Scary For Kids


The Message is a creepy story about something written on a child’s bedroom wall.

The Message

The Message

I’ve been lying in bed for hours. It’s 5:30 am now and there’s noting I can do. My parents are staring at me but I can’t bear to look at them. I’m trying not to scream.

Their eyes are staring straight at me and their mouths are hanging open. I feel paralyzed by fear. I can’t let it know that I’m not asleep and there’s nobody left to save me. I’ve been trying to think of a way to escape, because if I stay here, I’m going to die.

It’s waiting for me to wake up and see what it has done.

A few hours ago, I was awoken by loud screams coming from down the hallway. I got up and went to see what was going on. After taking a peek outside my bedroom door, I noticed blood on the carpet. Terrified, I jumped back into bed and hid under the covers. I tried desperately to go back to sleep, and tried to convince myself that it was just some horrible nightmare.

Then, I heard my bedroom door creak open and I peeked out from under my blankets to see what was going on. I could see something dragging two large bundles into the room.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t human. I could tell that much. It was thin and hairless. It didn’t have any eyes. It was stooped and crooked and crept noiselessly into the room. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could make out what it was dragging. It was the bodies of my dead parents.

It propped my father against the edge of the bed, and turned his head to face me. Then it sat my mother down in the chair and positioned her facing towards me as well. Finally, it started rubbing it’s hands along the walls, drawing something in blood.

It stepped back and I could see it had scrawled a message on the wall. A few hours ago, it was too dark to read.

The thing has been standing in the corner for hours, waiting to strike. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness and now I can read the message on the wall. I don’t want to look at. It’s too terrifying to think about. But I need to see it before I die.

I peek at the message on the wall.

It reads: “I know you’re awake.”

scary for kids


  • The Monster could be the Rake? the monster that kills you if youre awake and watches you while youre asleep.

  • And you’re right TheKillerBunnyGirl,it does sound alot like the rake

  • Creepy,I like it but damned if that isn’t a patient monster.So why didn’t he just kill him if he knew he was awake? If I read that I’d be like “oh dear God how does he know I’m awake? oh my God I’m gonna die” I’d be so scared

  • Hi iv got another story.
    My mum was at work ( she works at a prison) and she does art there with the prisoners. She was cleaning away the art stuff when she put some paintbrushes on a table and she turned round to quickly do something else but when she got back to the paintbrushes they were gone! Then the lights started flickering on and off. She told the staff and they said that that hadn’t happened in their room. Then the staff told mum a story that two boys died in that room and they like moving things around and stuff.

    I know the story is quite boring.

  • That Moment when you’re reading this when your computer’s back is facing a window and you start to imagine things that are going to show up outside the window =.=”

  • @ superscarylover303
    Thanks ssl :) Your friend’s called Ella? Im soooo happy that you and your bffle likes my story :D Actually i have a friend called Ella who also doesn’t have her left arm… but she’s awesomely talented… she’s a painter, she’s a writer and she sings beautifully…so i just thought that i could make a story for her :)
    I like your story too :) It makes me wonder if u can really see them o.o I’ve seen a black figure too, only once, but it doesn’t look like a teenage ghost XD

  • @deadgirlXXx omg i love that story my friend started to cry shes like “omg poor little girl” im like “eissa its not real” her name is ella to but we call her eissa shes my bffle>best friend for like ever oh ya and i have a story it goes like this:
    one night when i was walking home from my friends house i saw something by a manhole in didnt know who it was but it was a black figure and im all into paranormal stuff so i said “hello?” “hesssss hesssss” it said “may i have your name?” “you can see me?”it asked “yes i can” “my name is Asabella i was murdered but noone came for me and noone knows me” she started to cry now “how did you die?” “m-my father killed me ” i stood there wanting to comfort her not knowing how when she al of a sudden looked at me anraged “are you scared of me ? do you want to run away and end up like the rest of them?” ” no im wanting to comfort you but not knowing how plz dont hurt me i can help you like the rest” “who are the rest?” “them ” i answered as i pointed to the left she looked to all these other figure and she pointed to “are those the rest?” “yes and you can join them instead of kill others thats how they were until i met them and helped ” “hello,im carmen i was murdered by five girls i thought were my friends” came a voice even though i had not helped this figure she is now apart of the ghostly gasps accosiation or the gga helping ghosts go past deaths.
    this is mainly to support teenage ghost by supporting them so plz help in your own cummunity by telling the ghosts that they are being heard and dont run away or else you will end up like the rest

