Scary For Kids

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Nick of Time

Nick of Time is a creepy episode of the TV show, The Twilight Zone. It tells the story of a young couple who come across a machine called The Magic Seer that seems to be able to tell the future. The episode was written...

Birds Singing

Birds Singing is a spooky story about someone who is kept awake by the sound of birds chirping at night outside their window. Last Summer, it was very hot and every night, I had to sleep with the window open. Usually, I...

It Won’t Hurt

It Won’t Hurt is a sad and spooky story about a Russian bus driver who experiences something shocking when he is driving the night bus between one town and another. I heard this story from a bus driver in Russia...

Shocking Stories

Molten Iron Many years ago, there was an iron foundry outside my town. They had a huge blast furnace and the molten iron would run down and collect in large troughs in the ground. This was in the days before health and...


The Raft is a scary story about four college students who go swimming at a lake. It’s based on a segment of the horror movie Creepshow 2 which, in turn, is based on a short story by Stephen King. A group of...

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