Scary For Kids

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Thank You Dad

Thank You Dad is a spooky little story about a group of kids who sneak into an abandoned house and find an old tape cassette. It is supposedly a true story and it happened in Japan. When I was a junior high school...

Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving is a sad ghost story about a girl who sees a mysterious young couple when she is walking on a beach at night. This is a ghost story that my sister experienced. It’s a sad story rather than a scary...


Hisaruki is a creepy Japanese urban legend about something mysterious that only young children seem to know about. People often hear kids whispering about Hisaruki, but nobody seems to know who or what it is. This story...

Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes is a short scary story about someone who has a dream in which they receive an invitation to a funeral. It is based on a Japanese horror story. About a week ago, I had a very creepy and unsettling dream. In...

Hidden World

The Hidden World is a spooky story about an elementary school student who comes across a rusty iron door in the ground that leads to an underground passageway. It’s a strange memory, but even now, I can still...

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