue swollen and black.

Sandra’s father immediately called the police, who came to examine the crime scene. They found that each of the bodies had a business card pinned neatly to their clothes. One investigator bent down and picked up the business card. It read, “Tom’s Pizza”.

Upon further investigation, the police discovered that, many years ago, there had been a fast food joint by that name. The odd thing was that Tom’s Pizza Place had burned down in 1966 and all of the employees had perished in the blaze.

scary for kids


  • Ok if my friends died when they ate pizza some guy dilivered for free…. Next time he shows up…. i stab him with a steak knife.

  • Sorry, but this story was bad in so many ways! Firstly, who would accept and eat a half eaten pizza? I sure as heck wouldn’t want to touch something that someone else had been devouring, free or not. And these teens had to be the most moronic lot to keep accepting more pizza when their friends were dying after ever box was delivered. They didn’t even call the cops!

  • Come on SFK !!!! Step your game up & keep posting stories ! We all look forward to these , keep em’ coming please & thank you ^__^

  • I leave for a couple of day and people are swearing what has this world come to haha jk but still you guys shouldn’t swear it’s a kids site and sure they swear but if we’re older we need to be the responsible one which sucks but hey there kids they’re easily corrupted trust
    Me or we can make a kid army and take over the world haha jk

  • @dreadlazer lol who says adults only swear? there’s a ton of kids who swear, just go to the chatroom and you’ll see.

  • @evil.eve its not. swearing is bad and this website is for kids so no swearing. if you want to swear why dont you get out of here and say it in other comment lists? btw i think your stupid the website is called and you still say swearing is fun?? stop it because some kids are reading it and may catch bad influence.@ vladimir tod DO NOT SPEAK OBSCENE LANGUAGE BECAUSE THIS WEBSITE IS FOR KIDS AND NOT FOR ADULTS!!! T_T

  • “Heavy Weight”

    There was once a middle aged man named Tom. He had a lovely wife named Lynda who cooked and cleaned for him and did everything she could to make him happy. But there was one problem about her that Tom could not get over: Lynda was very overweight. She was 28 years old and almost 500 pounds.

    One night, Lynda cooked a nice steak dinner. She smiled and served it to Tom. He started to cut it into pieces, when he noticed it wasn’t the way he liked it cooked. He stood up from his chair, which fell onto the floor, and tried not to yell. His face got very red and he exploded. He yelled for ten minutes, and Lynda cringed. She was hit and punched, kicked and slapped until she was blue and black.

    Later that night, she started to cry while Tom was asleep. Tom woke up and yelled again. He got so angry he yelled out, “Lynda! You are so fat I don’t love you anymore!”

    Lynda started to cry even harder, and the neighbors heard screams coming from the house. No one saw Lynda again the next day.

    But Tom had droven to the airport, with a large luggage bag. He dragged it into security. It was very heavy. He had an afraid look when he put it through the scanner.

    It started to beep nonstop, and the guards checked it. Inside were large limbs including two arms, two legs, a torso and Lynda’s head.

    Tom had killed her, cutting off each limb. He had put them in a suitcase and decided to travel to Canada.

    ~~Sorry if it was lame.~~

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