Scary For Kids

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Skin Deep

Skin Deep is a scary horror comic about a hideously ugly man who is in love with a beautiful woman. It appeared in House of Secrets #107 (1973). The story begins with an artist named Bardon who is hideously ugly. He is...

Robot Woman

Robot Woman is a scary horror comic about a hideously ugly scientist who creates a woman who will love him. It was drawn by Basil Wolverton and appeared in Weird Mysteries #02 (1952). The story begins with Fozzmo, a...


Pingo is a scary horror comic about a circus clown who also happens to be a serial killer. It appeared in House of Mystery #221. It is considered one of the nastiest stories that ever appeared in a DC horror comic. The...


The Seaweed is a ghost story about two sisters who spend the night in an abandoned house. It is supposed to be a true ghost story and I found that the original version of the story is “Full Fathom Five” by...

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