Scary For Kids

Mary Stockum

Mary Stockum is a spooky legend about an old cemetery in Coshocton, Ohio that is haunted by the ghost of a witch who poisoned her own children. They say she was burned at the stake and her corpse was beheaded before she was buried.

Mary Stockum

According to the legend, there was a woman named Mary Stockum who had nine children. One of her daughters was mentally disabled. Mary was involved in witchcraft. Her second husband killed her mentally disabled daughter. Apparently, this was fine with her, because when the townspeople found out about the murder and hanged her husband for the crime, she vowed to get revenge.

One by one, her remaining kids started dying from a mysterious fever. After the fifth child died, the townspeople discovered she was poisoning her own kids. They charged her with witchcraft and she was burned at the stake. Her remains were buried in the cemetery, but when a sixth child died, they dug her up, cut off her head and buried it at an unknown location, outside the cemetery. After that, the remaining kids recovered from their illness.

Today, the cemetery in Coshcoton, Ohio where her body was buried is believed to be haunted by the ghost of Mary Stockum. They say many people have seen her ghostly figure roaming through the graves, searching for her dead children and her missing head. There have been numerous reports of people hearing weird sounds and screams in the area and many people have experienced car problems when they go there.

Two teenage boys who visited the cemetery heard loud screams in the distance. A few seconds later, they heard the screaming right beside them and it kept getting closer. One of them jumped into the car and told his friend, “we’re getting the hell outta here.” The boys drove off as fast as they could and never looked back.

One night, a young couple went up and parked in the graveyard, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghost. The guy thought he saw something in the distance, down the dirt road and got out to take a closer look. When he returned to the car he found his girlfriend in a hysterical state. Her face was pale and she was gibbering like a mental patient. She eventually told him what had happened.

She said the ghost of Mary Stockum came up to the car and asked her to follow her into the woods. The girl claimed she was terrified that all she could say was, “What in the name of God do you want?” She said the ghostly woman’s reply was too horrible for her to repeat.

scary for kids


  • The picture is because in the past women were to sit under cloakes with their baby in their lap to hold the baby still long enough for the photo to be taken.

  • @fallenangel: yeah learn how to wait,think about the creator of this page he might be really busy what would you do if you were in his situation -.-

  • Why are there only 3 children in the picture? O.o Dosen’t she have 9 of them?

  • @Falenangel, bro, shut up. You do realize, that she could be on vacation, or really busy? and it hasn’t evne been 1 month…learn yo stinking math


  • @angel of death the story is about who rides a kelpie
    (kelpies are water fairies that can shape shift they lure travellers and children on there back which they then turn adhesive the rider can’t get of them they drown them) the couldn’t find his body because the kelpie ate him and they think it was just a horse
    hope it helps I suck at explaining :D

  • sfk plz make more stories i’m coming on to this web every day hoping to see a new story but no just Mary Stockum and i’ve read all the other stories on this web so plz plz plz make a new 1. P.S btw @shapeshiftergal11 im sorry to be a complainer but i didn’t get ur story maybe u could tell me??

  • i love these storys SFK has not post Any Storys in a Week Maybe hes on A Vacation

  • aw man, not this again! She(SFK), did this last summer. She dissappeared without a trace then came back like 2-3 months later ;A;

