The Death Box is a spooky story about a suggestion box in a school classroom that is mysteriously vandalized. This happened a few months ago, when I was in my second year of junior high school. Hanging on the wall, at...
Gridlove Posts Page
Song Book
The Song Book is a sad story about a young man who finds a book in a second-hand shop and realizes it may have belonged to a girl he went to school with years before. I was browsing through the shelves of a second-hand...
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction is a scary true story about a group of construction workers who are building a bridge at night when one of them spots something strange floating over the lake. This story is supposedly true and it...
Violet Violet
Violet Violet is a sad and spooky story for kids about the roof of an apartment building where a ghostly voice is heard crying every night. There is a certain apartment building in the city where the rooftop is off...
Sugisawa Village
Sugisawa Village is a Japanese urban legend about a village that was supposedly erased from the map after a terrible massacre occurred there. Many people in Japan have tried to track down the village, but as yet, nobody...
Ski Resort
The Ski Resort Mystery is a Japanese urban legend about a man who goes skiing and comes across a woman who is calling for help. There was a man who enjoyed skiing. During the Winter, he took advantage of the snow and...