Scary For Kids

Mind Puzzles

These Mind Puzzles each have a scary hidden meaning. Can you identify the creepy story in each one? Spend some time thinking about the stories, and if you can’t figure them out, look for the answers in the comments section below.

Mind Puzzles

1. Witness

My neighbors think I am a nosey old woman, but today I witnessed a murder. I was looking out my window when I saw something through the window of the apartment building opposite mine. A man was in the middle of murdering a woman. The strange thing was, after he finished strangling her, he turned around and our eyes met. It was eerie. Then he pointed at me and kept staring at me for a minute of two. All the time he was staring at me, his finger kept moving. I called the police a few minutes ago and they told me I will have to go down to the police station and give a statement tomorrow morning. I’m sure they will catch him. I saw his face very clearly.

2. My Son is Psychic

It’s hard being a mother. I recently found out my son is psychic. He’s got this habit of pointing at people’s faces sometimes. My husband and I realized that whenever our son points at somebody like that, it means they’re going to die within three days. Last year, he pointed at his grandfather. Three days later, his grandfather died of a heart attack. A few months ago, he pointed at a picture of a famous actress in a magazine. Three days later, she was killed in a car accident. Today, when I went to turn on the TV, my son was pointing at the screen. When I turned it on, the President was giving a speech. I can’t believe the President is going to die, but my son is never wrong.

3. Murder on the Second Floor

My wife and I took a much-needed holiday in England. It’s a long flight from New York to London. We checked into a nice hotel. After a long day of sightseeing we just collapsed into bed. Just a few minutes ago, we were woken up by some noises outside. I looked out the window and the police were everywhere. They yelled up at me that there was a robbery and a murder on the second floor. I’m on the third floor, and I can see that the cops have the stairs and elevators locked down. The murderer can’t get up to our floor, so we’re in no danger. My wife and I are tired, so we’re going back to bed. I really hope they catch the guy.

4. Train

My job means I’m always on a train. I was on the train again today when suddenly a woman appeared in front of me. I can remember her face clearly. It’s really depressing.

5. My Wife Was Attacked

My wife was attacked by a burglar when I was on my way home from work. She stabbed him with a butcher knife and killed him. The police say it’s an obvious case of self-defence.

When I went to pick her up from the police station, she said, “When I heard the doorbell I thought it was you, but then a masked man jumped me as soon as I opened the door!”

“You must’ve been so scared,” I said, “but you’re safe now.” I hugged her tightly.

6. Little Brother

I used to have a little brother. The only memory I have of him is when I used share the boiled sweets I bought at the shop with him. My little brother still lives on in our hearts, even though he was only one month old when he died. I still miss him.

7. Murder Weapon

Sometimes I wonder what the police are doing these days. They never seem to be able to solve any crimes. I live in a city that has a lot of crime and lately it’s been getting worse. Last week, there was a murder near the factory where I work. A young woman was stabbed with an ice pick. Not just an ordinary ice pick, but one with a skull and crossbones on the handle. Everyone who lives in the area is really freaking out. It’s a big city, but this latest murder has everybody talking. It’s been pretty heavily covered in the media. My mother, who lives with me, is scared to go out at night. I keep telling her not to worry, but she knows the police are not going to solve the murder. They haven’t even found the murder weapon yet. The police are so incompetent.

8. Diary

My wife died of cancer in April. For the past 4 months, it’s just been me and my son. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s my reason to live. We both miss my wife so much. Today, I was rummaging through some drawers in the bedroom and I found a diary. The handwriting inside is definitely my wife’s, but she didn’t write very much. The few entries she did make are very strange. I flipped to the end to see what she was writing just before she died. This is what she wrote:

02/15: My life with you had just begun.
02/21: I was made to be with you.
03/12: Death cannot separate us.
04/13: I will never let you go.
04/21: I don’t have much time.
05/06: Do you understand?

I keep reading it over and over but I can’t figure out what she was trying to tell me.

9. Prison

I got out of prison last week. I killed four people. Don’t get me wrong, I feel bad about it now. The reason they let me out of prison was they said I was cured. My mother and father don’t work, they just spend all their time sitting around the house. My sister is shut in her room, with the radio on. She stopped going to college. Before I went to prison, I used to play with my little brother all the time. Now he just lies in front of the TV. Nobody in my family talks to me anymore. I feel so alone. I have to make all my own meals. Worst of all, I’m probably going to have to get a job now.