  • Monkeymadmia that is very creepy O_O Actually, monks do freak me out :S Always :S
    @ Bloodsucker Angel
    Thanks :D Im glad u like it :3

  • Never Ever read this at night while being the only one awake and the only light in the room is the computer. My mates freaked out at The Crayon one and the the one about the twin girls in BROAD DAYLIGHT

  • @101horrorgirl101 and Dead GirlXXx,
    I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!!!They easily give me unexpected shivers up my spine! I like yours Dead GirlXXx cuz the note was cute! I liked yours Dead 101horrorgirl101 cuz the fake bomb actually freaked Bethany out! Lol!

  • @ xxdaydreamxx woe! That’s so weird! in Chattanooga Tennessee my friend an I went on a ghost tour with our parents ( we are only 10 and 11) we were lOoking at a ship across the river and we saw a ghost figure in one of the windows and we were like o my god! That’s so cool!!!! One of the legends on the ship is if you are drinking beer the lady that died there will take it out of your hand and throw it across the bar.

  • @ Dead Girl Xxx Thanks soooooo much here is another one PS they are all true.

    Well when my nanny was a little girl the place where she lived in (I don’t know where) was bombed and normally she would go to this bomb site that used to be a cinema or whatever. She was playing there with her friends when she saw three nuns (female monks) walk towards her and then disappear in front of her eyes. CREEEEEEEEEPY!!!!!!!!

  • @ Dead Girl XXx thanks for liking my story! Yours was cool as well. Iv got loads of other true stories cos my mum and dad and other family members have encountered ghosts a lot in there lifetime but I haven’t encountered any! :( here’s another true one. my mum was staying in a little cottage in wales and her friend was staying there before her but then he moved out to London. The owner of that house was a lady who lived there all her life. Litterally,she was born there and she died there. Well,while mum was staring into space in bed, thinking about staying at this house, she felt the bed go down, you know when someones sitting on it. Mum thought it was weird cos she was the only one in the house, but then she felt a kiss on her cheek with nobody there. It was probably the ghost of the lady who once lived there.she was obviously a nice lady ;) I hoped you liked it!

  • Monkeymadmia ur story was nice and especially being real! o.o xD
    _xxdaydreamsxx_, thanks im sooo happy u like it :) Sure, i’ll try writing more stories :D
    xCreepyKidx, well, There are girls who like scary stuff xD Like me xD And… r u a guy? i mean, just asked cuz u seemed concerned becuz there are more girls in SFK XD just kiddin xD

  • I It is me or does it seem like there is a lot of girls on this website. Not to be sexist but every girl i know hates scary stuff.

    Scaryforkids says: Actually, 60% of the users on the site are girls and 40% are boys. According to my website stats. :)

  • omg Dead Girl XXx. & 101horrorgirl101 those were both awsome stories they really caught my interest u guys should write more stories :D

  • Iv got a true story. I’m 9 years old,and my dad and his friend Ben are the bosses of the waffle house,Norwich,st Giles street. Once,when everyone who works in the waffle house had gone home for the night, Ben was left at the waffle house to clean up, but when he was cleaning up, doing his own thing, the phone rang. Ben picked it up, said “hello,waffle house” and there was no answer. Ben thought it must be someone playing a trick on him, so he went back to what he was doing. Then the phone rang again, picked it up, “hello,waffle house”, no one there. “wrong number” thought Ben. The phone rang again, “hello,waffle house”, no one there. Ben was starting to get angry now, so he typed down the number thinking “let’s see how you like it”, and to bens surprise,he realized that the number he was typing down was the number of my dads and bens office,and as I said,Ben was the only one in the waffle house at the time. So Ben went to the office and to his surprise, he saw that the phone was warm ( as if someone had been holding it ) and it was off the hook. I hope you liked it! 100% real.


  • omg dis site is getting real boring i mean srsly UPDATE DIS CRAP!! we want scarier, more, also amazing stories

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