Scary For Kids

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Scary Riddles

Scary riddles and answers for kids and adults to solve. Read these creepy stories and brain teasers, then think very hard. If you are clever, you may be able to figure out the tricky hidden meaning contained in each one...

Kimberly Story

The Kimberly Story is a scary urban legend told by Ed Hermanski and you can listen to the audio recording below. He was a history teacher in middle school in Chandler Arizona and every Halloween, he would tell his...

Creepy Stories

Short creepy stories and scary true horror tales that make you think, mess with your head and will give you nightmares. Read spooky urban legends about evil dolls, disturbing clowns, weird stalkers, haunted hospitals...

Bedtime Stories

Short bedtime stories for kids and adults to read online at night. Just before you go to sleep, read one of these scary tales as you lay in bed and nightmares are almost guaranteed. Pleasant dreams… Go To Sleep...

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