Scary For Kids


The Marionette is a creepy story about a puppet doll. It was written by a user on this website named PeanutBrittle.

The Marionette

A young Japanese girl named Ayumi was casually walking around in downtown Tokyo, when she noticed a beautiful doll in the display window of an antique shop. As she peered in the window, she realized it wasn’t a doll, but a marionette made from fine porcelain. There were strings attached to its arms and legs so that it could be manipulated like a puppet.

The marionette was dressed in a luxurious sapphire blue Victorian gown. What was so striking about the marionette’s face was that it looked almost exactly like Ayumi. It had the same long black hair, dazzling, green eyes, and thick, black eyelashes. Ayumi was so fascinated by the marionette that she couldn’t resist buying it.

When she opened the door and walked inside, the shopkeeper came over to the counter.

“What a gorgeous doll you have in the display,” said Ayumi. “May I ask how much it is?”

“Actually, it is not for sale,” said the shopkeeper, gruffly.

“Why not?” asked Ayumi.

“Because it is too dangerous for little girls to play with,” he replied, taking the marionette off the display and setting it down on the counter. “Now, kindly leave!”

Ayumi was about to turn away, when she saw the shopkeeper bend down under the counter to search for something. Ayumi couldn’t resist the opportunity. Throwing caution to the wind, she quickly snatched the marionette and dashed out of the shop before the owner knew what was happening.

Ayumi was panting hard when she got home. Her mother was reading a book and sipping some tea at the kitchen table. She looked up and saw what Ayumi was holding.

“What is that, Ayumi dear?” she asked.

“Mother! Mother! I found this wonderful marionette at a little shop downtown. Isn’t it pretty? And it looks just like me.”

Ayumi thrust the doll into her mother’s arms so that she could look at it more closely.

“That’s great,” said her mother. “But Mommy is busy reading now, so why don’t you go play with it upstairs?”

Ayumi grabbed the marionette and ran up to her room, closing the door behind her. She was smiling with glee.

“I think I’ll name you Little Me,” she said as she started tugging on the wooden base that held the strings.

After a few weeks, Ayumi began to get bored of playing with the marionette. On her birthday, she received a new doll from her parents. After that, the marionette was left to collect dust on her shelf.

One night, after Ayumi had fallen fast asleep, she was awakened by a soft voice.

“Ayumi! Why don’t you play with me anymore?” said the voice.

Ayumi jumped out of bed and switched on the lights, but the room was empty. She looked suspiciously at the marionette. It stared back at her, its face blank. Ayumi began to feel awfully nervous. The next day, Ayumi took all of her dolls and placed them in a box in the attic. She didn’t want to take any chances.

The next night, Ayumi was awakened by the same voice. This time it sounded more menacing.

“Ayumi! Why don’t you play with me anymore?”

She turned over in bed and found herself face to face with the marionette.

“Ayumi,” the doll hissed, “you didn’t listen, did you? Why couldn’t you play with me? Oh well, now I’ll just have to play with YOU!”

Suddenly, Ayumi’s skin started to feel tight and hard. Her arms and legs twisted and turned. Her joints creaked and she started to shrink. Long strings wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Her skin felt as smooth as fine porcelain.

She tried to scream, but her mouth wouldn’t open. As she watched in horror, the marionette began to change too. It was becoming more lifelike and real. Its strings disappeared and its porcelain skin turned to flesh.

When morning came, Ayumi couldn’t move. The marionette took a scissors and roughly snipped her strings. Then, it picked her up and began bashing her head against the wall. The marionette dragged the helpless girl over to the top of the stairs and threw her over the bannister. Ayumi fell to the ground with a mighty crash and her head shattered into pieces.

“Mom!” cried the marionette. “My doll broke! I can’t play with it anymore.”

Ayumi’s mother came running out of the kitchen. “Oh what a shame,” she said. “Well, it’s your own fault. You shouldn’t treat your toys so roughly. We’ll just have to throw it in the garbage. What a shame. It was such a pretty marionette.”

scary for kids


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