Scary For Kids

Girl On Fire

Girl On Fire is a true ghost story about a young girl named Condie Cunniham who was burned alive at the University of Montevallo in Alabama.

Back in 1908, it was called Alabama Girls’ Industrial School and Condie Cunningham was one of the students who lived on the 4th floor of the main Residence Hall.

Late one night, Condie and her friends were using a burner to make hot chocolate in her room. This was against the rules, but Condie and her friends were doing it anyway. They were all sitting on Condie’s bed in their nightgowns, when someone accidentally knocked over the burner.

The bed caught fire and so did Condie Cunningham’s nightgown. She began to panic and ran down the hallway screaming for help. Now, as most people know, running is the worst thing you can do when you’re on fire. You’re supposed to drop on the ground and roll around. But unfortunately, Condie didn’t know that.

She ran up and down the hallway screaming for help and this only fanned the flames. The flames grew larger and larger, completely consuming her body. Her friends could only watch in horror as Condie finally collapsed and died. Her body was burned to a crisp.

Ever since her death, Condie Cunningham’s ghost has haunted the 4th floor of the Old Residence Hall. Students living on that floor have reported hearing the horrifying screams of a girl echoing through the hallways. Others have heard footsteps running up and down the hall when no one is there. Some have even heard a girl’s voice crying “Help Me”.

Girl On Fire

Late one night, a girl who was staying in Condie’s old room heard noises outside her door. When she opened her door, she was shocked to see a fiery apparition running down the hallway, its body burned and blackened as flames blazed around it like a human torch. When the girl went back to her room, she saw her bed was on fire. The next morning, she left the University and never returned.

Of all the paranormal events that surround this girl on fire, the strangest is what happened to the wooden door of Condie’s old room. Right after Condie’s death, her friends said they saw the image of Condie’s burning face appear in the wood.

The school administrator had the door replaced, but Condie’s face began appearing in the new door. They replaced the door numerous times, but every time, the image of the face came back in the wood.

Girl On Fire

The girls were all so freaked out by this that, eventually, they just removed the door and put it in a storage room. Even today, Condie’s room has no door and none of the girls at Montevallo University will stay in the room, so it remains vacant.

The students who live there today still swear that their doors open and close of their own accord and some have sensed the presence of Condie’s ghost coming into their room. Her ghost has even been known to go into the shower areas and scream her head off. The girls say that when she roams the hall, she doesn’t do it quietly. She runs and screams through the halls as if she is still on fire.

scary for kids


  • Hm… The face in the door is pretty strange.
    I wonder why it kept reappearing there, when it could’ve reappeared in the walls or somewhere else just as easily?


  • ok um where is that place where she died? usa? nova scotia? That is creepy! Though i do wonder what its like to be a ghost. But maybe i dont wanna find out. hehe. CREEPY!

  • so sad but i would soooo stay in thathasll all night just to see wat happens

  • Omg thats actually sad and creepy when it comes to the haunting part..i feel sad for the girl thats so unfortunate! :[

  • Thats what happens when u dont follow the rules. Just think. If they hadnt had the burner, trying to make hot cocoa, then Condie wouldnt have burned to death

  • I went to the Montevallo for college and worked on campus for housing. There is a door on Condie’s room now, but it is metal. It’s used for storage and no one stays there. The door with the face is lock inside the room with some other misc. material. I want to start a fund to have it on display in the library on campus. I’ve seen the door and it is more scary than the photos you find on the internet.

  • sad if i ever go to that school i will try to talk to her like creppychic97 said but maybe not because i dont want to make her mad by disturbing her spirits dont like that her friends should of done something like when her gown was on fire and tell her to stop and throw a buket water or water bottle or something or they could tell her to drop in roll

  • Damn i feel bad for the university and the ppl who live there……ya’ll are crazie to stay in the room… jst 13 and i aint that stupid!

  • omg that is such a interesting story but sad.I WANNA STAY IN CONDIE CUNNIHAMS OLD ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 3:13 – 3:22 minutes into this video you can see a girls face (sideview)in the bottom 3rd & 4th window panes.

  • Aww, that’s so sad. I really hate how her friends just stood there and watched. I would have yelled out, “STOP, DROP AND ROLL!” over and over again. Or stop her then tell her that. I really do feel really sad for her.

  • i can see the face can u i ca even see it on my own door freaky my imagination geting best of me

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