Scary For Kids


The Message is a creepy story about something written on a child’s bedroom wall.

The Message

The Message

I’ve been lying in bed for hours. It’s 5:30 am now and there’s noting I can do. My parents are staring at me but I can’t bear to look at them. I’m trying not to scream.

Their eyes are staring straight at me and their mouths are hanging open. I feel paralyzed by fear. I can’t let it know that I’m not asleep and there’s nobody left to save me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to escape, because if I stay here, I’m going to die.

It’s waiting for me to wake up and see what it has done.

A few hours ago, I was awoken by loud screams coming from down the hallway. I got up and went to see what was going on. After taking a peek outside my bedroom door, I noticed blood on the carpet. Terrified, I jumped back into bed and hid under the covers. I tried desperately to go back to sleep, and tried to convince myself that it was just some horrible nightmare.

Then, I heard my bedroom door creak open and I peeked out from under my blankets to see what was going on. I could see something dragging two large bundles into the room.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t human. I could tell that much. It was thin and hairless. It didn’t have any eyes. It was stooped and crooked and crept noiselessly into the room. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could make out what it was dragging. It was the bodies of my dead parents.

It propped my father against the edge of the bed, and turned his head to face me. Then it sat my mother down in the chair and positioned her facing towards me as well. Finally, it started rubbing it’s hands along the walls, drawing something in blood.

It stepped back and I could see it had scrawled a message on the wall. A few hours ago, it was too dark to read.

The thing has been standing in the corner for hours, waiting to strike. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and now I can read the message on the wall. I don’t want to look at. It’s too terrifying to think about. But I need to see it before I die.

I peek at the message on the wall.

It reads: “I know you’re awake.”

scary for kids


  • i know what the creature is ! It’s called ‘the rake’. There is a simaler story to this one exept near the end it said something like ‘then the creature crawled under my bed, and my eye’s ajusted to the dark and the message read i know your awake’

  • This scared me SOOOO much. its really good and wasnt scared til i went to bed lol. couldnt get the scary images outta my head. this story rocks. :D

  • i also have a story… let me share it here..
    Um, it actually dnt fit to the scary category but mostly sad, i guess..
    A couple was living together happily and after a year, Lisa got pregnant. She and her husband John was impatiently waiting for a day their baby would be born. Finally, the day came and Lisa gave birth to a lovely, fair and cute little baby girl. The only sad thing was that she didnt have her left arm. Even with this unfortunate luck for their girl, Lisa loved her very much and treated her the best she can. However, John’s heart was different. An anger started growing inside him that their daughter was disable without an arm. He started to hate her and get annoyed with her.
    John acted as if he loved her and tried to treat her good too. But inside him, a flame of frustration and anger grew, and it got bigger day by day. He sometimes even wish that ella would die soon. Nor did Lisa and their daughter knew about this wish of John’s.
    Ella grew up as a very obedient little girl. She was 8 years just then, and was happy with herself even when she was disable. Ella loved both her parents very much, however, John’s anger towards his daughter didnt diasppear. Instead, it kept on growing day by day.
    Until then, one day, Lisa had to leave for Newyork for a business trip suddenly. She quickly packed after lunch and left after hugging Ella and telling her to be with John patiently until she returns after 2 days.
    That night, John was cooking, john was cooking dinner by himself, when ella came to the kitchen with her teddy bear. She smiled at him and asked him what he was cooking. John rudely replied. “Stay quiet until im done.” Ella smiled again. “Okay, may i help you?” she asked and John gave a quick, sharp look at her. “I told you to shut up and stay quiet until I finish! You disable twerp!” John roared furiously at Ella. The poor girl immediately started crying hysterically. It was the first time her dad had ever shouted at her. Ella began sobbing. “D-daddy, I-I have just one more q-question..” she stammered in a blocked voice. “W-why d-do you hate m-me so much? I-is that because I-I am disable?” She asked. Poor girl was heart broken, but hearing her crying voice made john lose his temper. “you deserve to die, you ignorant pest!” He grabbed a knife from the table and stabbed it into Ella’s chest. She fell onto the ground, dead.
    John wasnt a bit sad of her daughter’s death and carried her into the woods to bury her. After the business trip, Lisa came back home and screamed in horror for the terrible sight. The corpse of her husband laid on the floor of the kitchen in a pool of blood. His left arm was missing and a knife was stabbed into his chest. The house was filled with a pungent smell. with quivering hands, Lisa took a little note that lay beside John’s body, which was written in blood, in Ella’s handwriting. It read:
    “Sorry mommy. I love you and daddy too, but i had to take my revenge.”

