Scary For Kids

Little Finger

The Little Finger is a scary game from Japan about a strange dream. This is a Japanese urban legend and it is said that only children or teenagers can experience this dream.

Little Finger

The Little Finger is a very dangerous game. You may want to think twice before playing it. To play this game, there is no complicated ritual to perform, no candles to light and no strange chants to repeat. All you have to do is read the following story.

Important Note: If you don’t want to play this game, stop reading now.

This is the story of a dream.

In the dream you are standing by a riverbank. A thick fog hangs over everything. You see an old woman crouching next to a gate. She is desperately looking for something, rummaging through the tall grass.

“what are you looking for?” you ask.

The old woman turns around. “I am looking for a little finger,” she replies.

She holds out her left hand and, sure enough, the little finger is missing.

“Can you help me look for it?” she asks.

You have to say, “Yes,” and when you do, the search for the little finger begins.

You have to find her little finger, because if you don’t, you will never be able to wake up again.

Now that you have read this story, you will have the dream within the next seven days.

scary for kids


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