  • cture. And the story is spooky
    Jazmin_Saintz May 30th, 2013 | 10:17 pm
    i wonder what the ghost replied
    Raafy May 30th, 2013 | 10:17 pm
    Too horrible for her to repeat??! Must be a joke…
    hauntedroads May 30th, 2013 | 10:46 pm
    I wonder why she killed her children?
    nightisascaryday May 31st, 2013 | 1:28 am
    RedLily May 31st, 2013 | 1:52 am
    …? If I remember the first time I read this post, this post called ‘Coshocton Ohio’? Anyway great stories :)
    TheDeadlySummer May 31st, 2013 | 4:15 pm
    WHAT DID THE GHOST SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I luv u May 31st, 2013 | 7:38 pm
    8th ill be waiting for you SFK
    Raafy May 31st, 2013 | 9:26 pm
    Guess Scaryforkids have a lot of people to slap! I may come handy SFK.. I will help you ;)
    Panda12cool June 1st, 2013 | 3:43 am
    tenth and it’s a good story.
    Alduin June 1st, 2013 | 6:41 am
    the picture looks like something you would find in a box hidden in the attic
    shapeshiftergal11 June 1st, 2013 | 1:18 pm
    hear is a story I wrote
    white horse:
    I went down to the beach today see I live in a part of Scotland were there lots of beaches and lochs normally my mother never lets me play by the sea because of all the legends about kelpies and water horses and all that nonsense even though I’m 10 I don’t believe in any of it, see me mam is probably scared because her other daughter my older sister went missing one day when she went down to play in the shallows the locals said they last ever saw her mounting a pretty white stallion near the lochside a kelpie, like I said before I don’t believe in all kelpie nonsense there just legends and there just dangerless horse right? the funny thing was know they never found her body only her liver which was strange…..anyway I climbed out my window because I was bored and here I am playing on the beach with my new flashy camera I love taking pictures right now I’ve took a picture of crabs, rocks pools….. Oh hey I see a pretty white stallion over by the shore it’s got a bridle on as well I probably wants me to ride it. My mam will probably say no like all mothers do. After all he’s not dangerous he’s just a horse right? Whoa I’m cantering off toward the sea I doing it with no hands see mom it’s not dangerous now he’s a bit too keen oh wow I can’t get off I’m sticking to him ok this isn’t fun anymore he’s going to the sea there water everywhere oh well he can’t……he can’t drown me or anything I mean he just a horse right?
    When the little boy’s mother found out her son was missing the fishing men hunted the coast high and low looking for him the only trace the ever found was a discarded lung on the beach that the never paid much attention to. They did find the boy’s camera that was full of pictures of crabs and other beach things the last photo though was of the boy and a white stallion riding down the beach this picture was simply tossed into the back of the fishing men’s minds after all horse can’t have anything to do with the boy’s death.
    After all a horse can’t be dangerous right?
    SoulSuckah… June 1st, 2013 | 3:23 pm
    One day, I went to the school toilets and a hand popped out. Stuck to the hand was a head, a bum, a tail, a leg, a hand and an armpit. Suddenly, it started chasing me and I screamed. My friend came in and she screamed as well but so loud her lungs dropped out of her ear. The thing that came out of the toilet crawled over on its bum, and then sucked the lung up. There was green goo and blood everywhere. I looked it in the eye and screamed. I wasn’t staring at its eyes, after all. There were 2 bum holes instead of its eyes and brown sausage things came out of them. I could tell it was crying. I gave it a hug but then it bit me on my neck and I turned into a vampire. At midnight, I’m going to come to your house and replace your eyes with bum holes then turn you into a vampire too, at midnight. Wait for me…
    (True story)
    SoulSuckah… June 1st, 2013 | 3:26 pm
    Btw, I REALLY need to know what that ghost said. Seems like a fake, though.
    mira bieber June 2nd, 2013 | 5:50 am
    I really want to find out what she said btw I am new here
    happenstance June 2nd, 2013 | 11:50 am
    LOL wow I Cant belive sfk tried to stop making PEople do that first second third thiNg But really aLl it did was incourage them
    SoulSuckah… June 3rd, 2013 | 3:33 am
    I think sfk isn’t posting many stories now because he/she is going around and slapping everyone who said 1st, 2nd etc.
    CoffinOfHorrors June 3rd, 2013 | 11:44 am
    SoulSuckah, That is awesome xD
    happenstance June 3rd, 2013 | 6:59 pm
    Raafy June 4th, 2013 | 5:01 am
    Umm scaryforkids…. What’s with the background??? -.- o.O
