Scary For Kids

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Seeing Ghosts

Seeing Ghosts is a spooky story about a guy who pretends he can see spirits in order to impress a girl he has a crush on. I always had an interest in ghost stories and unexplained mysteries. A few months ago, I joined...

Street View

Street View is a scary story about a man who is using Google Maps and notices something strange in one of the pictures. It is based on a Japanese story that is supposedly true. As you probably know, Google Maps has a...

Killer Cat

The Killer Cat is a spooky story about a cursed village and a cat that kills humans. When I was young, my father took me camping in the mountains. The camp site was located at the foot of a mountain that was popular...

Girls Bathroom

The Girls’ Bathroom is a creepy story about a junior high school in Japan where some mysterious events took place. There was a certain junior high school in Japan where a teacher disappeared under mysterious...

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