Scary For Kids

Hard Riddles

Hard Riddles, brain teasers and scary puzzles for you to solve. These stories are “scary when you know the meaning”. Can you find the creepy hidden meaning in each one?

Hard Riddles

1. Older Man

I’ve been living with an older man for three months. One day, he was arrested by the police. They made me go with them as well. The police showed me a menu and asked me what I wanted to eat. I had a burger and fries. I told them I wanted something cold to drink. They gave me iced tea. The police said, “I think he is going away for a while.” He was charged with 14 offenses. Finally, they were done talking to me. They drove me home in a police car. Everyone was crying when we got there.

2. Strange Conversation

One night, I was visiting a friend of mine. I hadn’t seen him in a long time. We had the following conversation:

Friend: I like having you here.

Me: Yeah, it’s been good to see you again.

Friend: Will you stay the night? You can sleep in the spare bedroom.

Me: OK. Why not? It’ll be easier than walking home.

Friend: Kill some time here then. I like having company. It’s so lonely here all on my own.

Me: Yeah, living alone can be tough.

Friend: You look exhausted. You should probably go straight to bed and get some rest.

Me: I guess I am feeling tired.

Friend: In the morning, I’ll have a lot of things to take care of. Sweet dreams.

Me: OK. See you in the morning.

Friend: Your bed is already made. It’s the first bedroom on the right. Just go to sleep.

Me: Goodnight.

Friend: Sleep tight.

I went into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. Then, as I thought about the conversation, I started shaking. I listened at the door as my friend walked down the hallway and went into his bedroom. Then, I opened the window, climbed out and ran all the way home.

3. Number Sequence

The strangest thing has been happening. For the past two weeks, numbers have been appearing on my front door. I don’t know who is putting them there or why they are doing it, but I’m puzzled. I’m a single woman and I live alone. My apartment is on the 4th floor.

The numbers are written on the corner of the door in ballpoint pen. Every morning, when I wake up, I check my front door and find somebody has written four new numbers there during the night. The first time I noticed it, there were 4 numbers. Now, there are 56.

One night, I stayed up to keep watch, but I didn’t see anything. By dawn, I gave up and decided to go to bed, but when I woke up, there were four new numbers. Here’s the sequence:


I don’t know what to make of it. Do you?

4. Elevator Buttons

There was a man who lived on the 14th floor of a high-rise apartment building. One night, he came home very late. He got into the elevator and pushed the button for his floor. The button lit up, the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend.

Just then, the button for the 8th floor lit up.

“I guess someone else is getting on…” he thought to himself.

A few seconds later, he realized something.

He started hitting the Stop button. The elevator came to a halt on the 3rd floor. As soon as the doors opened, the man jumped out and raced down the stairs. He booked into a hotel for the night and only went back to his apartment building when it was morning.

5. Face Wash

There was a young woman who lived alone. One night, she was getting ready for bed. She went into the bathroom to wash her face. She turned on the tap and the water came gushing out. She splashed some water on her face, then she took some liquid soap and massaged it into her skin.

Just then, she tought she heard something. It sounded like footsteps.

The soap was still on her face, so she couldn’t open her eyes. She fumbled for the tap and turned it on. The water came gushing out. She rinsed off her face, dried it with a towel and looked around. The bathroom was empty. There was nobody there.

6. Luminous

I live alone and there’s not much to do in the evenings. To avoid being bored, I took up a new hobby – putting together jigsaw puzzles. I’m working on a luminous jigsaw puzzle right now. The other night, when I came home, the puzzle was glowing faintly in the dark. There’s something eerie about that pale, ephemeral glow. It gave me the creeps. When I finish this one, I think I’ll go back to doing normal jigsaw puzzles.

7. Humming

The house where I live is very old. It has been in my family for generations. Recently, when I’m in the living room, regardless of whether it’s day or night, I keep hearing a humming noise. It sounds almost like a woman’s voice humming quietly.

“… hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmm…”

It’s very faint and I barely even notice it, but gradually it gets louder and louder. If I try to ignore it, the humming gets so loud that I can hardly concentrate.

“… hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmmm… hmmm…”

So whenever I notice the humming, I recite a prayer out loud, over and over, and that seems to make it gradually fade away.

Yesterday, one of my favorite bands released a new album. I’ve been looking forward to hearing it for ages, so I rushed right out to the store and bought it. When I got home, I decided to listen to it on my headphones. It was even better than I expected. When I finished listening to it, I took off the headphones and right next to my ear, I heard: “HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM”

8. Final Fantasy 1

When I was young, I had a friend who was obsessed with video games. He never paid attention in class, he never bothered to study, but he always got straight As. One day, just before our final exams, I asked him if he wanted to come over to my house after school the next day and study.