    shapeshiftergal11 June 4th, 2013 | 8:40 am
    Cool story the pic freaks me out I thought something was going to pop out behind the cloak it was freaking me out especially the little boy
    SoulSuckah… June 4th, 2013 | 2:03 pm
    Thanks ;D
    Took me aaaaaaaaaaaaages to make xD
    happenstance June 4th, 2013 | 4:22 pm
    hey scary for kids and scary for kids user’s hey i would really like some good stories to tell around the camp fire and in the tent about murderers monsters and summer camps so please reply
    mysteriouskid June 4th, 2013 | 8:54 pm
    She’s like mary shaw….so scary….
    nightisascaryday June 5th, 2013 | 3:24 am
    I’m back >:)
    I think u heard that creak last time when I came to your place
    Well to say the truth your house is wonderful but tonight if you don’t post a story
    I don’t think your house will be there 👻
    nahin16 June 5th, 2013 | 5:04 am
    it’s been one week guys i think sfk is not feeling well or he he really busy with other crap
    Alduin June 5th, 2013 | 6:10 am
    Who likes bacon?
    superninja June 5th, 2013 | 11:29 am
    sfk the troll lol
    CoffinOfHorrors June 5th, 2013 | 10:46 pm
    What if SFK died and we will never know because his/her family members don’t know about this website and won’t tell us and we never get amazing stories again?!?!
    Paradise June 6th, 2013 | 4:35 am
    Hey, anyone miss me? *crickets* btw guys, running a website and searching for stories isn’t that easy y’know? Especially when SFK posted HUNDREDS of stories! I mean he/she needs time to look or maybe he/she is busy.
    Alduin June 6th, 2013 | 6:43 am
    ._. So… no story’s right now …..
    Requiem June 6th, 2013 | 7:12 am
    Lets hope SFK is just on a nice vacation
    happenstance June 6th, 2013 | 11:18 am
    @paradise sup and maybe sfk could get a couple others to help him/her so we could have a lot of stories and he/she could take a break and also EVERY ONE REPLY TO MY COMMENT PLEEASE I NEED GOOD STORIES FOR SUMMER CAMP AND DONT TELL ME CAMPFIRE STORIES CUZ THERE ARE NONE POSTED
    Requiem June 6th, 2013 | 10:08 pm
    Hi Happenstance, I wrote this story for you and I hope you can tell it at the camp you are going to. Please enjoy.
    Someone has died.
    This morning, everything was fine. Melanie, Honey, Libby, Lin and I were going camping. We brought everything and we were so sure everything would be fine. The weather, the games, the other campers in our high school would also be on the same site.
    But we found no other campers. Not even the ones in our astrology club. Not even the ones in the Geology or Animal Science clubs came.
    We set up out our tents in cheers though, honoring ourselves for being first. Then Honey said we might have gotten the directions wrong. We silenced and as we shivered, the rain fell.
    It was a bad omen, Melanie whispered. If rain fell on the day the campers have just arrived, it meant misfortune. We got inside our large tent and tried to make a fire in the core. It was useless, the sticks wouldn’t burn and the sparks died quickly. We used a small heated stovetop to boil water and eat some cup noodles.
    It rained all the way to the night. We couldn’t even call or search up the map or weather because there was no connection.
    I guess we were never prepared. At least five other clubs would be coming and we were going to rely on each other anyway. But now there was only us. We slept early, for there was no stars to watch anyway. We each took a corner of the tent but me, who stayed in the middle.
    I woke up in the tent afterwards, feeling the rain tapping the roof of the tent and the wind whistling against the walls. The tent was too dark to see anything.
    “Wanda!” A voice called my name, I think it was Lin.
    “Lin, what’s wrong? Can’t sleep?” I yawned.
    “Wanda.” Said a serious tone. It was Melanie. “Someone has died.” That was the start of the terror only.
    “What?!” I cried.
    “Someone in our tent is dead.” Said Libby.
    “It’s one of us.” Said Honey. I didn’t know to laugh or cry.
    “You guys are joking, right?” I demanded.
    “No! It’s real! We can all feel it.” Libby exclaims. “Can’t you?” And I, surprisingly, can feel it too.
    Someone has died.
    Was it me? I clutched my face, my head, neck, everywhere possible, then I trembled at a thought. I was in the middle. Whoever was dead can get me first. Or if I was the dead one, then…
    “Hey!” I chattered. “I’m in the middle, I’m going to be the first to get caught.” Were we playing tag? It seems like the one that has died will kill another one too. “Should I go to a side?”
    “No!” Cried Honey. “You won’t know if you are going to the right side or not. You might be going to the dead one’s side.”
