Scary For Kids
Ghost Games

Ghost Games

Scary ghost games to play at home, at night or at a sleepover. Read the instructions online for these spooky paranormal games and scary rituals that allow you to contact ghosts. They will give you hours of fun at Halloween parties or on your own in your house.

Ghost Games

scary for kids


  • Certainly! Though, you should practice. Me and my friend Jake write a horror section for our school called “Cyanide & Bubblegum” Its been published in the local news a few times before. Once it even got in the Chicago Tribune. I also intern at a bookstore.

  • A good story. However, auto correct kills you. Plus, what exactly killed the cat? A great twist though! 6.5/10

  • It’s the cat. In your story section… I love reading too!!! I let a comment in tree house too…

  • Who knows? You could very well be able to see into the future! Hey, could you do me a favor? Would you read my story called Tree House?

  • Cambodia 1980,
    I’m sorry to tell this to you, but i don’t lie. My grammar come from the auto correcting of my phone.
    For predict the futur, it’s true too… I can’t know when, who and where, but i really can. Sorry for disappointed you…

  • Ghost love, why lie? You don’t need to. Someone who could predict the future, would probably use correct grammar.

  • Sorry, my phone had limited number of words… So. I remember that we all have problems with balls, that a girl risked to broke her nose because of that. A boy try to kill me, and it’s true (he try to strangle me), an other girl have been hit by a ball, and was sent to hospital… And there are many others things i can’t all tell… So, ghost, demons games are really dangerous… Please, be careful…

  • NEVER PLAY GHOST GAME, DEMONS GAME… All the games that’s involved calling demons, ghosts… are BAD… Really bad… I can see ghost, i can predict accident… And i can remember that in my old school, some students start to play the charlie’s game. They play that twice, four, five… An incalculable number of time, and after, all the things have turning bad, because they just said ‘charlie, goodbye’. So, the interdimentional doors never closed, and problems began… Bad problems…

  • I would not recommend these. Demons and ghosts are a good way of yourself getting possessed or maybe even die. Please take my advice and not do these

  • Do NOT play the games listed here. Ghosts and demons are real and to invite them into your home is asking for trouble. You are messing with stuff that you don’t understand and don’t want to understand. Everybody’s curious about this kind of stuff and it’s very tempting to try it, but just leave it alone! It’s not for kids, it’s not for fun, it’s real and could have dire consequences. Some of these “rituals” border on satanic, especially the ones that call for you to cut your finger and use your own blood. Those who perform them should be concerned for their souls. Don’t play with Ouija Boards either. All of this occult stuff is very dangerous to play around with. If you’re curious about ghosts, find out if there are any genuine haunted buildings in your area and ask the owner if you can do a paranormal investigation. Use a voice recorder to try to get EVPs (ghost voices that come through the white noise in recordings.) Still not totally safe, but safer than performing these rituals and asking the ghosts/demons to come inside your own home!

  • I’m new!!Scary For Kids is the best website!and@LittleRains Lol same.I rather play minecraft lol

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