Scary For Kids

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Closet Lady

The Closet Lady is a scary story about a young boy who explores an abandoned house with his friends and finds something creepy lurking in the closet. When I was a child, my family moved house frequently. At one time, my...

Video Will

The Video Will is a scary story about a man who is passionate about mountain climbing and wants to record a message for his family in the event that he dies accidentally. It is based on a Japanese horror story. One of...

Bone Eater

The Bone Eater is a scary story for kids about a young man who is in hospital and notices one of the other patients behaving strangely at night. It is based on a Japanese urban legend. There was a young man who was in...

Black Dot

The Black Dot is a spooky story about someone who is plagued by terrible nightmares in which a huge black dot engulfs everything. When I was 18 years old, I started having terrible nightmares. The dream was always the...

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