Kashima Reiko is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a woman with no legs who haunts school bathrooms. Warning: They say that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month. If you don’t want to see her, don’t read this.
Kashima Reiko is the ghost of a woman who lived in the city of Hokkaido, in Japan. One night, she was attacked by a group of men. The beat her badly, abused her horribly and then left her for dead.
She tried to call for help but nobody heard her. She tried to find someone to help her, but she crawled onto a railway track and collapsed, unconcious. The train came along and ran her over, killing her and cutting her in two. Her body was severed at the waist.
Ever since then, Kashima Reiko’s vengeful ghost has wandered the world, searching for her missing legs. She is mainly encountered in school bathrooms, but also may appear in your bathroom at home in the middle of the night.
When you enter the bathroom, she will ask you questions. If you cannot answer her questions correctly, she will tear off your legs.
If she asks “Where are my legs?â€, the answer is “On the Meishin Expressway.”
She will say “Who told you that?” You should reply “Kashima Reiko told me that.”
Sometimes she asks a trick question, “Do you know my name?” Do not say “Kashima” or she will kill you. The correct answer is “Mask Death Demon”. Ka-Shi-ma stands for Ka = Kamen (Mask), Shi = Shinin (dead person), Ma = Ma (Demon).
It is said that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month.
*Saves image and sets as wallpaper* :D
Okay, it’s been over a month, and Reiko-san hasn’t visited me yet! D: Y U NO VISIT ME GHOST?!
I sit at my computer desk whenever I read these and never let my feet touch the ground for fear of being dragged to Ghostland. Lol. Ok… memorizing the answers… On the… wait, what train was it again? xDDD
what will she do? book a flight to my country??
*Grabs pen and paper* Come at me ghost!
and i will never use the bathroom ever agian….atleast not my lol
What about if you read this when you dont have to go to school like for holidays and it will end in 3 months…? lol
lol dont worry i love being scared i would never leave your site. awesome story. creeped me out.
… Not scared,ehh… It would be cool to see her, bit I’m still too chicken to summon Daruma-San…
Its been a month and still nothing!!!!!!!!!
dont worry guys its not real. lol all that time you guys were scared to go to the bathroom lmao
been month, still nothin’
I am not a child or anything i dont play around with games so I would really apreciate it if you would tell me if this is real if she really comes to my bathroom in thirty days I have never been so scared in my life over and urban legend just to help me out please please tell me she is not gonna magically come and rip my legs off! did she come for you?…………… please reply back to me!:D just have in mind im scared lolz!
Kashima reiko, please dont take my legs! Im begging u!
Oh Don’t worry, this story’s just like a chain letter, some ghost isn’t going to come for you in a mon-
its been a month!
she can have my legs for all i care! (never did like the way they looked…) *tears them of and hands them to her and crawls to hospitle*
kashima: yay! *puts them on my body and goes to fix myself up* all better! now i’m pretty again!
Um…..right when it warned me if you don’t want to see her i looked and the pictures and was like,oh hheell no!I didn’t even read the story.:P
i dont wanna die in a mont so i will write the answers on my arm and memorize them
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor legless her!!! I have only one wish!!! Oh god, please dnt let her curse me… i dnt want to see a ghost for the first time!!! Please!!! And the picture is spinning around my head!!!!! T-T T-T
Omg!! glad i didn’t continue reading!!!!!… i am so freaked out with bathrooms right now…
Thanks man. We are all going to die.
i… i’m scared! i wanna read this so bad but i’m scared to cus i dont wanna see her in a month! my friends telling me to read it and that it wont really happen but she doesn’t know! sh doesn’t… i’m such a chicken….
i just realized that this isn’t real because why would her parents name their daughter Kashima Reiko if it means “Death Mask Demon?”
i hope not im very scared so i memorize what to say