Scary For Kids

House Of Pain

The House of Pain is a scary story about three brothers who were killed 5 years ago. With this story I’m trying something new… This is a work in progress, so I will be regularly posting updates to the story. So keep checking back to find out what happens. I hope you enjoy it.

House Of Pain

House of Pain

Three brothers were spending the summer in a village near the coast. They were living with their grandparents for the holidays because their parents had to work and couldn’t leave the city.

At 16, Tomas was the oldest of the brothers. Javier was 14 years old and the youngest was Alejandro, at 12.

The long Summer days passed peacefully for the boys, as they spent their time playing on the beach, swimming in the ocean and going on bike rides along the coast.

One day, at the end of July, Javier happened to notice an old, dilapidated house on the cliffs. It seemed as if it was unoccupied and when he mentioned it to his brothers, they suggested taking a bike ride up to the cliffs to explore the abandoned building.

The idea was especially interesting to Alejandro, because he was a fan of scary stories that dealt with ghosts, haunted houses and all things mysterious.

The boys were always up to mischief and hated it when their grandparents tried to tell them what to do. For this reason, they decided that they would sneak out of the house, late at night, after their grandparents had gone to sleep.

Lying in bed that night, Tomas began to have some misgivings. From his bedroom window, he could see the house on the cliffs. He started to wonder if it was really such a good idea to go exploring an abandoned house in the middle of the night. However, he did not share his fears with his siblings because, as the oldest, he was afraid that they would consider him a coward.

Finally, the time came for the boys to sneak out of the house. As their grandparents slept peacefully, the three brothers tip-toed downstairs and silently closed the front door behind them. The moon was full that night and it lit their way as they set out on their bikes in the direction of the cliffs.

Tomas was still worried. He couldn’t shake the vague sense of unease, but he told himself that he had to go along for the ride. After all, as the oldest, it was his duty to make sure that nothing happened to his younger brothers.

It was nearly one o’clock in the morning when the three brothers reached the top of the cliffs. The decrepit, old house seemed menacing in the pale moonlight. They parked their bikes just in front of the door, but before they could open it, Tomas grabbed his brothers by the shoulder and held them back. His face was white and he looked as if he was scared to death.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, said Tomas nervously. “Maybe we should just forget it and go home.”

“We’ve come this far”, replied Javier. “We might as well go through with it.”

12-year old Alejandro chuckled. “What’s the matter, Big Brother?”, he said. “You scared of ghosts or something? Come on, let’s check out this place.”

Tomas reluctantly agreed and, strengthening his resolve, he followed his brothers into the house.

As soon as they opened the front door, they were assailed by a smell of mold and decay that was almost overpowering. The boys had to spend a few minutes just getting used to the awful stench. The interior of the house was pitch black and they could barely see a thing. Luckily, Tomas had been smart enough to think ahead. He took three flashlights out of his backpack and handed two of them to his siblings.

Part Two:

When they switched on their torches, the first thing they saw was a small hallway which ended in a flight of stairs that led to the second floor. Before going upstairs, the boys decided to explore the rooms on the ground floor. There was a small kitchen, a bathroom and a living room with a large cupboard. Opening the cupboard, they found an old, broken umbrella and a big pair of yellow wellington boots. The boots were of the type a fisherman would wear.

Climbing up to the second floor, they found a corridor with doors on both sides, so they decided to split up and explore the rooms one by one. There was nothing of interest in these rooms until Alejandro walked into one room in particular.

The walls of the room were lined with shelves full of dolls. In the glare of the flashlight, it seemed as if their eyes were moving. Dismissing it as a trick of the light, he shone his torch around the room and saw that there was a bed, a table with a record player on it, a desk and a chair. Everything seemed normal, when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Alejandro thought he saw something lying on the far side of the bed.

He turned his head and the flashlight illuminated what appeared to be the body of a young girl. She was dressed in old clothes and covered in dust. Was she dead or just sleeping? He couldn’t tell. Cautiously, Alejandro moved around the bed and pointed the flashlight at her face. What he saw was enough to make a grown man run screaming from the room.

The girl in the bed had no eyes. Her face was completely covered in dried blood.

