Scary For Kids
Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Knock Knock is a scary story about a young boy and his sister who are left home alone when their parents go out for the night. It is based on an urban legend.

Knock Knock

As their mother was leaving, she they told her children not to open the door under any circumstances.

“If anyone knocks, don’t answer it,” she told them.

But the boy and his sister didn’t pay attention to their mother’s warning. They thought she was being too careful. They figured they could take care of themselves in any situation.

About an hour after the parents left, the kids heard a “knock, knock, knock” on the front door. They decided to ignore it, but again, they heard “knock, knock, knock”. It happened again and again and it grew louder each time.

Eventually, the girl couldn’t stand it anymore and she told her brother she was going to answer the door. When the boy reminded her of their mother’s warning, the girl just wouldn’t listen.

Again, they heard the “knock, knock, knock” on the door. Finally the sister went downstairs. Her brother lay on the sofa watcing TV. He heard his sister’s footsteps walking down the stairs. He heard her asking loudly “Who is it?”. He heard her open the lock on the front door.

Then he heard only silence. He lay there for a while, listening for any noise, but heard nothing. Eventually, he started getting scared. His sister still hadn’t returned. He was afraid to call out to his sister, so he sneaked out the back door and made his way to their neighbor’s house.

When he went into their house, his neighbor was watching the local news channel on TV. The news anchor on TV was talking about a murder. Then they showed a reporter live at the scene of the murder.

The neighbor said to the boy, “Hey that looks like your house”.

The boy was shaking with fear. “That is my house”, he said. “And that’s my front door”.

scary for kids


  • @XxNightmaregirlxX LOL!!
    This story is lame. Predictable. And how can a murder get so quickly on TV?!

  • I have TERRIFYING story! So scary that I almost peed myself when it happened! All true too;

    One day I was sitting in the living room playing computer games and reading scary stories. I heard a tap-tap-tapping on my window, I looked behind me and found nobody there. I shrugged the odd feeling and went back to my game. Minutes later I hate the tap-tap-tapping at my front door. I got the laptop off my legs, stood up and answered the door. I found the most HORRIFIC scene. Are you sure you’re ready for me to tell you what it is?? I not, stop reading . . . NOW!! There stood my . . . brother. He was sweating from head to foot as he had just been out for a 2 mile run. As you can imagine I had nightmares all night. :D

  • Couldnt there be any details on how she was murdered? U know like, did he stab her, chop her head off, strangle her, slit her throat, rip her throat out, did he eat her remains, did he make a hole in her stomach and rip her guts out?! WE NEED DETAILS AND GORE!!! This also proves that girls, like me, shouldnt be allowed to become obesessed with horror stories.

  • OMG Its scary! I almost heard knocking door. so i saw the window. And it was my aunt -_-.

  • Yeah change it to like save yourself or like the phone call. I liked the story but not the title.

  • Sorry that title doesnt really fit it it was the knock the parents had im changing it to Dont Answer The Phone

  • Heres a story tell me if you like it:

    One knock, two knock

    One night, around 6:00 a 12 year old named Amelia was watching TV and her parents told her “We are going to a restaraunt tonight and we wont be home till late. Dont answer the phone to numbers you dont know and DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR.” Said Amelia’s parents at the same time, raising their voices. “Yes mother, I know. We have gone over this a million times.” Amelia yelled. “Alright, honey just making sure. We will knock once, wait 3 seconds then knock again before we open the door.” Said Amelia’s parents seriously.”Tell your friends the knock and let them come over for a while. We are not leaving you ALL alone, young lady.” Informed her dad. Amelia was a bit mad. She could stay home alone without friends! “Yes,YES father! Heard it all before. Now get going.” Amelia said as she practically pushed them out the door. “Yes, you can heat up leftov-” Thats all Amelia heard from her mother when she shut the door. She will show her parents. She doesnt need friends over! She continued to watch TV when about a half hour later the phone rang. She went over to the desk, completely forgetting her parents rules about the phone. She answered. “Hello?” Said Amelia. “Save yourself and your friends. Danger is awaiting. Your were warned.” Said the mysterios stranger on the phone. She thought it might be one of her friends prank calling her, wanting her to come over. So she put on her sneakers and coat and headed out. It was dark and spooky so she grabbed her flashlight. She thought she heard something in the bushes so she started walking quicker. She was getting close to her friends house when she heard screaming coming from the direction of her friends house. She ran to the door and banged on it. She couldnt bust it open, but then she remembered her key. She went in and saw all her friends lying on the floor. Dead. Puddles off blood on the floor… Suddenly she heard very loud laughter. Then fast footsteps. She ran out the door screaming but it was dark, her flashlight was out and she couldnt see. She found the woods and sat by a tree. She was very tired, and fell alseep. She woke up tied to the tree and saw a man. The man that killed her friends and called her. He told her “I warned you.” and slowly pulled a knife out and killed her. Her parents her home and crying. They were upset and thought she could of slept at a friends house but why would she not tell them? They called 911 and told them. They told them where her friends house was and the police investigated they found Amelia dead and her friends. Her ghost kills everyone who goes in those woods at 2:30, when she died.

  • how long was his mom gone if it was on the news so fast

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