Scary For Kids

Ghost Sightings

Ghost Sightings contains a few scary riddles about people taking ghost pictures in supposedly haunted places. Read the stories and try to solve the riddles. Think about them for a while. Try to figure out what’s scary about each one. Then scroll down to the comments section and find out if you were right.

Ghost Sightings

Ghost Sighting 1

My friends and I love looking at ghost photos on the internet. One evening, we planned to take a trip to a haunted place and see if we could take some ghost pictures of our own.

There were four of us in the group and it was almost dusk when we arrived at the old house. Each of us had a digital camera and between us, we must have taken a picture of every nook and cranny in the building.

I collected the cameras from my friends and the minute I got home, I downloaded all the pictures onto my laptop. Then I checked through all of the photos, one by one. Imagine my disappointment when I realized not even one of them had captured anything out of the ordinary. Four hundred photos and not one ghost.

However, I decided to play a trick on my friends. I found a group photo with the four of us in it and used Photoshop to put a scary ghost face in the background. I was very subtle about it. You had to look very hard at the photo before you noticed the fake ghost.

The next day, I printed it out and showed it to one of my friends. He took one look at it and his face went pale.

“I-I-Is this for real?” he stammered. His hands were even shaking.

“Yeah, man!” I said. “It’s for real!”

LOL. What a dummy.

Ghost Sighting 2

I was talking to a friend of mine and we were trying to come up with something new to do because we were getting kind of bored. He suggested we take up ghost photography. It sounded like it could be fun, so we decided to go to a place we thought might be haunted. There was a house nearby where a mass murder had taken place. It lay at the end of a mountain road and it still hadn’t been demolished.

We went there late at night and took cameras with us. We entered through the front door and walked down the hall, taking pictures in the living room, bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Then we climbed up to the second floor and snapped some photos in the parents’ bedroom and the children’s bedroom. After that, we went back downstairs, stood outside and took photos of each other with the house in the background.

The next day, when we took a look at the photos, we were really surprised. There was nothing in them. Of course, we were both in the pictures. I just mean that there weren’t any ghosts in the photos.

“Doesn’t that seem strange?” I said.

“Maybe they went to heaven or something,” said my friend.

“Yeah maybe,” I sighed. “That means we can’t take any more ghost photos, then. What a waste of time.”

“Not really,” said my friend. “I saw a house that was pretty far from the rest. We can go there next.”

“Seriously? Is it empty?”

“No, of course not. There’s people living there. Let’s go tonight”

“Okay, got it. I’ll get ready.”

I’m looking forward to it. We haven’t done anything exciting in a long time.

Ghost Sighting 3

Late one night, two of my friends and I decided to go ghost hunting in this old house where there’d been a murder.

“I heard the killer really butchered these people,” said my friend. “I bet their ghosts are really angry.”

“Yeah, I heard it was a complete massacre,” said my other friend. “Apparently, the killer poked the husband’s eyes out and stabbed the mother to death with a big knife. Then he strangled both of the kids.”

“Are you two guys serious?” I asked, “or are you just trying to scare me? You know how scard I am of ghosts!”

As we wandered around the house, I was shaking like a leaf. It was pitch black inside and we just had a single flashlight to guide us. We went through the living room and the kitchen, then down into the basement, where the murders took place. I could have sworn I could still see blood on the walls.

The place was definitely creepy, but we didn’t see anything weird. On the way out, I turned to my friends.

“Hey, I didn’t see anything spooky, did you?”

“Not me.”

“I didn’t either.”

“I didn’t see a thing.”

So there weren’t any ghosts, then. Kind of lame, but a part of me feels relieved.

Ghost Sighting 4

I thought it might be interesting to take some ghost photos in an abandoned building near me. There was a room on the top floor that was rumored to be haunted. I spent some time setting up my camera on a tripod outside so I could get the whole house in the frame. I took three photos, one after the other. I didn’t see any ghosts or anything. After that, I left the building and went home.

That night, when I sat down to look at the photos, a shiver ran down my spine. The first two photos had nothing unusual in them, but in the third one, I could make out a creepy-looking face in the top left window of the house. I was positive I didn’t see anything like that when I was there.

You can imagine how freaked out I was. So, the next day, when it was light outside, I called my friends and asked them to come back to the abandoned building with me. We went into the house and slowly climbed the stairs to the top floor. I was ready to run if we saw anything. When my friends opened the door to the room, they started laughing. It turned out it wasn’t a ghost at all. It was just an old doll that somebody had placed on the windowsill.

I breathed a sigh of relief. For a second there, I thought I had a real ghost picture on my hands.

scary for kids


  • I have 2 theories for number one:
    1. There IS a ghost, not just the fake one.
    2. Who took that picture?

  • Okay, I think I have figured most of them out.

    1: Absolutely NO clue.
    2: Oh my god they’re gonna murder an innocent family! : 0
    3: Woah woah woah! WHY were there three people saying there was no ghost when this guy only brought two friends?
    4: What do you mean you don’t have a ghost pic on your hands!?! The doll wasn’t there in the previous photos of the same scene, it obviously fricking well moved you imbecile!!!!!!

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