Scary For Kids

Japanese Demons

Japanese demons and ghosts from ancient mythology. I will probably write longer, individual pages about these monsters and creatures at a later time. But for the moment, here are some short descriptions of these evil spirits.

Japanese Demons


Hone-onna is a skeleton woman. She hides her frightening form by keeping her back to you, but when she turns, you realize she has no face, just a bare skull. She tries to lure unwitting men into falling asleep and then, she sucks the life force out of them.


Kitsune is an evil spirit with the head of a fox. It disguises itself as a beautiful woman and tries to trick human beings into marrying it. If you are unlucky enough to marry Kitsune, it will feed on your life essense while you are asleep.


Shinigami is the Japanese version of the grim reaper. He usually appears to a dying person and brings them to the land of the dead.


Wanyudo is a strange evil spirit who guards the gates of hell. He appears as a severed head on a burning wheel. He enjoys scaring people and stealing their souls whenever they come close to him.


Ningyo is the Japanese version of the mermaid. Instead of being beautiful, Ningyo is a creepy woman who has fish scales for skin, a face like an ape and razor-sharp teeth like a pirahna. If you’re out fishing and you catch Ningyo on your hook, you must immediately toss her back into the sea or else your family members will suffer epic misfortune or even death. If you cook and eat Ningyo, you will remain beautiful and youthful for all eternity… but your family will die.


Akaname is a hideous creature that looks like a frog with a very long tongue. It has a single claw on each foot. He lurks in filthy bathrooms at night and licks the poop off the toilet and the floor. If you encounter him, he will use that same tongue to lick your face. Eeeeew.


Nurikabe is an evil spirit who appears in the shape of a wall. He has the ability to stretch endlessly and loves to play tricks on travellers. He stretches out and blocks the roads to prevent the travellers from going through. The only way you can get through is to kick the lower area of Nurikabe to make him disappear.

scary for kids


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  • I hate it when they say “you” in these stories.. This crap isn’t going to happen. God protects me and my family every day and every night and I pray his protection over all of u guys and ur families. Just tell the story. Don’t make THIS GARBAGE personal.

  • Akaname is just a really gross story but atleast he doesn’t kill you are these real

  • If you cook and eat Ningyo, you will remain beautiful and youthful for all eternity(YAY!)… but your family will die.(Neeever miiiiiind)


  • OH SO KICK THAT LAST ONE IN THE JUNK?!?!!? i can do that :))))))

  • Hone-onna is real, and is featured in an anime called Hell Girl as a beautiful woman. Shinigami is real as well and, like reTARDIS said, is featured in Death Note. There are many Shinigami and the main two in Death Note being Ryuk and Rem. Wanyudo is also real, and he is featured in Hell Girl as an old man, then turns into a carriage with his face on fire as wheels when Ai Enma (Hell Girl) needs to go down to earth and exact revenge. Hope this helped some people… or at least gave them some entertainment xDD

  • I had the weirdest feeling as i walked to one of my friends houses i felt like i was being watched ):0

  • The Ningyo one
    Your family will get epic misfortune that made me crack up epic, who uses epic as a mifortune gage. And what if you shared her with you whole family, theres a flaw, but i love this and the website

  • The last two are funny because the last one you have to kick his down belows!

  • @pinkKaygana,
    actually, i wasn’t sure about some of them, so i looked them up, yep, they are in japanese myth

  • HAHA NURIKABE IS EPICLY FUNNY!! i bet these arent even real japanese demons, but that scary for kids just invented them and said that they are japanese cuz japanese ppl are the Kings of horror… srsly. i once watched this japanese horror movie, and trust me, it wasnt pretty.

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