Scary For Kids
Kuchisake Onna

Kuchisake Onna

Kuchisake Onna, also known as The Slit-Mouthed Woman, is a scary Japanese urban legend about a disfigured Japanese woman who brandishes a large scissors and preys on children. She has an enormous slit mouth, which extends from ear to ear in a horrible, permanent smile.

Kuchisake Onna

The Slit Mouthed Woman walks the streets of Japan, wearing a surgical mask and hunting for children. If you cross her path, she will stop you and ask you a question. If you give her the wrong answer, there will be horrible consequences.

Picture the scene. You are walking home from school and your path takes you down a deserted city street. Suddenly, you hear a faint noise coming from the shadows. You glance over and see a beautiful woman standing there. She has long black hair and is wearing a beige trenchcoat. A surgical mask covers the lower half of her face. In Japan, wearing a surgical mask is not uncommon during flu season, to prevent spreading germs.

She steps out of the shadows and blocks your path.

“Am I beautiful?” she asks.

Before you can answer, she tears off her mask, revealing a hideously deformed face. Her huge mouth is sliced from ear to ear and gapes open revealing rows of sharp teeth and a big red disgusting tongue twisting and twirling inside.

“Am I beautiful NOW?” she screams.

Terrified, you struggle to answer her. If you say “No”, she pulls out a huge pair of scissors and kills you immediately, chopping off your head. If you say “Yes”, she takes her scissors and slices your mouth from ear to ear, making you look just like her. If you try to run away, she will hunt you down and kill you, by slicing you in two.

The only way to escape from Kuchisake Onna is to give a non-committal answer. If you say “You look average” or you look normal, she will be confused, giving you just enough time to run away.

There are many rumors about how Kuchisake Onna got her horribly disfigured mouth. Some say that her slit mouth is the result of plastic surgery that went horribly wrong. Others say that she was injured in a terrible car crash. Some even believe she is an escaped mental patient who was so demented that she cut her own mouth apart.

According to one legend, years ago, in Japan, there lived a very beautiful woman who was extremely vain and self-absorbed. Her husband was a very jealous and brutal man and he became convinced that she was cheating on him. In a fit of rage, he took a sword and slit her mouth from ear to ear, screaming “Who will think you’re beautiful now?” She became a vengeful spirit, and began wandering the streets of Japan, wearing a surgical mask to hide her terrible scars.

The Slit Mouth Woman’s reign of terror began in the spring and summer of 1979, when rumors began to spread throughout Japan about sightings of the Kuchisake-onna hunting down children. The story spread like wildfire and actually created scares in many towns. Police increased their patrols and schools sent teachers to walk students home in groups.

In 2004, South Korea was plagued by reports of a red-masked woman who was chasing children.

In 2007, a coroner found some old records from the late 1970s about a woman who was chasing little children, but was hit by a car, and died shortly after. Her mouth was ripped from ear to ear.

The USA has its own version of Kuchisake Onna. There were rumors about a clown who appeared in public bathrooms and accosted children, asking “Do you want death or happy smile?” if they chose “happy smile”, he took out a knife and slit their mouths from ear to ear.

scary for kids


  • I have some more information on her, if that could help =3
    In 1978 13 were found dead and 52 cut from ear to ear, saying that a woman had done that to them.
    A woman named Saaya had murdered her housband and her sister who lived with them, and escaped. Her body was never found, and there were no witnesses. It’s said that her housband accused her of cheating on him, so he gave her a Glasgow smile.
    Hope that helps =3

  • Theres a new way to escape her. I read it on a site i don’t remember what it’s called.Kuchisake Onna walks up to you and says “Am i beautiful?”Don’t say no or yes.You say ” I am very sorry but i can’t answer your question. I am very late for a funeral and i have to go home and get dressed.” Kushisake Onna will pardon her manners and excuse herself from your presence. That’s similar to what i read. I don’t know if its true or not it probably is.

  • I am like the ultimate fan of The Slit Mouthed Woman urban legend! The movie carved was the best horror movie I have ever seen! (Even though I had to watch it all in japanese) i could totally get the whole thing!! And I watch the movie at least once or twice a day. :D
    And yes I am an ULTIMATE believer of The slit mouthed woman in japan, and I actually want to travel to japan someday so I can get some more info on it!
    Because this legend is awesome!!! and so is the movie!!
    -Carved fan 4 lifeee!-

  • She shouldn’t care what are answer is, As long as she feels pretty about herself, She shouldn’t care. And if she feels ashamed about her scar, she should remember that it probley wasn’t her that made that scar.

  • This freaks me out sometimes I keep thinking when I’m sleeping shes standing behind me and I’m gonna wake up with a slit mouth fyi I dont live in Japan I’m British and proud :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • If i were to meet her i would give her a LONG speach aboutt how shes the adverage beautiful woman, etc!

  • lol smiley face has a wife its slit mouth woman! this story is excellent now I am never going to go in the streets alone

  • I met like I know it’s about the Slit-Mouth Woman but I met like we read the story so what’s the difference about watching the movie and reading the story?

  • i would say yes if not average, cause i’d rather be slit mouthed than dead. i would just get stitches later :/

  • i just saw the vid, i got scared at 1:10 and the end, when they showed it all black, i quickly turned my head lol, shes so scary, imagine seeing that at 3 in the morning

  • Kuchisake-Onna is actually beautiful in my eyes. Everyone is .w. I just love her eyes

  • I like this story but its scary btw I’m new here luv ur stories cher all so interesting this goes 4 this website and those awesome storywriters



  • @bloodyoangel47 go to & type in Carved (capital ‘C’) & click on the 1st Result

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