Scary For Kids

Little Willie

Little Willie is the hero of a number of short, funny, grisly poems that were written almost 100 years ago. Willie is a homicidal little boy who takes great pleasure in murdering members of his family, just for fun. For 100 years, overzealous parents have tried to ban these poems because they think they set a bad example for kids.

Little Willie

Little Willie, mean as hell,
Threw his sister in the well
Mama said, when drawing water,
“These days, it’s hard to raise a daughter.”

In the family drinking well,
Willie pushed his sister Nell,
She’s still there, because he killed her.
Now we’ll have to buy a filter.

Willie took a garden shears
Cut off his baby brother’s ears.
The baby looked so unsightly,
Mother raised her eyebrows slightly.

Little Willie, with a shout,
Gouged his brother’s eyeballs out
Stomped on them to make them pop
Mother said, “Now Willie, stop!”

Little Willie, feeling mean
Stabbed his sister in the spleen.
As she writhed in agony
Willie’s face was full of glee.

Willie scalped his sister’s head
And left her lying hairless.
“Really, Willie,” said his mother,
“You’re getting rather careless.”

Willie built a guillotine,
And tried it on his sister, Jean.
Said Mother, as she fetched the mop,
“These messy games have got to stop!”

Little Willie cooked his sister
Upon the kitchen range.
“My!” said mother, coming in,
”Do I smell something strange?”

Willie, I regret to state,
Chopped his sister up for bait.
We miss her when it’s time to dine
But Willie’s fish taste mighty fine.

While making moonshine, Little Will
Fell into his daddy’s still.
Said Father, “Now this might sound silly,
But tonight the drinks are all on Willie.”

Little Willie, oh, so shy,
Poked a stick in father’s eye,
Mother yelled, “Now don’t you bawl,
You’re old enough to have seen it all.”

Little Willie, with a curse
Threw a teapot at the nurse.
When it struck her on the nose,
His father cheered, “How straight he throws!”

While playing with his father’s gun,
Willie shot him, just for fun.
Said Willie, “I am not to blame.
I really thought that he was game.”

Willie, with a carving knife,
Took his sister Mary’s life;
“Now you’ve done it,” mother said,
“I think you may have bent the blade.”

Willie poisoned daddy’s tea;
His father died in agony.
Mother looked extremely vexed;
“Willy, tell me, who is next?”

Willie with a hatchet dull
Split in two his father’s skull;
Mom said, wiping up the stains,
“Willie has his father’s brains.”

Willie looked into a gun
And pulled the trigger, just for fun.
Mother said, in tones so pained,
“Willie, you’re so scatter-brained!”

scary for kids


  • I love this poem, it’s so silly!
    Oh and SFK goes on hiatus every summer. Honestly, I think it should be assumed by now. I’m not mad about it though, there is no one who doesn’t have a social life. SFK can have all the time he/she wants. He/She has stories worth waiting for.

  • SFK is taking his/her time becaue he/she is gonna post some great stories. He/she can do miracles!

  • @happenstance
    The stanza about Willie splitting his dad’s skull is new.

  • All right every one likes flame flecthers stories ahem. SFK HMM maybe I should rename my website its not just for kids its just it doesn’t cuss sees people saying first NOPE ITS FOR KIDS. A MONTH LATER HMM some cool members have told people to stop maybe I should help them then rename the website I will slap anyone who says first second third ect ENCOURAGES PEOPLE WELL ITS STILL SCARY FOR KIDS THE F#$%^$@%^ end!

  • But I think I’ve read that the first time because I thought that if l Willie merely stabbed his sister, how would the blade bend and it seems like the mother likes the knife more than her daughter.

  • WAIT! Scary For Kids IS back! Don’t you see? He/she has UPDATED Little Willie (and Jeff the Killer)! Numerous stanzas have been added, such as:
    “Willie, with a carving knife,
    Took his sister Mary’s life.
    “Now you’ve done it”, Mother said,
    “I think you may have bent the blade.”
    That stanza, and several others, were not there before! Scary For Kids is BACK!

  • And I’M 42nd! Ooh, come and slap ME, SFK! I have a guard dog, and she’s SIX INCHES TALL!!! Ooh, you scared yet? *trollface*

  • Yes! My dreams have come true I’m 41st!!! I’m waiting for you SFK, BTW I have a guard dog, and she doesn’t like to get slapped.

  • Who said SFK doesn’t have a life?? And that was not a complain at all… I was just giving him/her a suggestion, and really some of my friends have stopped visiting this site, even I’m turning to be one of ’em now… In my opinion the majority is with the people who says they want updates, updates and updates! Cuz’ everyone wants new, always new! Btw carcuss calling me ‘bro’ won’t be good because I’m a girl.. And I don’t think it would be any harm for SFK to spend 1 hour in the internet once a week! Partners come in handy in these types of situations…

  • SFK: when you get a chance, please check your scaryforkids Gmail account. Thanks!

  • @DEAD scary a virtue I shouldn’t have to have for 2 weeks I am getting bored will I quit no however if taking him/her so long because he/she is getting good stories ok because the past 8(other than love test I read that before though) are just not scary

  • People, the owner of SFK DOES have a life and may have something important to attend! Yeah, he/she probably loves the fans from his/her website, but he/she does have stuff to do! Just keep patient and check back everyday. Patience is a virtue.

  • i agree with @happenstance sfk should tell us when he/she is going on hiatus because i hate comming to this website everyday for nothing i have read all the good stories but at the same time they do have a life …right?!

  • @carcass @Roxanne he/she should ATLEAST say when he/she is going on hiatus and for how long

  • Eh, I know SFK’s pressures. I have a little thingy where I write stories and I have readers personally coming up to me like “Update. Update. Update. LADY UPDATE OR IMMA CUT YOU.” So… uh… where was I going with this? Anyways guuuuuys don’t complain to SFK okay ;A; They’re trying their best they’ve given us a wonderful website.

  • Raafy,er,SFK has a life. He/She wants to spend the summer and have a good time instead of staying hunched over the laptop searching for stories for us. Okay? That’s a nice suggestion though c;! Be patient. Read the other stories on this site. There’s tons of sections! Ad don’t tell me you’ve read them all because I’ve been here for two years and haven’t finished reading all the stories. You could read the submitted stories by us users too. It’s obvious your friends aren’t patient. Plus,last summer SFK didn’t post a story for months. Just wait. No hate intended bro :p xx.

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