10. Apartment

Today has just been a disaster. I woke up late and had to skip breakfast. Then I forgot to lock the door when I went to work. To make matters worse, my boss spent the entire day yelling at me. I barely make enough money to pay the rent. My apartment has just two rooms, a bedroom and a kitchen. It doesn’t even have a window facing outside. I missed my bus this evening, so I got home late. Worst of all, when I got back to my apartment and unlocked the door, I found my kitchen had been ransacked. Someone must have broken in while I was at work. I don’t know why, I mean, I have nothing worth stealing. I’m so tired, I just want to go to bed. I’ll file a police report in the morning.

scary for kids


  • Well Hey everyone, I think I got the right answers to nearly all of them Shall we begin?
    1:She lives in an apartment meaning most likely a high rise. The man was pointing at her. His finger kept moving for nearly 2 minutes. He was counting the floors to her room.
    2: He was pointing at the tv before it was on so reflection. OR his mom went up to turn on the tv he was pointing at his mom.
    3: I’m really stumped by this one.
    4:He’s a train driver. Man hit a woman.
    5:Why would she have a knife answering the door if she thought it was her husband?
    6:Dumb girl killed the boy. 1 month old sweets? stupid stupid stupid
    7:He identifies the skull on the ice pick. Murder weapon hasn’t been found yet. He did it.
    8. simple, she died in april her last entry was in may
    9. Guy killed 4 people. Mother 1 father 2 sister 3 brother 4. None of them do anything around the house. So yeah, he killed them
    10. he had locked it when he left. The burglar has a key to his apartment.

  • Here is a riddle:

    My youngest son Jacob has autisim.It means he says everything literaly. Jacob is still my son though so I love him. Ealier this week him and his big brother Tom were having an argument over games consoles. Tom wanted to play on his x-box but Jacob wanted his playstation on. I said “Jacob you were on the playstation all day yesterday give Tom a go.” Jacob wasnt happy and stared at me. “Im going to kill you” he said. We all laughed at his joke.

  • 1)Don’t know
    2)The son was pointing at the screen before she turned it on.He was pointing at his own reflection.
    3)Don’t know.
    4)He murdered the woman and her ghost haunts the train
    5)The guy jumped at her as soon as she opened the door. She had a butchers knife when she answered it and she thought that it was her husband. She was going to murder her husband.
    6)Don’t know.
    7)They never found the murder weapon but the writer describes it as an ice pick with a skull and crossbones on it. The writer is the murderer.
    8)The wife died in Apirl but the last message was written a month later. She wrote the last one after she died.
    9)The four people that he killed were his own family members.
    10)He forgot to lock the door but when he came back he unlocked it.

    I think I got these right. This is my first comment ever :D

  • Please check mine scary for kids
    1.The murder was counting the windows to find what floor she is on to kill the old women at night. OMG she is stupid for not thinking that.
    2. The son was pointing to the t.v before she turned it on meaning the mum is gonna die in three days because of the reflection of the tv.
    3.In America they do 1st 2nd then 3rd but in England they go ground floor , 1st 2nd so this means the murder is basically trapped on the same floor as them. OMG he needs to know his english.
    4.The guy was a train driver and the women was in front of him meaning she was in front of the train so the died making it depressing.
    5.The wife was expecting the husband because she was holding a butchers knife and thought it was him when the doorbell rung. You better watch out your wife is gonna kill you tonight man.
    6.The boy fet the baby boiled sweets and babys cant eat sweets meaning the baby died choking.
    7. The narater is the murder how could he know what the weapon looks like when the police hasnt even found the weapon.
    8.The wife wrote the first four messages before she died because she is side kick and she knew ashe would die and the last message is written in may after she died so she wrote it when she was a ghost.The man is dumb he didnt even read the dates.
    9.The guy killed his four family members and they are lying around the house because they are dead. But it is such a waste of power for them because the sister is listening to the radio OMG the power bill is building up and couldnt the investigators turn the radio of when they discovered the scene.
    10.How can the man unlock the door when he forgot to lock it when he left which means there is somebody in the house.
    thank you SFK please check them!

  • 1. The old woman says she saw the murderer’s face clearly. Also he pointed at her. Which means she is going to be his next victim as she had witnessed the murder.

    2. The mother is the one to die in 3 days. The TV was OFF before she turned around to look at her son who was pointing at her.

    3. The couple’s room is on the 2nd floor. They just don’t know that.

    4. The guy was an engine driver who killed the woman on the tracks.

    5. The wife wanted to kill the husband. She had been expecting him, armed with a butcher knife.

    6. The infant died due to choking on the boiled sweets. The big bro was insane.

    7. The guy telling the story is the murderer. How did he know what the weapon looked like even when the police haven’t found it? Anyway he’ll realize how ‘incompetent’ the police are when they catch him! :D

    8. The wife’s ghost is still with her husband. She died in April but the last entry has been made on 6th May, after her death!

    9. The four people the guy killed were his family members. The guy was mentally unstable.

    10. How can the man UNLOCK the door when he comes back home when he actually said in the beginning that he FORGOT to LOCK the door?!


  • 1 he was shaking while pointing at the lady cuz she was a ghost
    2 either the tv is going to die, or the mom is
    3 im stuck here
    4 ghost?
    5 worst wife EVER! Kill-your-husband type of wife
    6 who feeds a one month old boiled sweets? Choking hazard much?
    7 you freaking murdewer! If the median coverd it up good, how do you know she was murdered with an ice pick with a skull and crossbones that was never found!?
    8 she died april…the last entry was written 5 6th….i dont understand actually…
    9 you feel bad about it beacause now youre lonely and have to get a job, youre not guilt about killing your family… -.-
    10 you can only lock the door from inside, and you forgot to lock the your door…..yet you had to unlock it when you got home……dude! Get outta there!