    Well, um, it might not be that good, but hope u like it =D

  • @ 101horrorgirl101
    Nice story, horrorgirl. I like it =) Oh but for how long should i be patient like this for a new post????????? or, probably any other one has another story? =)

  • why isnt this guy making any recent posts? im trying to be patient but its been like 4 days since he has posted anything. i wounder if something happened to him.

  • For halloween I want to be a dead basketball player. I am going to wear some loose black pants and a basketball t-shirt. I am going to paint black all around my eyes and put blood marks all over my face and put some pink face paint on my cheeks for blush. My hair will be in two pigtails. I was thinking to wear purple lipstick. Should I wear brown? Either purple or brown. Tell me, is this a good idea, what should I change or add?
    Thanks peeps!

  • I have a good story (made by me):

    There was once a girl named Bethany who was only nineteen. She married a handsome young man named William. For their honeymoon they decided to go to Wisconsin. So they bought their tickets and went to the airport. They were sitting in the plane a few hours later when Bethany had to go to the bathroom. So, she went in and did her business. Bethany was washing her hands as she looked into the mirror. Bethany was a girl to die for. She had perfect straight blond hair and warm blue eyes. In her reflection, to her horror, she saw an ugly scarred face and tangled black hair. Cold grey eyes were staring back at her. The face was bloody. Bethany opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came.

    Suddenly, the light went out and someone gave Bethany a hard shove.She fell on the ground screaming. Someone tied a rope around her neck in one swift movement. Bethany started choking. Finally, the light came back on. Bethany got up and quickly opened the tap. Instead of water, blood came pouring out. Bethany let out a shriek. Blood was all over her hands now! The thick red juicy blood had a strong rotting smell to it.

    Bethany couldn’t take it anymore. She banged on the door, trying to open it, when she realized all she had to do was unlock it. So she did. And it opened gently. She ran out screaming her head off to her husband. She explained everything. He got up, a worried expression on his face. He held out a bomb with a timer set on it. “Jump!” William said. Bethany saw that no one else was getting up. Whatever, she thought to herself, after all, I only want myself to be alive. “Where did you find that?” She shouted. “In your purse.” William lied. Bethany ran out and tried to open the door of the plane. “Bethany, I’m just kidding!” William tossed the fake bomb in his seat. “Oh baby, I’m sorry to give you such a scare!” William said. It was true, it was just a joke.

    Bethany hugged William. And then she stared behind him in horror. She couldn’t get words out of her mouth. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest. Sweat was exploding on her forehead, a shiver ran down her spine. “W-W-i-l-l-i-a-m-m!” She finally managed to choke out. “What happened sweet-” A man sliced of his neck with a long silver blade.

    Bethany went mad. She went insane. She screamed then kicked the airplane door with all her might and jumped out, she killed herself as she landed. Her ghost roamed around looking for the killer and when she did she realized it was her boyfriend from when she was in high school, Jacob Makrylim. She killed him, chopping off his head like he did with William. Horrible things had been happening to Bethany, even as a ghost. Her brother and mother died in the same week she killed Jacob. Her father died of cancer and her best friend was murdered. Makes you wonder…


    The guy who runs this site has a life too, you know.
    It’s not like he’s getting paid, or there’s this big law to serve your story-craving needs.
    Jesus, are ALL of you guys KIDS? Be a little more patient.
    If it takes too long for you, visit CreepyPastaIndex.
    Or search up some scary shit on DeviantART.

  • Before I die of boredom…. I’m begging here, New Post, please please please come out where ever you are!!!!!!! D’=

  • XxDeath BoltxX YOUR NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG ITS JUST THAT it must of took ages for u to write all them. they are pretty funny

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