Scary For Kids

Future Husband

Future Husband is a spooky urban legend from Japan about a fortune-telling game that allows you to see the face of the person you are destined to marry.

Future Husband

For years, a mysterious fortune-telling game has been very popular with teenage girls in Japan. They call it “Future Husband” or “Futute Spouse”. According to the legend, if you play the game, you will find out who you will marry.

They say that the game must be played with all lights off, beside a window, in the moonlight. If you place a razor blade in your mouth at midnight, and look into a basin filled with water, you will see the face of your future husband or wife reflected in the water.

(Warning: Do not play this game. It is dangerous. You could cut your mouth and end up looking like The Slit Mouth Woman.)

One high school girl heard about the fortune-telling game and decided to try it out immediately. The girl had never had a boyfriend and was worried that she would never fall in love. Her worst nightmare was that she would never get married. Her love-sick curiosity made her desperate to find out what her future husband would look like.

She took one of her father’s razor blades from her parents’ bathroom cabinet. Then she took a basin from the kitchen cupboard and filled it with water. Finally, she turned off the lights, opened the curtains and waited until the clock struck midnight. Carefully placing the razor blade in her mouth, she cautiously peered into the basin.

In the water, she saw a man’s face staring back at her.

The girl was so surprised that she let out an involuntary scream. At the same time, the razor dropped out of her mouth and fell into the basin. The water became stained with a red color, like blood. The girl recoiled in fright and started trembling.

A few moments later, when she looked into the basin again, the water was crystal clear and the razor was sitting at the bottom. The girl was confused. Was it just an illusion? Had her eyes been playing tricks on her? Had she really seen a face or had it just been the moon’s reflection in the water? The girl decided to forget about it and went to bed.

The years passed quickly and the girl grew into an adult. She left school, attended university and eventually found a job. She also began dating a nice man. It was her first boyfriend and he was very gentle and receptive to her wishes. He had a friendly personality, was always witty and funny and the fact that he made a lot of money certainly didn’t hurt.

However, there was one thing about him that was very strange. He always kept his face hidden behind a large, white surgical mask. In Japan, it is not unusual to see some people wearing masks like this to prevent catching colds. Indeed, when they first met, the man explained that he had a cold and didn’t want her to catch it. At the time, she accepted the explanation, but as the months passed, he continued to wear the mask and never took it off.

Every time they met or went on a date, the man would be wearing the mask. If she ever asked him to remove it, he would angrily refuse. Despite the strange situation with the mask, the girl came to love this man more and more. Finally, the day came when he asked her to marry him.

The girl began to think. How can you marry someone when you have never seen their face? There aren’t supposed to be any secrets between husbands and wives. What could he be hiding from her? She was confident that her feelings for him would not change, no matter what he looked like under the mask.

One night, the girl took him aside and told him that she would only marry him if he trusted her enough to show her his face. She asked him to remove the mask. At first, the man refused, but when the girl insisted, he eventually gave in.

He turned his back to her and slowly unhooked the mask from around his ears. Then, he suddenly spun around to face her and the girl gasped in horror.

His face was horribly disfigured by a large scar that ran from his eye, down his cheek and across his mouth to his chin. The wound was so deep that it looked as if it had been gouged with a sharp knife. It was painful to look at.

“What’s wrong with your face?” she asked timidly. “What happened to you?”

The man’s eyes narrowed in anger. His face bore a hateful expression.

“You should know,” he growled. “You dropped the razor blade!”

scary for kids


  • I KINDA wanna try this but just IMAGINING the blade in my mouth gives me the creeps

  • One question… I feel stupid asking, but does a knife count as a BLADE?

    also, when it said that there was blood in the water, I thought at first that it meant that she would die and wuldnt get married or something…but I still like it! (sorry for so many comments) I give it a 10 outta 10

  • Another reason I don’t want to try this is that I’m scared I’ll see my OWN reflection… because if you think about it, seeing your own reflection during this game is a little disturbing, don’t you think?

    but I still wanna try, maybe I could drag a bucket of water into my bedroom by the window and cover the blade so I don’t freakin cut my tongue off!!! LOL

  • OMG OMG! I totally wanna try this! I’m in 8th grade and I have this crush, who’s in the same grade as me, same race, religion, and I wonder if he’s the guy that I will end up marrying. I don’t think the chances of me marrying him are very high, but you never know. He’s smart (like me, no he’s SMARTER than me) he’s really funny, and I just like his personality.

    I’d love to try this, but:
    1) My parents would KILL me if they found out that I was sticking a BLADE in my mouth
    2) Its kinda hard to be next to a window in the bathroom
    3) I don’t trust myself with a blade in my mouth
    4) I think that’s enough reasons…LOL

    Another reason I don’t want to try this is that I’m scared I’ll see my OWN reflection… because if you think about it, seeing your own reflection during this game is a little disturbing, don’t you think? but I still wanna try, maybe I could drag a bucket of water into my bedroom by the window and cover the blade so I don’t freakin cut my tongue off!!! LOL

    One question… I feel stupid asking, but does a knife count as a BLADE? Also, when it said that there was blood in the water, I thought at first that it meant that she would die and wouldnt get married or something, but I still like it! (sorry for so many comments) I give it a 10 outta 10

  • Man I do love this story. She must feel obligated to marry him now. Surprised he still loved her and asked her to marry him when he knew she did that to him. Thought the chick would cut herself in the beginning.

  • i would try this if it didn’t involve a razor… also why did she scream since she hadn’t dropped the razor yet so he didn’t have the scar yet… o_O

  • hahaha did u all see the warning! it said that u can cut ur mouth and be like the slit mouth woman! then when you go out everyone will run screaming slit mouth……. ! haha!

  • wooo thats cool but what does putting a razor blade in your mouth have to do with anything? gosh thats stupid

  • woah i m japanese I saw my own cousin in the basin it really works put a tissue paper on the razors blade cuz if u cut urself ur future husband will end like him!

  • Heh.. I saw that cake topper on Russell Howard – it’s from a divorce cake xD

  • All of you people who posted your story on this page: STOP POSTING IT HERE !!!!!!!!! Go to scary stories and in the bottom right corner you will find Tell Me Your Story. Post it THERE or else it will probably NOT be posted by ScaryForKids, Dingbats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • scarelover123

    like the story but it doesnt make much sense. try making it so it is more explaining.

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