  • 2.)his moms the murderer
    5.)she meant to kill his husband but stabbed the masked guy by accident instead.
    9.) He killed his brother too.
    10.) The guy’s just really stupid. He forgot to lock his door.

  • 1. The man was pointing at you yet his finger kept moving? How can this be??
    2. The mother is the one killing the people & in three days will kill the president
    3. Murderer is the SAME floor as them!
    4. The person is the train driver and hit a lady on the railway tracks
    5. If the masked man jumped as soon as she opened the door, she must have already had the knife in her hands – it was meant for the husband
    6. the brother choked on the lolly given to him
    7. He is the murderer, if the police haven’t found the murder weapon how does he know what it looks like?
    8. the last entry in the diary was AFTER the wife died – shes going to kill him is the message
    9. He killed them all
    10. The door was unlocked when he left but wasn’t when he came back home??? also Wheres the bathroom?! lol

  • 1.) The murderer was counting the floor she was in.
    2.) He was pointing at his mom’s or his own reflection.
    3.) The guy doesn’t realize that the murderer is trapped on his floor.
    4.) He killed her with the train.
    5.) She was going to kill her husband because she already had the knife when she heard the door.
    6.) One month olds don’t eat solid foods…
    7.) If the police haven’t found the murder weapon, how did they know how it looked?
    8.) His wife is still writing in her diary even after she died.
    9.) The four people he killed were his family. Their corpses are lying around the house.
    10.) They had forgotten to lock the door, so why did they have to unlock it when they came back?

  • 1.The madman was counting the floor she was in so he could kill her.
    2.The mom said BEFORE the president showed up.So the mom or the kid will die within 3 days.
    3.The murderer is on the same floor.So they’re basically trapped.
    4.The train was still going so he killed the woman in front of him.
    5.The wife was intending to kill her husband.Why else would she have the knife before the doorbell rang and thought it was the husband?
    6.Giving boiled sweets to a 1 month old?!OF COURSE IT WOULD DIE!
    7.He,who is talking,is the murderer.
    8.She died in April,but the dates are marked in May.So shes still writing in her diary and will kill him sooner or later.
    9.The four people he killed were his sister,brother,and two parents.
    10.He/She FORGOT to lock the door but when he/she came,they had to UNLOCK it..So the killer is still in there

  • Answers (i think…)
    #1 The murderer was counting the floor she was in
    #2 While the mum was turning on the T.V it was her reflection he was pointing out.
    #3 In America They count the ground floor as the 1st floor but in England they don’t count the ground floor so the murderer was in the same floor
    #4 He was a train driver, he ran over the woman
    #5 The woman was meant to kill her husband but instead a different person
    #6 the baby was only one month old so it can’t eat boiled sweets so the baby choked to death
    #7 He said that the police were stupid and haven’t found out anything but he knows what kind of ice pick it is so he was the killer
    #8 The woman died in April but in her diary say 5/06 so which means that she’s still writing on her diary, she’s going to kill her husband to be with him.
    #9 He killed 4 people, It was his family. He wasn’t in the prison, he was in a mental hospital. They said that he was cured so he was a psycho path and killed his family.
    #10 She/He forgot to lock the door, but when she/he came to his house she/he have to unlock the door so which means the someone is still in the apartment

  • 1. The murderer was counting floors.
    2. The boy was pointing to his mother’s reflection.
    3. The murderer was on the person’s floor.
    4. He ran over a woman.
    5. The woman was waiting to kill her husband.
    6. The baby choked on the boiled sweets.
    7. The man is the murderer (why would you post this information on Facebook?)
    8. The woman is going to kill him as a ghost (she died in April but the most recent writing was in May.)
    9. He killed his family.
    10. She forgot to lock the doors and a burglar ransacked her house, locked the door, and is waiting to kill her.

  • #2.Maybe the TV was going to die not the president? Or maybe either him or his mom is going to die cause maybe he was pointing at their reflection?
    #4.Omg,was he driving the train and the woman in front of him must’ve been on the train tracks and he hit her and that’s why it’s depressing?
    #5.It was really her husband she wanted to stab?
    #7.If they haven’t found the murder weapon yet how did they know it was an ice pick with skull and cross bones on it,so it must mean that he’s the murderer
    #8.Shes gonna haunt him? idk
    #9.He killed his family
    #10.He said he forgot to lock his door but when he came back he said he unlocked it,so whoever ransacked his place locked it when they were done? idk

  • 1. Run, b*tch, he gon’ kill you!
    2. Are you stupid? he pointed at your reflection!
    3. He’s on your floor!
    4. You hit her.
    5. She was gonna kill you!
    6. You choked your brother!
    7. You are the killer.
    8. So your wife wrote after she died?
    9. You killed your family!
    10. Get outta the house, they gon’ kill you!

  • no 1. she called the police a few minutes ago that means she called the police before she noticed the murder ! how can it be

  • I get #8 that means since the wife loves his husband so much remember the entry “DEATH CANNOT SEPERATE US”? That means she’s obviously going to HAUNT him…

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