Scary For Kids

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Sad Stories

Sad stories that will make you cry. Read these tales of love and hate, life and death, boyfriends and girlfriends, relationships and breakups, misery and woe and sob yourself to sleep at night. True Love Waits I Would...

Stories for Kids

Scary stories for kids and short spooky tales to read online. These traditional stories for children are based on folktales and folklore. Ghosts and horrors have always been a staple of children’s storytelling and...

Laughing Ball

Laughing Ball is a scary story about a cute and lovable clown with a smiling face who lives in the circus. It is based on an old horror manga by Hideshi Hino. Laughing ball was born to be a clown. He was very popular...

Short Stories

Scary short stories for kids, teenagers and adults to tell online. Read some great tales of horror at bedtime or tell ghost stories around the campfire for Halloween. Bay Window Identical Twins Science Fiction Stories...

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