Scary For Kids

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Lights Out

Lights Out is a scary short film by David F. Sandberg. If you’re in the mood for a fright, this horror short should do the trick. It will make you think twice about sleeping alone in the house at night. If you...

Crooked Rot

Crooked Rot is a scary video made in 2008 by David Firth (the creator of Salad Fingers). It was an experiment in stop motion photography and the result is a spine-tingling, stomach-churning mess of mannequin faces...

Birthday Gifts

A collection of the best Creepy Birthday Gifts. If you receive one of these on your birthday, you might feel a little anxious or uneasy. This Cake Or This Cake Or This Cake This Necklace This Mobile Phone Cover These...

Chucky Prank

The scary Chucky prank is from a TV show in Brazil. Some people are waiting at a bus stop that has a poster of the evil Chucky doll from the Child’s Play movies. All of a sudden the real Chucky comes crashing out...

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