Scary For Kids
Kokkuri San


Kokkuri-san is the most famous scary game in Japan. It is similar to the ouija board and is mostly played by Japanese schoolchildren who want to summon a spirit so they can ask questions about the future.


“Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, tell me, when is the date of my death?”

Two Japanese girls watch in breathless anticipation as a 10 Yen coin begins to slide across a sheet of paper, slowly spelling out the answer.

Kokkuri-san is Japan’s answer to the Ouija board and it has been played in schoolrooms across the country for years. The game became so widespread in Japan that it sparked several hysterias in the media and many schools officially banned students from playing Kokkuri-san.

Using a ouija board can be dangerous because it can accidentally summon demons or open people up to the possiblity of being possessed. Kokkuri-san is much less dangerous since the spirit who is summoned is a trickster spirit from the Shinto religion.

Kokkuri-san is the name of the spirit who is summoned during the game and provides the answers. It is an animal spirit that is a mixture between a fox, a dog and a raccoon. Kok = kitsune (fox), Ku = inu (dog), and Ri = tanuki (raccoon). The fox can be either a trickster or a teacher, the dog is loyal and protecting and the raccoon dog is full of mischief but also a bringer of good luck. All of these qualities are combined in Kokkuri-san.

Young people ask many questions like, “Kokkuri-san, who loves me?” or “Kokkuri-san, will I become rich and famous?”, but just remember that there are some questions you are better off not knowing the answer to.


To play Kokkuri-san, you need at least two people, a sheet of paper, a pen and a coin.

Step 1: Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a “torii” (a traditional Japanese gate) at the top in red ink. Write “YES” and “NO” on either side of the torii. Beneath this, write one row of numbers (from 0 to 9) and three rows of letters (from A to Z).

Step 2: Open a window or a door so that Kokkuri-san will be able to enter the room. The torii represents the gateway to a Shinto shrine and the spirit will enter and exit through it.

Step 3: Place a coin on the red torii. Each person should put their index finger on the coin.

Step 4: Call the spirit by saying, “Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you’re here, please move this coin.”

Step 5: You can ask Kokkuri-san whatever questions you like. It will move the coin to spell out the answer.

Step 6: To end the game, you must ask Kokkuri-san to leave by saying, “Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, please return home.” The coin will move to YES and then come to a rest on the red torii.

step 7: When you are certain Kokkuri has left, you must destroy the paper. Either tear it to pieces or burn it. You must also spend the coin you used before the end of the next day.

WARNING: Kokkuri-san is not dangerous and it is a much safer alternative to the ouija board. However, we still don’t recommend that you play it. Many people can become upset and depressed if they receive answers they do not like. Also, always remember that Kokkuri-san is a trickster spirit and can easily lie to you.

scary for kids


  • Every one try this game.This is so safe and funny too. KOKKURI is a good spirit and he is very friendly.

  • It worked! I made a rough sketch y it didnt work earlier, there was noise in my classroom.But day before yesterday I tried in a quiet environment n it eorked.

  • Didn’t work!!We tried a lot but the coin didn’t move a inch!Wastage of paper.:(I am very sad.I hoped that this will work

  • It….Worked.. o_O But it was awesome. :3 Even though me and my step-sister quit when the coin moved an inch.

  • I have some questions for all the people who did this:
    -what were the top 3 answers you were pleased with?
    -did Kokkuri San leave/do as said?
    -what did you buy with the coin :3

  • I did this with my friend Darby in art class and we thought it wouldn’t work. It really works best with a window open wide (and it has to be to the outside, not just to a hallway). It was actually really freaky. You could totally tell the difference when it was one of our fingers twitching or moving the coin without meaning to, vs when it was the Kokkuri. The Kokkuri san’s movements were slow, gradual, and very smooth. When we moved the coin it was jerky and catching on the paper. We both were barely touching it as it was pulled slowly around the paper.I felt kinda bad for bringing it up because Darby wasn’t doing it because she was genuinely getting really really freaked out. She wanted to stop half way through. I know for a fact it wasn’t me. And like I said, you can tell the difference between the movement types.

  • @master of fright well you certainly shut you’r trap and leave can’t you? dios tan simple

  • i wanna try this but i am scared to :( but if i was brave enough i would ask to talk to my nana xx miss her so so so much :(

  • I did this in class and it worked! But before I could ask it to leave, the teacher ripped it up…..

  • This actually works!!!! I tried it with my friends and I asked what my name was and it actually spelt it out!!! Then I asked does anybody love me and it spelt out a random dudes name!!! Then when we asked it to leave, it went on yes then went on tori, but for some reason it mysteriously went quickly onto the table!!! Then we burnt it. It was fun.

  • What the hell is wrong with y’all even though.its not a ouji board it can still possess you don’t try this damn y’all are the stupidest people I’ve heard of.

  • Awesome!! Says its a better alternative to the ouja board. Anything is better than the ouja board!

  • xX-WolfScratch-Xx

    -Kokkuri-San would run away itself
    -There would be extra waste in your house
    -You don’t get the bubble gum

  • Also, what happens if..
    -You dont ask Kokkuri-San to leave?
    – You dont destroy the paper?
    – You dont spend the coin?

  • What if you ask Kokkuri -San to leave and she says no? But that’s cool I am definitely trying this!

  • This looks like an awesome game to play though answers may be depressing. Still I would like to give it a shot!

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