Kashima Reiko is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a woman with no legs who haunts school bathrooms. Warning: They say that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month. If you don’t want to see her, don’t read this.
Kashima Reiko is the ghost of a woman who lived in the city of Hokkaido, in Japan. One night, she was attacked by a group of men. The beat her badly, abused her horribly and then left her for dead.
She tried to call for help but nobody heard her. She tried to find someone to help her, but she crawled onto a railway track and collapsed, unconcious. The train came along and ran her over, killing her and cutting her in two. Her body was severed at the waist.
Ever since then, Kashima Reiko’s vengeful ghost has wandered the world, searching for her missing legs. She is mainly encountered in school bathrooms, but also may appear in your bathroom at home in the middle of the night.
When you enter the bathroom, she will ask you questions. If you cannot answer her questions correctly, she will tear off your legs.
If she asks “Where are my legs?â€, the answer is “On the Meishin Expressway.”
She will say “Who told you that?” You should reply “Kashima Reiko told me that.”
Sometimes she asks a trick question, “Do you know my name?” Do not say “Kashima” or she will kill you. The correct answer is “Mask Death Demon”. Ka-Shi-ma stands for Ka = Kamen (Mask), Shi = Shinin (dead person), Ma = Ma (Demon).
It is said that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month.
will she really appear to me within a month???
good thing i havent read this yet…
I am freaking scared out of my mind! I don’t want her to kill me in a month so i’m memorizing the answers to these questions i think u all should too.
I’m 8, and this story isn’t creepy. What creeps me out is that I’m scared now whenever I use the bathroom
i think so but watever just remembering the answer don’t know wat’s in da future eh….O_O
relax guys….no one dies by reading some urban legends…right….?
i dont think its real i heard about it like a year ago so dont worry
Poor poor lady. I would hate to be her
I read this story 6 times- a month ago. Don’t worry people XD She’ll probably kill me in my sleep for mocking her like this. So bring it on lady! Come get meh! XD >:3
omg i almost crapped my pants hehhe jks anyway is this real?
geezz u guys .. why would this site post stories like this just to make horrible things to its readers?..(well i guess it does for those who cant give up with nightmares) if you believe on the stories, then its just u who scares u out…
i dont dislike the story but i NEVER want to encounter this woman who i’m sure has better things to do being a pretty angel and all (hoping she wont come for me in i compliment her)
I feel kinda sorry for mask death demon how she died I mean. It was really tragic. This story creeped me out a lot! I don’t wanna see her within a month! Within a month is like, my birthday! I am so scared! I’m not going to the bathroom anymore. I’m starting to dislike this site a bit. I guess it scares me too much not that I have anything against it or whatsoever.
Scaryforkids says: People really seem to hate this story. You’re the second person who has said this story made them dislike the website. lol. Is this story so scary that it is going to make everyone leave my site???
Um, is this true..? Because, I’m really scared to go to the bathroom now, and hopefully I don’t encounter her at all. I usually don’t believe in these things; but this freaks me out a lot.
Don’t want to be visited by Kashima Reiko? EASY! Just follow this step: Read it again before a month ends therefore giving you another month to not be visited by Kashima Reiko. Repeat the Cycle for the rest of your life. U MAD RASHIMA REIKO?
omg i never believe in these things but this time i’m like, ok, gotta remember what to answer!
i hate this website now they should warn u before you read something like this im proper freaked out now. im being serious.
Scaryforkids says: Sorry Katie. I added a warning at the top.
I read this and don’t believe it. My friend and me read it on the same day at the same time so ha! How is she going to visit two people’s bathrooms on the same day at the same time? And what is with the Japanese and bathrooms? Was the bathroom created by the Japenese and now they are trying to start rumors to get people off their inventions or something? Chill Japanese peoplez!
I definitely don’t want to encounter her within a month. This is freaky.
ok now im freaked out! i dont want to encounter her in a month, i never want to encounter her! O_O
Does it matter how I pronounce the answers?
I only wash my hands there with a friend(s). I never used a public bathroom… j~j
Ok, the “she appears to you within a month” part sort of freaked me out… I’m no more going to the bathroom…
I have some memorizing to do
Also, Whats with the japanse and the bathroom….