Scary For Kids

Last Train

The Last Train Home is a creepy story about a young woman who is traveling home alone late at night after a party.

Last Train

Last year, my company held a New Year’s Eve party in the city. When the party was over, I left to catch the last train home that night. I sat down in my seat and gazed out the window at the city lights flashing by.

After a while, I saw that the only other person in the carriage with was a man in a black trenchcoat. He was sitting a few rows in front of me and his head was hanging down. He appeared to be dozing off. I was quite sleepy too and my eyelids started to feel very heavy. It wasn’t long until I began to doze off too.

A few minutes later, I was jolted awake by the rattling of the train. When I opened my eyes, something seemed different. I wasn’t sure, but it seemed as if the man in the black trenchcoat was one seat closer to me. I thought I was just imagining things and told myself not to be so paranoid. Not long afterwards, I began to doze off again.

After a few seconds, I got a strange and unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach. I opened my eyes and, this time, the man seemed to have moved even closer to me. Still, I couldn’t be sure. It was extremely unsettling.

I decided to try and see if my suspcins were correct. My plan was to pretend to fall asleep again, but keep one eye half-open, just to see what the man would do.

He just sat there, not moving a muscle. I could feel his eyes staring at me, but he didn’t budge an inch. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I heard him muttering something under his breath. Listening closely, I could make out what he was saying over and over:

“Don’t be fooled. She’s just pretending… Don’t be fooled. She’s just pretending…”

It made my blood run cold. My heart started pounding in my chest. Despite being scared out of my wits, I kept my head down, pretending to doze off and desperately hoping that the train would reach the next station soon.

When it finally stopped and the doors opened, I bided my time and waited for the right moment. Just as the doors were about to close, I scrambled out of my seat and jumped out onto the platform.

I heard the doors shut behind me and turned around. As the train pulled out of the station, I saw the man in the black trenchcoat standing up, his face pressed against the window. There was a look of fury on his face and, in his hand, a glistening knife.

Ever since then, I never take the last train home alone.

scary for kids


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  • Hehe her dress look like a curtain ^.^
    Gosh no one else is talking on here. Im embaressed now.
    Gosh i type a lot. Look at all my comments !!!! O.o
    Oh, dear me!

  • @Brony4life
    Oh, Horror movie survival guide?
    Well I’m sure that its NOT the one that I’M putting up here….?
    Thanks for the support -.-“

  • @Nerdyghostgal mmhhmm thanks :D
    @Brony4life Put what up? Sallys bridge?
    @Whiler thanks ^.^

  • @Nerdyghostgal
    Yeah I understand. But instead of reading things you should go out and do things like last night i went to Sallys Bridge with a bunch of people and it scared the heck outta me. :D just an idea :) && thanks imma post Horror movie Survival guide.. if i can. XD
    Well sorry if i ever came off rude.

  • @Xx_layla_xX12
    Ok , I know what I wrote was weird , sorry for that. I guess I was just a bit freaked out.
    BTW, there is a ‘Tell me your story’ area in the Website where you can post your story. It’s in the Scary story place .

  • I hate when ppl are like “omg that story is sooo scary i am never going to Japan!!!” or “shucks i just remembered i’m gonna go for a train ride tomorrow” and say that there never gonna do something b/c of these stories. I mean, there are scary legends and stories here in the U.S. so if it scares you so much, how come you stay here?
    WOW i bet that only makes sense to me…. -.-
    Well i didnt read the story but im pretty sure its good. I just dont feel like reading anymore. But i HAVE read every other story on here… So.. nice.
    Well, see you guys!!! And i didnt mean to offend anyone. Also…… How do you post stories on here??? Well thanksssss.. baiiiii

  • Cool story…. I wanna scream first but I know when I do someone else will comment x’D

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