Scary For Kids

How To Be Popular

How To Be Popular is a story by MegIz who is a member of this website. It’s about a girl who wants to be popular and hangs out with the most popular girl in her school.

How To Be Popular

Have you ever wondered how to be popular in high school or middle school? It’s not so easy. Macie Rifter was the most popular girl in my school. I knew her name because of all the stories I heard about her. Since I was new, she took me under her wing and we soon became best friends.

However, that is not how the story ends. There is a story hiding behind the one I just told you. A terrifying story that left me scarred for life.

Macie Rifter was staring at me. I was sitting a few tables away from her, all by myself. I started to wonder why she was taking such an interest in me. Perhaps it was because I was the new girl. Eventually, Macie got up and walked over to me.

“Hi, my name is Macie,” she said, flashing a smile. “But I’m sure you already know that.”

It was easy to see why she was the most popular girl in school. She looked pretty and spoke politely. Everything about her was nice, sweet and wholesome. Most of all, she was very smart and knew how to manipulate people.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied, holding out my hand. “I’m Bobbi.”

She shook my hand firmly and flashed her winning smile again.

“How about you come sit at my table?” she suggested.

I nodded my head. Then, picking up my lunch tray, I followed her back to her table. She pointed at another girl and told her to sit at another table. She told me to sit in the girl’s spot. I felt bad about forcing the other girl to change seats, but shook just it off. I mean, I was with the most popular girl in the school. Who was I to question her rules?

After lunch, I realized I was in all the same classes as Macie. In a polite tone, she ordered me to sit beside her in every class. But something didn’t feel right about her. I shook off the strange feeling and did whatever she told me to do.

We quickly became best friends. Through her, I made other friends and as time went by, those friends became very popular. Even more popular than Macie. Eventually, Macie became unpopular. She was sad and depressed, and I tried to cheer her up, but it was no use.

I began to hang out with my other friends, partly because I wanted to distance myself from Macie, but also because Macie had shut me out. Apparently, she thought being popular was the most important thing in the world. To her, it was everything.

One night I held a huge party. Everyone was invited, as long as they were a junior. I met up with Macie once all of my friends had disappeared. She had finally became happy and we laughed and talked for a while.

It was almost the end of the party, and I had begun to look for my friends. I looked in my bedroom and found a dead body sprawled across the floor. The face had been sliced off and the eyes had been plucked out. I screamed and ran to Macie. Everyone else had gone home and she was the only one who had stayed.

When I opened the door, I was horrified. Everyone was dead and their mutilated corpses lay in a huge pool of blood. Macie stood in the middle. The corpses were set up around her, their sightless eyes staring at her as if in adoration.

When she turned and saw me, an evil smile stole across her face. She was holding a large kitchen knife in her hands.

“What did you do?” I yelled and started to cry.

“I killed all your friends,” she replied simply. “They were ranked above me and I had to become popular again. It’s not easy. How do you think I managed to stay popular all these years?”

She shoved me into a corner and held the knife inches away from my face.

“Are you going to kill me?” I asked through clenched teeth.

“You know I have to,” she replied, stroking my hair with the tip of the knife. “You’re the only one standing in my way.”

“But… I’m not even that popular!” I said, my voice breaking.

“But you’re more popular than I am,” said Macie as tears started to stream down her face. “I want my popularity back! Besides, now you know about all this, I can’t let you live!”

She launched herself at me. Grabbing her wrist, I managed to wrestle the knife out of her hand. It fell to the floor. She put her hands around my throat and started choking. I kicked and squirmed, trying to break her grip, but she was too strong.

Just before I blacked out, she whispered in my ear, “Goodbye.”

I woke up in the hospital. A group of people were crowding around me. My mother was crying as she told me that Macie was in jail. I gulped and tried to say something, but no sound would come out. When I put my hand to my throat, I felt stitches all across my neck.

The horrible memories began rushing back and my mother politely asked all of the other people to get out of my room and let me rest.

Then, she turned on the TV. It was a newsflash about Macie escaping jail.

Now, I’m all grown up. I have two beautiful kids and a loving husband. But every day, I live in fear. They never caught Macie. She’s still out there, somewhere. I spend my life worrying that she will return some day, looking for revenge. Never try to be the popular girl in school. It’s just not worth it.

scary for kids


  • I’m sorry, but I was hoping there was going to be a fight between Macie and the main character, so I am sorry but I rate this story 5.75/10

  • How to catch Masie:
    step one. place a box attached to string and a twing
    step two. place a note saying ‘popular’ under the box
    step three. wait
    step four. enjoy that your brand new pet sociopath!

  • Wowzers!! All of THAT just for the sake of popularity?! Dat girl is INSANE! But no! Wait! She is popular….. With the policemen who would probably catch her pretty soon!

  • this is so good! This first story that I found when I found this website! And I LOVED it!

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