“No way, Dude,” he replied. “Final Fantasy 1 is being released tomorrow. I’m ditching school tomorrow so I can buy it.”

“I don’t understand it,” I said. “You never work, you never study, all you do is play video games all day and you still manage to ace every test. What’s your secret?”

“I’m psychic,” he replied with a smile. “I can see the future and I know every question that will be on the tests.”

For a second, I almost believed him. Then, he laughed and told me he was joking. He still got straight As in the final exams.

scary for kids


  • 1
  • 2

  • 1) The girl was kidnapped and the old man was the kidnapper. The police rescued her.
    2) Read the first word of the sentences the friend said. It is ” I will kill you in your sleep”.
    3) She has a stalker and the stalker is writing the exact time she is going to sleep.
    4) The button only lights up when it is pushed from inside.
    5) Somebody turned off the tap.
    6) Someone turned on the lightw while she was out.
    7) The prayers kept whatever was humming away. The day she was listening to music she didnt do the prayers as she couldnt hear thw humming.
    8) He really was a psychic as he knew that there is gonna be final fantasy 2. That us why he said final fantasy 1.

  • The way I got #2 is not the way everybody else got it but because the friend seemed so eager for the guy to go to sleep.Did it seem that way to anyone else?

  • 1) The “Older man” was a kidnapper. The police found him and brought the child back home where everyone was crying tears of joy & Sadness

    2) The first word of every sentence the friend says is – “I Will Kill You In Your Sleep”

    3) She has a stalker, the stalker writes down the time she goes to sleep

    4) The elevator buttons only light up when they are pushed from the inside, the guy was the only one in the elevator which means a ghost or something pushed the button

    5) She turned on the tap once and didn’t turn it off, yet she had to turn it on again. This means that someone turned off the tap.

    6) Someone turned on the lights before he/she came home.


    8) He was telling the truth, if there was a “Final Fantasy 1” That means there will be a “Final Fantasy 2” But how did he know??????

  • 1. The girl was kidnapped. The “Old Man” was charged with 14 kidnappings. The police rescued her from captivity and she was brought home.
    2. Read all of the words the “Friend” says. It says “I Will Kill You In Your Sleep”. The person ran out of the window because he was afraid if his friend would actually kill him.
    3. The girl had a stalker. ***STALKER ALERT.** Her stalker was writing the exact time she was going to sleep.
    4. Elevators only light up when the button is pushed from the INSIDE! A ghost is in there with him.
    5. She had to turn the water on twice. When soap was on her face, someone turned off the water.
    6. The puzzle was glowing which means the lights were already on. Someone was in the house.
    7. It was the ghost that was humming? Or the man was going crazy? I think its the first one.
    8. The guy is psychic. How does he know there is going to be a Final Fantasy 2?

  • 1. She was kidnapped by him as a child.
    2. First word of the “friends” sentence says, “I will kill you in your sleep”
    3. The person is writing the time of when she sleeps.
    4. They only light up when it’s pushed from the inside. THERES A GHOST :0
    5. She turned it on twice. Someone was in there,
    6, Those kind of puzzles light up from when it’s pushed from the inside. Someone was there before he got home.
    7. Is she going deaf?
    8. Final fantasy ONE. One only comes when there’s gonna be more.

  • It’s not fair! I only got NUMBER 2!

    If you take the first word of every sentence the friend says, it spells out: “I will kill you in your sleep”. So, as soon as the narrator got this, he climbed out of the window and ran all the way home.

  • 1) The narrator was obviously kidnapped, she was just young and didn’t realize it. He was charges with 14 cases, so he must have been kidnapping young girls for a while. When she got home and everyone was crying, it must have been her family.

    2) I’ve read riddles like this one before, and even though it took me a while, I read the first words of each sentence the friend spoke and it reads:
    “I will kill you in your sleep.”

    3) I don’t really get #3 but I am assuming it is military time.

    4) The buttons don’t light up unless someone presses them from the inside. Also, how could someone press, say, floor 8 from OUTSIDE the elevator. There was a ghost in the elevator

  • 1. The old man was keeping children in his home and abusing them. 14 of them. They caught him and offered one of the children some food and a drink.

    2. The first word of everything the friend says spells out “I will kill you in your sleep”

    3. The numbers are referring to times, in military format. It’s a stalker who is writing down what time it is when he begins(or maybe finishes) stalking her.

