Scary For Kids
Lost Phone

Lost Phone

The Lost Phone is a short creepy story about a woman who misplaced her mobile phone and tries calling the number.

Lost Phone

One evening, a woman came home late from work. She put her handbag down on the kitchen table and started rooting through it.

Then she realized she didn’t have her mobile phone with her. She couldn’t remember the last time she had it.

“I must have lost it on the way home,” she thought to herself.

She went into the hallway, picked up her home phone and dialled the number of her mobile. The phone rang for a long time and then someone picked up, but they didn’t say anything.

“Hello?” said the woman.

There was no answer but she could hear someone breathing on the other end.

“Hello? Can you hear me?” she said.

There was still no answer but the breathing got heavier.

“Hello? Can you hear me?” the woman asked again.

Then, in a low voice, the person on the other end said, “I hear you.”

Then, thehy hung up. After that, the woman kept calling her mobile, but nobody picked up. Eventually, she gave up in frustration.

It was late and she decided to go to bed. When she went upstairs to her bedroom, she was shocked to see her mobile phone sitting on the nightstand.

It was on “silent”.

scary for kids


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  • Ok this story has two meanings.

    1. The person who answered the phone found out or knows the woman’s address and bought the phone back.

    2. An intruder was already upstairs and picked up the phone.

  • For some who may not get it, this is what I think it means.
    When she called her phone and the person answered, they had to have been in her house, up in her room and seen when the phone lighted up(when she called) and left after they hung up or hid, may have been a stalker, who knows its just that some one was in there hat was creepy.

    This is just what I think, there are other things that could have happened.

  • I dont get whats creepy about this story. So someone with astma picked up the phone and somehow found out where the woman lives and broke to her apartment and left the phone in the room. Every normal person would do this…

  • I just hate people breathing on the phone.. So i was more annoyed than creeped out after reading this xD
    But Awesome :)

  • Does that mean that the man or woman who answered the call is in her room or he or she already know her address..? i don’t get this..

  • Wow. But wait. If there was someone on the phone and the phone was in the nightstand then man should be in her house. Sfk what happened after that :-)

  • Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy… But I still love it. It’s really good.

  • Cool!
    Good thing this would never happen in real life…. Right?
    Be carefull what you say, I can hearrr yooouuuuu….

  • That means the intruder was in her room or maybe IS STILL in her room… Run fast if u want to be alive XD

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