Scary For Kids

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The Mudhole is a scary story for kids about a young boy’s encounter with the devil. It is based on an old African-American folktale called “The Devil’s Mudhole”. Did you know that the Devil has...

Devils Pocket

The Devil’s Pocket is a scary story for kids about two brothers who toss a coin into a quarry. It was an old, abandoned quarry, and the two brothers were forbidden to ever climb down into it or even go near it. A...

Halloween Symbols

Halloween Symbols Ghosts The ancient Celts believed that on Halloween night, the veil between this world and the other world became thin and the spirits of their dead ancestors were able to walk among the living. Masks...

Caterpillar House

Caterpillar House is a scary horror comic about a man who attends a dinner party with some weird guests. It appeared in The Tormented #1 (1954). John Turner receives an invitation from his old friend Ralph to attend a...

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