Scary For Kids

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Long Exposure

Long Exposure is a scary story about a young man who is taking photographs at night when he notices something very strange. (The photos were taken by a user named Prischool). One night, I was house-sitting for some...

Chain Letters

Scary chain letters, emails and text messages to send to your friends. They feature the best cute, creepy, funny and disturbing stories about love, friendship, death and horror. We’ve got every chain letter you...

Cheap Meat

Cheap Meat is a scary story about a small-town butcher who tries to make money by selling rotting meat to his customers. It is based on an old horror comic called “Taint the Meat, it’s the Humanity”...

Creepy Face

The Creepy Face Emoticon is a scary story about a girl who receives a strange e-mail when she goes online. Every day, when I come home from work, I spend the whole evening sitting at the computer, catching up with my...

Red Death

The Red Death is a scary story about a prince who hides in his castle while a terrible plague sweeps across the land. It is based on a classic short story by Edgar Allan Poe called “The Masque of the Red...

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