    “Who is near the exit?” I asked.
    “I don’t know!”
    “Me too!”
    “Wasn’t it Lin?”
    “It was Cassie.”
    Everything fell silent. This was impossible, there was no Cassie here.
    Suddenly Melanie started crying. “This makes no sense? Who was that? I don’t even remember who I am or if I’m dead.” She weeped.
    “You’re Melanie, there is Lin, Wanda, Honey, Libby, and me.”
    We counted. It made no sense, who was that person speaking?
    “Are you Cassie?” Asked Libby quietly.
    “Who are you?”
    “Cassie’s gone.”
    “What? Is that you, Lin, with your tricks?”
    “No! It’s you, Honey!”
    “But that wasn’t me talking!” Cried Honey.
    “Okay, to make this easier, we will say our name after each time we speak.”
    “Okay, Wanda. Good idea, I’m Lin”
    “Wait! That wasn’t me!”
    “Wait! I’m Wanda?”
    “Who replied before? I’m Honey.”
    “Who? I’m Libby.”
    “I’m Wanda!” I cried.
    “I’m Lin.”
    “Hey! Melanie! Why aren’t you replying?”
    “Who was that! You didn’t say who you are.”
    “No need, I’m dead. I’m Libby.”
    “I’m Libby! That’s not the real me!”
    “I’m Melanie, a shadow just passed my face.”
    Weeping was heard.
    “Hey! If you are Melanie, who’s crying?”
    “Alexandra. I’m Honey.”
    “I’m Honey.”
    Not another word was spoken. Whatever we said, this other person would hear.
    “I’m Lin, look, at the count of three, we will all go to the middle.”
    “Why?” I screamed. “I’ll be in danger.”
    “But the middle is the only place we can feel and go too. And who was that?”
    “Who was that?”
    “Ready, one, two, thr-”
    “Hey! Who’s counting?”
    “Not me! Isn’t it Lin?”
    “Okay! I said. “I’m Wanda, I’ll count, ready, one, two, three, go!” As rustles were heard, I slipped around, pretending to just enter the middle. Screams were heard, and I started screaming too, to increase the confusion.
    “Help!” Someone shrieked.
    “Stop it! Stop!” I cried loudly. Suddenly, the flap to the tent door opened. I saw faces peering in.
    “Wanda! Why are you screaming Alone in the tent?” Asked Lin as she laughed.
    “Yeah! The skies are clear now.” Said Honey.
    “We could watch the stars now.” Suggested Libby.
    “The other campers arrived too.” Said Melanie.
    I looked at the faces, then I screamed again.
    Mr.RedCloakee123 June 7th, 2013 | 7:54 am
    Oh my!! so creepy pic. But wait , s there a RELIGIOUS GHOST ?
    superninja June 7th, 2013 | 8:38 am
    well we already got creepy pasta…
    Alduin June 8th, 2013 | 7:51 am
    I like zombies
    happenstance June 8th, 2013 | 10:13 am
    @Requiem thank you your the first to reply i might use your story its good but one problem its a little confusing im wanda part but pretty good(i dont know if theyll get it tho) but thanks i will probaly use it
    VengefullWitch June 10th, 2013 | 12:39 am
    sfk, where are you??
    come back soon please….
    harry stempar June 10th, 2013 | 5:37 am
    Long time not visiting, where’s slendergirl? And kids in chatroom? I wanna post my story but I was dead yesterday. Thank to god he lent me his phone.
    Shadow_of_Darkness June 10th, 2013 | 7:56 pm
    Guys…ScaryForKids wrote that “The Paragraph” thing where if you read it, you’ll die. While he/she was writing it, he/she had to have read it. Maybe it finally caught up with him/her and ScaryForKids has finally kicked the bucket.
    Alduin June 10th, 2013 | 8:45 pm
    So… im guessing we are all gonna die?
    scare_bear June 11th, 2013 | 7:33 am
    happenstance June 11th, 2013 | 9:32 am
    Alduin June 11th, 2013 | 1:39 pm
    Guys isn’t it obvious ? the creator of the site said whoever said 1st 2nd 3rd ETC they would go to there house and slap them so they are slapping people (._.)
    CoffinOfHorrors June 11th, 2013 | 7:32 pm
    MAYBE, sfk is on VACATION!
    Alduin June 12th, 2013 | 8:24 am
    Well im just gonna go put majoras mask back on and sleep
    Shadow_of_Darkness June 12th, 2013 | 12:43 pm
    But SFK hasn’t slapped or murdered me yet! I’ll be waiting SFK…COME AT ME BRO!!! By the way…48th!!!!!
    nahin16 June 12th, 2013 | 3:10 pm
    my birthday’s tomorrow i hope he actually posts a story
    Alduin June 12th, 2013 | 4:15 pm
    I have a story oh i forgot it
    superninja June 13th, 2013 | 1:40 pm
    still no new stories…
    happenstance June 13th, 2013 | 2:36 pm
    @nahin16 HAPPY BIRTHDAY
    Alduin June 13th, 2013 | 9:23 pm
    @sfk. i hope im speaking for everyone we would really want you to post some dam story’s D:
    scare_bear June 14th, 2013 | 12:29 pm
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  • @sfk. i hope im speaking for everyone we would really want you to post some dam story’s D:

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