The Science Project is a science fiction story about a very strange experiment in the classroom. Day 1 For this week’s science project, the teacher told us to create a star. It took a lot of trial and error but...
Gridlove Posts Page
Christmas Stories
Christmas stories to read on a cold Winter’s eve. For centuries, there has been a tradition where people gather around a roaring fire and scare themselves by reading ghost stories aloud during the holiday season...
Scary Santa
Scary Santa Claus pictures for Christmas. These photos of children meeting jolly old Saint Nick are downright creepy.
Three Coins
The Three Coins is a strange story about a mysterious competition in a small town involving three coins marked with a square, a circle and a cross. After it happened, everyone agreed that the whole thing was the product...
Grocery List
The Grocery List is a short and creepy story in the form of a list written by an angry housewife. 1 dozen eggs, 1 lb of butter (My husband loves the omelettes I cook for his breakfast.) 1 gallon of milk, 1 large box of...
Out in the Dark
Out in the Dark is a scary story about a girl named Molly who spending the night texting her friends and sees something terrifying outside her living room window. “Time for bed!” Molly’s mom called out...