Scary For Kids
Kashima Reiko

Kashima Reiko

Kashima Reiko is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a woman with no legs who haunts school bathrooms. Warning: They say that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month. If you don’t want to see her, don’t read this.

Kashima Reiko

Kashima Reiko is the ghost of a woman who lived in the city of Hokkaido, in Japan. One night, she was attacked by a group of men. The beat her badly, abused her horribly and then left her for dead.

She tried to call for help but nobody heard her. She tried to find someone to help her, but she crawled onto a railway track and collapsed, unconcious. The train came along and ran her over, killing her and cutting her in two. Her body was severed at the waist.

Ever since then, Kashima Reiko’s vengeful ghost has wandered the world, searching for her missing legs. She is mainly encountered in school bathrooms, but also may appear in your bathroom at home in the middle of the night.

When you enter the bathroom, she will ask you questions. If you cannot answer her questions correctly, she will tear off your legs.

If she asks “Where are my legs?”, the answer is “On the Meishin Expressway.”

She will say “Who told you that?” You should reply “Kashima Reiko told me that.”

Sometimes she asks a trick question, “Do you know my name?” Do not say “Kashima” or she will kill you. The correct answer is “Mask Death Demon”. Ka-Shi-ma stands for Ka = Kamen (Mask), Shi = Shinin (dead person), Ma = Ma (Demon).

It is said that after you hear the story of Kashima Reiko, she will appear to you within a month.

scary for kids


  • how many pairs of legs does she need? i think she has a leg fashion show. one pair of legs every day.

  • I wrote them down on my Mac, iPod and a piece of paper for school. Kashima, COME AT ME BRO.

  • This is not real at all. There are lots of stories on the site that say things like this, such as white death. I don’t think anyone dies from these stories.

  • Glad you told me the right answer. I would have said ‘not where they’re suposed to be.’

  • hello im alive.hey guys i read this about 5 weeks ago and i said i would comment to prove this false well at first i was really scared,i couldnt shut my door and i had to always close the bathroom door(i immagined her appering in the bathroom)after a while i forgot about it and i just remembered i would read this and prove if it were false or not.well i didnt incounter her so its false although about a week ago i awoke with a mystery scratch its 3.5 cm long it looks like a cat scratch i hav cats so it ma hav been one of them by accident and i didnr notice or forgot im not really sure.but i promice i didnt see Kashima rieko

    hope this helps

  • Guys help! I read the story! Aaaaa! Gotta remember, Meishin Expressway, Kashima Reiko told me dat and Mask Death Demon! Aaaa! I have gotta memorise these! Crud! Normally I swear but I like to keep my mouth shut.

  • Okay. I have read all of your panic strucken commens but not da story. Oh crud! What do I do? Come on! Should I read dis or not? Oh and I live away from Japan. BTW, Sfk where the heck did you find the pic?

  • I guess it’s not real since its been typed onto a friendly website and the admin must’ve read it too! :) dying: FALSE

  • I am really scared now. I am starting to get scared of reading stories on Scary for kids but I will still read them lol. Guys please take the warning sign off. I really wanna read this story

  • what if she asks in japanese? i do stiudy it but i dont n much and i have a bad teacher this year… will she ask in that order or will she jumble it up? i will try and guess what she is asking…

  • it wasnt as scary as i thought it would b….i will proberly freak out at night coz i usually hav to use the bathroom at night….i will comment on this page in about 5 weeks and tell u if i hav seen her..i will also try memmorise the answers to her questions

  • okay ppl have said that they hav read this and after a moth nuthin happened….im not sure if i should read it or not the top about her getting u is creepy but many stories say that and it doesnt hapen but with the japanese poem thing someone read half outload and then a few years later they got several stitches….read tomino for a better discription…i love japanese stuff like anime and they can b really scary so im not sure if i should read it…if i read the story i will comment again in 5 weeks and tell u if i saw her.

  • this is not even true because if the Kashima is actually going to come after you then this wepage would be illegal

  • im scared incase she comes… will she definately not come? My little sister read this and started crying her eyes out! she always cries when she goes to school and wont go to the toilet! Do you have anything to say for yourself scaryforkids!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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