Part Three:

Alejandro was trembling with fear. He wanted to run, but his feet were frozen to the spot. Just then, the record player sprang to life and began to play a creepy old song. He looked up. The dolls on the shelves were moving their arms back and forth, their eyes glinting with evil intent. The door of the room suddenly slammed shut of its own accord. He ran over and tried to open it, but it was locked.

“Help me! Help me!”, screamed Alejandro.

In another room, Tomas and Javier heard their brother’s screams and came running down the corridor. They could hear Alejandro begging for help and banging on the other side of the door. Desperate to save him, the two boys tried to break down the door, flinging themselves against it, but it was no use. The door held firm.

A few seconds later, Alejandro stopped shouting and the house became deathly silent. Tomas and Javier began to fear the worst.

They tried the door again and, when they turned the handle, it swung open easily. The sight that greeted their eyes was too horrible to comprehend.

Alejandro was sprawled, face-up, on the bed. His eyes were missing and his face was covered in blood. He was dead.

Terrified, the brothers fled down the stairs, but when they reached the front door, they found it locked. All of the windows were boarded up. There was no way out. It was as if the house was not willing to let them out.

Part Four:

While Javier tried to pry the boards off the windows, Tomas attempted to calm himself and think of a way out. Suddenly, he remembered something. When he had looked into the closet in the hallway, he had noticed that some of the floorboards were missing. Perhaps they could get out that way.

Tomas ran to the closet and began pulling at the floorboards, trying to make the hole large enough to squeeze through. The rotting boards came apart in his hands and a foul stench arose from the hole. He stuck his head down through the hole and was horrified by what he saw.

Lying under the boards was the decomposing corpse of a man. The rotting body was dressed in a suit and there were bits of flesh still attached to the bones. The man’s head was missing and there was a bloody axe lying across his chest.

Tomas jerked backwards in disgust and shut the closet door. He began to gag and felt as if he was going to throw up. Leaning against the wall, he tried to catch his breath.

Suddenly, the closet door burst open and the headless corpse emerged. Startled, Tomas dived into the kitchen, narrowly avoiding the icy clutches of the walking dead thing. The corpse shuffled down the hallway, the fingers of its left hand clawing at the air. In its right hand, it brandished the axe.

Tomas tried to scream out to warn his brother, but he couldn’t make a sound. The scream died in his throat. Before he realized what was happening, the thing had reached Javier, who was still struggling with the boarded windows, oblivious to the danger.

As Tomas watched in mute horror, the headless corpse swung the bloody axe and decapitated his younger brother. Javier’s severed head bounced off the wall and rolled down the hallway.

Tomas let out a wail like a wounded animal. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he collapsed to his knees in defeat. As the older brother, he had failed to protect his siblings.

Suddenly, he felt something coil around his neck. He grabbed at it and his hands touched something coarse and rough. It was a rope. Before he had time to do another thing, he was jerked off his feet by an unseen force.

To Be Continued… soon. :D

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Let me know what you think so far in the comments ;)

scary for kids


  • XD I love how you end that with ^.^ Anyway it was better than the last one you showed me! :D

  • Well… this was the best i could do xD
    I was watching TV with my 8 year old sister when my mom and dad went out for dinner. It was the first time i was babysitting Amy but i was not scared or nervous. I sent her to bed around 9:30 and continued watching TV.
    After about 15 minutes, i heard a scream from Amy’s room. I quickly ran over and opened the door. Amy was sitting on her bed with hands covering her face, crying loudly. “Amy, what’s wrong?” i sat beside her and she huddled close to me, her body quivering.
    “T-there was someone… outside the window… looking at me..” She spoke in a shaky voice. I glanced at Amy’s bedroom window and went to open it. I took a peek outside but there was nobody. It was completely silent. I sighed and patted Amy on her shoulder. “There’s nobody outside, Amy. You’re just too scared and imagining things. Don’t face the window and try to sleep.” I said as she nodded slowly, still with the scared expression. After closing Amy’s door, i returned to the living room but i couldnt spend another 5 minutes in there. I heard Amy’s screaming for the second time. However, this time, there was a shattering sound along with her scream. Amy sounded scared than ever and her voice was painful. A sweat ran down my back. Then i was scared. With my heart beating like crazy, i ran up to Amy’s room and grabbed the handle. I couldn’t open it, it was locked. Amy kept on yelling and crying, and when i was trying to break the lock, her voice went silent. My eyes went wide and i let out a scream myself.
    I ran to my backyard as fast as i could and stopped when i saw the window of Amy’s room shattered and the pieces of glass scattered everywhere. I slowly walked to the window and glanced inside. What i did again was let out a horrified cry. My sister was lying on her bed, stabbed with a knife in her chest. Then i saw the faint figure of a man, running into the woods, laughing ruthlessly.

