Scary For Kids

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Car Keys

The Car Keys is a scary story about a girl and her father who get into a car crash, one rainy night. One night, a father and his daughter were driving down a deserted country road. They were returning home after...

Skinned Tom

Skinned Tom is a scary urban legend from Tennessee about a young man named Tom who came to a grisly end. His ghost is said to haunt lovers’ lanes throughout the Southern United States. “Have you seen the...

Antique Doll

The Antique Doll is a scary story about a young girl who receives a strange gift on her birthday. On the morning of her birthday, Lucy’s mother woke her up and told her a package had arrived in the mail and it was...

Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park is a scary story about someone who has a creepy experience one evening in a public park. One evening, I was coming home from work and I took a short cut through the park. The sky was overcast and dark...

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