Scary For Kids

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Scary Gifs

The top 20 scariest animated GIFs of all time from creepy horror movies and TV shows found on the Internet. 1. Sleep Paralysis Theis creepy pic is from an old British movie called Penda’s Fen. In the movie, a boy...

Scary Dolls

Pictures of scary dolls to send a chill down your spine. The one with the teeth is really horrible, don't you think? But the scariest doll of all is the one in the haunted painting. So creepy it'll bring tears to your...

Look Closely

Look closely at these pictures and see if you can figure out what is wrong with each one. You need to look really, really closely. 1. Sayaka Yamamoto This is a photo of Sayaka Yamamoto, a member of the Japanese girl...

Ghost Pictures

The 15 best real ghost pictures and the scary stories behind them. These are famous images of ghostly apparitions and unexplained supernatural phenomena. 1. Philippines Photo This photograph was taken in 2000 in...

Scary Eyes

Pictures of scary eyes and optical illusions. Look at the photos and read the creepy stories that go with them. 1. Red Eyes 2. Halloween Eyes 3. Pumpkin Eyes Eye Illusions Green Eyes Contact Lenses Help Me White Eyes...

Hidden Pictures

Hidden Pictures. All of these pictures have something hidden in them. Can you find it? What’s Creepy About This? Hidden Baby Can you find the baby in this picture? Coffee Beans Can you find the man hiding in the...

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