Scary For Kids
Ghost Games

Ghost Games

Scary ghost games to play at home, at night or at a sleepover. Read the instructions online for these spooky paranormal games and scary rituals that allow you to contact ghosts. They will give you hours of fun at Halloween parties or on your own in your house.

Ghost Games

scary for kids


  • I was gonna play Baby Blue but when I went into the bathroom I changed my mind and I was like “Nope.Nope.Nope Not gonna do it!”

  • ‘Tis i// advised for you to be p/aying any one of these games• Think of your rea/ chances of “winning” here• It is not some fantasy wor/d once you begin•

  • I recommend ya all to try kokkuri – san. Imassure its 100 percent safe and I hav tried it a lot of tyms

  • Scary, I want to try all of these but I’m not sure if I can keep safe like salt and stuff..

  • yeah… I’m scared out of my wits! And @ XxNightmaregirlxX I’m 9 aswell.

  • My friends are to scared to even let me tell them scary stories. 0_0 But I dont wanna play these games anyway… I iz scared

  • Hey SFK! Please add some more games that can be played alone. All my friends are cowards!

  • Scary for kids please finish another world and ouija :D and get the one that is also coming soon. PWEASE

  • @Lady Gamer Mia Please say more!! Please!! Because it doesn’t let me click on it!!

  • PHEW!! I thought that you would see the terrifying Bubble Wrap face if you clicked this, but luckily you don’t!! Please all read my comments on the page be4 this!! PS I have a mobile and I am only 9!!

  • Did u mean the “Japanese Single Player Hide and Seek” games SFK…?

    If it yes, i know about it..

    it requires :
    a complete doll (with a head, 2 hands, 2 legs.)
    rice (just enough to fill the doll)
    sharps things( knife, scissors or anything that sharp )
    red thread
    a hiding place
    enough salt

    I’ll tell more about it if u interested in it..

  • I like your version of hide and seek but i wouldn’t play because i am a very bad hider (is that even a word?)

  • i told my friend about these games she said only someone very crazy and mentaly disturbed would try these. well then that cuts out my me being normal for once

  • hide & seek is a game where you summon the spirit into a doll, requires you to stab/kill then doll, then it’s your turn to hide while the doll will seek you..if the doll (spirit) find you, kill it [oh btw, you need salt to kill it] immediately..if you dont, well good luck then..

  • I strongly advice not to play none of these games,for there will be GRAVE or MORTAL concecuences.Please be safe and don’t play these games.Thank You.

  • I’ve got an idea for hide and seek!

    For this you will need the following:
    A pin, 2 bowls, some chicken bones, matches and a candle

    You must have a small room that is pitch black so that you can’t see, if there is any windows; cover them. At 11:55 pm, you must be outside the door to this room with all the things, you have 5 minutes to prepare. At the stroke of midnight, enter the room with the bones in the bowl, the candle and the match. Place the bones in the bowl and on the ground and light the candle, say “Bones, you may see!”, then immediately exit the room with the candle. He now knows. Quickly prick your finger with the pin and drop the blood that comes out into the bowl. With the candle lit, go into the room and place the bowl on the floor say “Blood, you may see” then immediately exit. He is coming. Go back in with the candle lit and say ” Flesh, you may not see, you may find. He is here. Your life is now in danger, you must immediately exit the room, you will have 5 minutes to find a hiding spot then he will come looking for you. The room must be dark because, if you can’t see, he can’t see, once he is in the room, it will take him time to find the exit as he does not know the room well. If there is the slightest beam of light in the room, he will see and will kill you before you even have a chance to hide. While you are hiding do not move a muscle or make a noise at all and stay there for at least an hour. This will decrease his chances of finding you. However, it will only decrease them, I cannot say that he definitely won’t find you. If he does find you, he will kill you and take your corpse, the bone and the blood back to hell where he came from. He will choose how long he will stay there for, it is not a fixed time, but he will always stay there for an hour or more and leave at sunrise. If he is close, you will hear loud footsteps and heavy breathing. If he leaves, you will hear
    the loud footsteps become quitter and quieter until it is silent, then it is safe to come out and you are never able to play this again. (Do not try this, there is avery real chance that you may die. Hope u like scaryforkids :D

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