Scary For Kids

Headless Lady

The Headless Lady illusion was a popular magic trick performed at sideshows in the 1950s. As the story goes, the poor woman lost her head in a horrible accident in Switzerland, but doctors were able to keep her alive through the miracle of new scientific technology.

Headless Lady

Is it real or is it a trick? If it is a trick, then how is it done?

scary for kids


  • OK this is the first time I post a scary story.I actually invented it and any resemblance to another real or fictitious story is purely coincidental XD. It’s called “Sharp Pain”.
    Rumor has it than when you are alone in a train, you should never fall asleep. Why ? A few months ago, in Paris, a psychopath got in trains, in empty carriages early or late in the evening, looking for lonely and exhausted people just to kill them. At first, he wasn’t considered as a serial killer for his victims had nothing in common. They were just sleeping. His modus operandi was always the same : the people were sleeping and suddenly they would feel something extremely cold touching their throat, which woke them up on the spot. This always made them jump and right afterwards,they felt a terrible pain in their neck. They discovered, horrified, that their throat had been slit. Actually, the psychopath got closed to them while they were sleeping , put a cold blade on their throat and so, the victims jumped, cutting accidentally their own throat on the blade. As they were bleeding to death, the last vision they had was the psychopath writing a message on the walls of the train with their blood: “Don’t fall asleep on the train. Or you’ll feel a sharp pain !”. The psychopath was never arrested and though the murders have mysteriously stopped, it can still start again. (Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language.)

  • WIERD!!!! but why couldnt they put it into a head?? like an actual shaped head?

  • wowo creepy but i know its fake because if it was real than they would show a real live person with out a head hooked up to the machine instead of a wax woman like they said in the video

  • fake. either a robot or someone with their head in their shirt. someone could also be behind a mannequin with their arms through the sleeves

  • First of all it’s fake she has no ears and how can she breathe without a nose of mouth

  • It most likely is fake. You’re actually still alive for a couple seconds after you’ve been decapitated but I don’t see how those doctors couldve been fast enough to save her.

  • Of course it’s fake. The human body cannot move or do anything but grunt. The brain controls everything (smart Katrin :D)
    Yet that is awesome o3o

  • Yea I’m pretty sure this is fake and Taylor I woudnt do that if I were you haha :D

  • Finally a new story :) anyway how is this possible and if it is how come they don’t try it now so we can see it, but don’t you need a brain and how can she live although food or water=/ sorry if I’m asking to much I just wanna know if its real or not :)

  • @unicorn5 he didn’t tell her he used signs like sign language but with taps on her hand she didn’t have to hear

  • ITS FAKE!!!! I know its fake because they asked her to remove her glove, which she did, so if she had no head, that means she has no ears, which means she wouldnt be able to hear!!!!

  • I’m guessing they somehow made an artificial brain, otherwise she wouldn’t really be able to move.

  • I’m not a doctor, I’m just a 14-years-old nerd in biology. But I guess if the other vital organs are still in decent status, you can replace the brain with some machine.

  • Finally a new post. And Taylor with the arguments that recently finished in click clack I’m sure you wouldn’t! XD

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