Scary For Kids


The Message is a creepy story about something written on a child’s bedroom wall.

The Message

The Message

I’ve been lying in bed for hours. It’s 5:30 am now and there’s noting I can do. My parents are staring at me but I can’t bear to look at them. I’m trying not to scream.

Their eyes are staring straight at me and their mouths are hanging open. I feel paralyzed by fear. I can’t let it know that I’m not asleep and there’s nobody left to save me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to escape, because if I stay here, I’m going to die.

It’s waiting for me to wake up and see what it has done.

A few hours ago, I was awoken by loud screams coming from down the hallway. I got up and went to see what was going on. After taking a peek outside my bedroom door, I noticed blood on the carpet. Terrified, I jumped back into bed and hid under the covers. I tried desperately to go back to sleep, and tried to convince myself that it was just some horrible nightmare.

Then, I heard my bedroom door creak open and I peeked out from under my blankets to see what was going on. I could see something dragging two large bundles into the room.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t human. I could tell that much. It was thin and hairless. It didn’t have any eyes. It was stooped and crooked and crept noiselessly into the room. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could make out what it was dragging. It was the bodies of my dead parents.

It propped my father against the edge of the bed, and turned his head to face me. Then it sat my mother down in the chair and positioned her facing towards me as well. Finally, it started rubbing it’s hands along the walls, drawing something in blood.

It stepped back and I could see it had scrawled a message on the wall. A few hours ago, it was too dark to read.

The thing has been standing in the corner for hours, waiting to strike. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and now I can read the message on the wall. I don’t want to look at. It’s too terrifying to think about. But I need to see it before I die.

I peek at the message on the wall.

It reads: “I know you’re awake.”

scary for kids


  • @ Xx Death Bolt xX
    I dnt think ur doing anythin wrong… as most of ur comments are hilarious XD

    Oh im waiting 24 hours everyday for a new post!!!! >.>

  • @destroyer 1… Am i doing something wrong?
    Damn, there hasnt been any stories for a while now…

  • that is really creepy but dat ghost is very patient! after like 6 secs id be like “u take too long ill just kill ya” LMFAOOOO

  • Weird that is similar to my story! I was outside cleaning the buisness my dogs left and when I went to the backyard storage closet it said “keep away danger!” in red paint and that only happens when I barely moved in the house. I still live here and I always see these like white figures. Did I mention I almost drowned in the pool? So that makes me half dead like my friends Samantha and Cristie who also drowned.we’re in this scary club thing.

  • DEATHBOLT ive read and seen a lot of the stories and comments and every single one has u commented on

  • ooh! i like this one! it gave me that jolt in the back of the neck that i get when something i see something that freaks me out for a sec. if the author wouldn’t mind, i’d like to suggest to my friends that we use this for our fake horror radio show in drama class. it could be really cool! we could have a girl narrate the whole time and for the very last line when she reads the note we could have a deep guy voice say it and then its over and the whole class would be like HOLY EFF!

  • inhuman spirits HATE me! they try to kill me like every day and you want to know what spirits they are? They’re called my friends…

  • The time zones are different, destroyer, like right now its 8:10am, i dont know what it says on there…

  • wait this is mucked up i didnt comment on this at 6:52AM. i commented at 6:52 pm.!!!!! lol

  • WOW that freeked me out! D: AND why dos everyone tht i see here comment at like 1.00+am i n the morning? weird……….

  • i think it’s bogus and i can sleep just fine u people shouldn’t let that get to u. Besides, what would an inhuman spirit have against you?

  • Lol… Damn, i was reading this when i was lying down in bed under my covers… Great, now i cant sleep… Mommy! XD JK

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