Scary For Kids

How to See a Ghost

How to see a ghost is a scary game or ritual from Japan that allows you to catch sight of a real spirit of the dead. You can play this game on your own and find out if you have the ability to see dead people. Don’t blame me if you discover your house is haunted.

How to see a ghost

How to see a ghost – Instructions

Step 1: You must be alone in the house. Find a quiet place. You can sit down in a chair or lie on a bed.

Step 2: Close your eyes and visualize the house where you were born and raised.

Step 3: Imagine that you are standing outside the house, at the front door. Open the door and walk into the house.

Step 4: Go around the house in clockwise direction, opening all of the windows, one by one.

Step 5: Now, go back, retracing your steps in an anti-clockwise direction, closing all the windows, one by one.

Step 6: Leave the house via the front door and then open your eyes.

Don’t continue reading unless you have completed all the steps above.

Now, here is the question:

While you were walking around the house in your imagination, did you notice any strange figures lurking in any of the rooms?

The strange figure you saw was a ghost…

scary for kids


  • Sometimes, i can see a cat, a black cat, sleeping on a coffin, under the table… I have a cat… A white cat… I think it’s a ghost-cat…

  • i already know how to see a ghost my physic power is to see them and sense someones thought or feeling and predict the future

  • I’m CasHere, I changed my display name so… And the knife dude is cool. He’d not evil.

  • My house is haunted and I’ve known that forever. I see spirits a lotand if I do not see them, I sense their presence. I saw my usual (positive and nice) ghosts, my very sweet great-grandmother, the shadow people who just sit there and comfort my old dog, and the aforementioned old dog who is a ghost. But in my dining room, I saw a man with a small paring knife, and he seemed malicious too… He said hello with an evil grin. Thank heavens we’re moving.

  • I would love to try this, but my parents don’t leave alone at home for more than an hour…in fact, they only leave me if it is absolutely necessary. Which means that I probably means that I wont do it…

  • I’m trying to do it but my eyes won’t stay shut!!!!!! Stupid eyes

  • I’m gonna try this cause why the glob not? :P Also, I kinda already see figures and what I call “shadow people” at times, but I don’t know if they’re spirits or not.

  • What if you were born in one house, raised in another and one more other and in another one, and currently living in another one? My family constantly moves.

  • I’ve seen some without doing this but I’ve always seen it with my eyes closed except once or twice

  • I think I saw a black cloud thing after I closed a window in the other bathroom I was kind of expecting to see one bc one time I could picture a hand coming to my forehead and then it felt like I was hit on my forehead it pushed my head back a bit my head felt weird and I think it could’ve been a little kid that did that I could see the hand by my dresser it’s short

  • What if u were born when u lives at a different house then moved when you were like a baby

  • BTW my dads a paranormal investigator he is on
    a team called Southwest Anomalous Research Society (SWARS) he is investigating an old restaurant on Friday and he has a website I will post a link on this page once his website is finished it’s not finished yet but you can still check it out if you can find it

  • @VengefullWitch that is a residual haunting. This ritual is probably dealing with an independent haunting, witch means the ghost can move around freely and it has a mind of it’s own. A residual haunting is, like you said, the resedue of an important event, like a recording of time witch plays itself over and over at a specific time.

  • i read this somewhere:
    ghost is residue of energy which left behind by people who experienced violent death. that energy will repeating over and over again the the time when and how the death happening.

  • I want to try this but what happens when you are done with the ritual!? Do you still see spirits?!!

  • @MeerBearBallett, Are you christian or something? @Everyone I am listening to The Script at the moment, and that takes away the creeepiness of most things, but still not pop up games!

  • I can see ghosts as well! Can I tell you something? Look away from here if you are easily spooked out! If you want to read keep going!!

    One night I was asleep, and I woke up because I was thirsty and so I picked up my glass of water, and as I did so I recognised a figure lurking in the corner. When I looked closer I saw a young lady, rather beautiful, hanging up a towel on an old towel rack I once found. I wasn’t scared then, I knew I was extremely lucky to see a ghost maid!! Then my dad told me that the playroom was where the maids and servants and cooks slept in the fifteen hundreds and when I told him my story he said that my bedroom used to be a bathroom in the very old days! Our house was made in the Elizabethan times!! The fifteen hundreds!

    Keep reading, there is more:

    One night outside my room I heard “Ring a ring of roses, a pocket full of poses, a tissue, a tissue, we all fall down!” And then dad told me that there was a lot of children living here in the old times! Creepy, huh?
    PS Tilly, we might be moving to Norwich!!

  • Also, apparently not all ghosts are bad. There are nice people and bad people, and apparently there are nice ghosts and bad ghosts. Personally, I think that everyone should be given a chance. You can’t judge a book by it’s cover! Friendliness is an amazing thing! :D

    (but if an somebody’s mean to you, you can have a reason to dislike them. but trust me, stuff goes better if you start off with a cordial approach. I’m guessing this applies to ghosts, too, so you shouldn’t play games that treat them disrespectfully because it’s just not nice. this game seems okay though. Tip: people will like you if you give them cookies, as a side note.

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