Scary For Kids

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Mommy Thing

The Mommy Thing is a short scary story about a child who wakes up in the middle of the night and sees their mother… but is it really their mother? One night, when I was 6 years old, I awoke to find my mother...


Grease is a scary story about a young girl who lives above a fast food restaurant with her father and her brother. It is based on a horror manga by Junji Ito called “Glyceride”. I grew up in a small city in...

Hello Dolly

Hello Dolly is a creepy story about a disease that turns children into dolls. It is based on a japanese horror manga by Junji Ito. There was no mistaking it. My darling daughter was afflicted with the dreaded disease...

Alien Bugs

The Alien Bugs is a horror comic about a man who is abducted by an alien that takes him to a weird underground world filled with giant bugs. It was drawn by PlasticBrickAutomaton. The first time I saw it, I was...

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