    4. The button inside only lights up if you press it from inside the elevator. There’s a ghost in there with him.

    5. Someone turned off the tap while she was inspecting for the noise.

    6. Luminous material only glows when it has been subjected to light. The puzzle in the house would have been dim if the lights were off the whole time he was gone. However, someone or something turned on his lights while he was gone, and turned them back off shortly before he got home.

    7. Not really a riddle, just a little spooky. Clearly the prayers were keeping something away, which would hum louder and louder as it got closer. The day she was listening to the album, she didn’t hear the humming as it approached, and so she didn’t do the prayers.

    8. He really can see the future. He referred to the game as Final Fantasy 1, even though at the time there weren’t any plans for there to be sequels, so all anyone knew was it was going to be called Final Fantasy. The only reason to add the 1 is is you know that in the future there will be more.

  • Riddle 1. The girl was kidnapped
    Riddle 2. Look at the first words of every sentence that the friend says
    ‘I will kill you in your sleep.’
    Riddle 3. Someone is stalking her and writing down the exact time she goes to sleep.
    Riddle 4. The numbers only light up when it’s pressed from the inside! Someone was with him!
    Riddle 5. She turned the tap on twice.
    Riddle 6.lights were on! So someone was in the house! So the puzzled glowed!
    Riddle 7. The ghost is humming. Or she is dead set crazy.
    Riddle 8. He is psychic, how does he know that Final Fantasy 1 is being released the next day?

  • Oh i got the first one…. the old man was a kidnapper and he kidnapped the narrator(may be little girl or boy). The narrator thought the old must be parent because he or she is living with him since little early. When police found the child(narrator) and the old man(kidnapper) They brought the child and arrested the old man for kidnapping her.When the child reached her real home her real parents and everyone started crying because they finally found her.

  • When I was studying in college, I always slept after midnight. Sometimes, I would hear screaming sound outside my room (second floor) so I would always stuff my ears with earphones, kind of like an escapism for me because I didn’t want to hear any sound from outside. However, the “humming story” really scares me. I wonder if one night, when I unplug my earphones, the screaming sound will be louder as if it is next to my ears… wow… that’s the real horror!

  • 7.
    She had Tinnitus, a weak form of it. It can lead to hearing noices constandly or from time to time, one of the noices asociated with it is the Hum which some people suffer from. Some people only expiriance the hum in their own house, and what is known to sometimes make it worst is sound isolation, such as double glass windows and soft materials which will absorb the sound. Everyone expiriances sound during total silence, which is why Tinnitus is sometimes called the sound of silence, but in some cases it also occurs in non complite silence. As a hearing problem it can be in just one ear. She heared the humming in silence, the humming got worst if she cept silent and egnored it, by talking it faded away, after constand music playing (too loud) in her ear she instandly heared a loud hum when entering silence, while with no music and the headphones on she didn´t hear it because of the sounds produced by your own ears echoing. When there are faint sounds in the area you do not hear it, even when the faint sounds are unheareble. And that´s what´s scary. She always had this, but it only reasently got silent, and not even constandly. What made the sound…

    Or I´m complitely off, this is just something it reminded me of Tinnitus and the Hum, which I heared about before. It would be scary if I lived alone and suddenly something is absent or not taken care off because someone I didn´t know about left…

  • Till now no answer to the 7th puzzle that is ‘Humming’.
    SFK plzz help…

  • I think I’ve got the 1st one.
    If the two were living alone for 3 months, then no one should be there to cry when the narrator got home..!!??

  • @scaryforkids for number 7 we know it’s the ghost humming what we want to figure out is WHY?!

    1. The girl was kidnapped
    2. Look at the first words of every sentance the ‘friend’ says.
    3. Someone is stalking her and writing down the exact time she goes to sleep.
    4. The numbers only light up when it’s pressed from the inside. Someone was with him…
    5. She turned the tap on twice. Who turned it off?
    6. The puzzle was glowing which means the lights were on recently. Someone was in the house.
    7. The ghost is humming
    8. He is psychic. How does he know there will be a Final Fantasy 2?

  • @chosen1 I don’t think it must be be any women kidnapped… According to me it is an evil spirit… In a old house…. Which disappears when prayers are done…..

  • @TertleTer I know that but I think it’s like someone is kidnapped but why will a kidnapped woman stop humming for help when someone recites a prayer?!

  • @Chosen1 I don’t think it really matters where it was coming from or what it was, but the riddle did say that the house was old. It’s probably just a very attention-deprived ghost. :3

    ..although, if you think about it, humming might be the sort of sound that someone makes when they’re gagged.. kidnapping, possibly.. *shrugs*

  • @ FAN OF SCARY FOR KIDS yeah I know and THATS what I can’t figure out. Where is that humming coming from and who’s making it? Strange… @scary for kids please tell the answer…

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