  • Wow Gidgey im really touched with this one :O Where do u get ideas to write stories? :O Im a hopeless author but i love to write D:
    But anyway, pls write more :D I really like them :)

  • The Eyes
    By: Gidgey

    Allie and her two brothers, Tom and Steve, had moved with their parents to the mountains of northern California. She was not happy since she had to move all the way from warm sunny Florida, but she decided to make the best of it. But the only thing Allie did not like about her house it was in the woods and through the woods was a path the path led to a graveyard the graveyard was very, very old. When Allie was exploring her new house she found the bedroom she wanted. The bedroom was pretty small but its large bay window showed the small pond on the border of the woods. Allie loved the pond it was a deep blue color and all the animals came to drink from it. The next night Allie was sleeping when she was awakened by a moaning, she looked out the window sleepily and saw a set of glowing green eyes like that of a fox. The eyes were slowly coming towards the house she hid under the covers shivering until she finally drifted in to an uneasy sleep. In the morning she got up and went to the kitchen, she then looked out the window and saw it was very cloudy. She looked at the clock and saw it was already ten O’clock in the morning. She looked in Tom and Steve’s room, they were not there. She then looked in her parent’s room, they were not there either. She figured Tom and Steve had dragged their parents out to the graveyard to show them the dates of the old graves, and maybe do some grave rubbings. Allie decided she would go down the path to the grave yard and look for her family. She arrived at the graveyard and found a trail of blood leading to a mound of freshly dug dirt. Allie decided to investigate; she walked over and saw a new grave. The head stone read, she found out in horror
    Here lies Tom, Steve, and your parents
    Allie, Your next
    She started running down the path a couple minutes later she stopped to catch her breath and looked behind her. Coming steadily up the path were a set glowing green eyes. She started running again she finally got to her house she turned the door knob it was locked. She realized in terror she had probably dropped the key when she was running for her life. She backed up against the house and saw the eyes emerge from the dark woods. She realized it was a strange man crawling on all fours, he smiled but something was wrong with his teeth. They were pointed into sharp fangs. He lurched towards her, she screamed. The next day the police found her body and those of her parents and brothers. No one ever found out what happened.

  • @Gidgey Did you write that story? I really liked it. It’s original, as far as horror stories go. I enjoyed reading it and I really hope they put it on the official site. Kudos!

  • devdog

    I just wrote it randomly for my friend Abby! I have frightening dreams so this was based on one of them… Im a messed up person

  • @superninja no u got a bit mixed up. I did too. Right at the top its got another username and they wrote it.

  • I like this story! Can you post this: There was a seven year old boy, named Joe, who was always asking questions like, Where are we going? Are we there yet? Have I ever been here before? One day Joe’s father went on a buissiness trip for 4 days. His mother had to stay home and watch him. On the second day, they were going to the store. As usual, Joe asked alot of questions. When they left the store, his mom turned around and said: “I have a suprise for you when we get home.” Now Joe was excited. When they got home, Joe’s mom tied him to a chair and, with a butcher’s knife, mutilated him alive. when the father got home he saw blood all over and it looked like a tornado hit the house. When he saw his son’s body he screamed: “Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!” The next thing he knew there was a butcher’s knife through his heart. That night the mother left the house and was never seen again. You better be careful how many questions you ask….

  • wow i was on hear 6 hours ago and now theres another story! YAY ITS BEEN UPDATED!

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