Scary For Kids


Mockingbird is a short horror video made by Drew Daywalt. After watching this clip, you will never look at a baby monitor the same way again.

Drew Daywalt says: “Mockingbird is a straight up parental fear. I think every parent with a morbid sensibility lays in bed looking at their baby monitor thinking of the potentially god awful things they “might” hear coming over the speakers. When I showed the script to my wife she instantly said “Ooooh I want that one!” so I let her direct it, and I’m so glad I did. She was so subtle and her film so awful in it’s horror… I mean, a baby gets its throat slit off screen by a ghost…”

scary for kids


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  • So it was a ghost… why not a crazed killer, or some creepy inhuman biologist/anatomist?

  • Why do you all say poor baby? The baby’s dead, it didn’t even know what was going on. It’s the parents you should feel sorry for.

  • … honestly, If I hadn’t known that the baby died before I watched this, I wouldn’t have understood it. But it is pretty sad. Just not all that scary.
    You are starting to become an important part to this site, dude! xD

  • @xXPhantomFangWolfXx

    we meet agn my dear friend…

    hey does anyone know where I could find other movie thingys like this?? or what to look up on YouTube??

  • Oh gosh… Scary! Who would murder a poor little baby??? Anyone who does can go take a s*** in h*** for all i care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#!$%^&^%$#@$

  • Omg,really creepy and sad, I have a baby monitor in my room and now I think that every small sound is somebody trying to kill my sis. Thanks….. :)

  • What the hell is with the freaking ‘yay first comment’ comments, thats just freaking annoying, GROW UP

  • oh my gosh that’s so sad!!! poor lil baby I feel bad for the parents too…. that ghost deserves to go and burn in hell go where you belong you evil ghost you!!! ;__; that’s so sad…,

  • Jeez it’s lik a million ppl online even though it’s lik three or twelve or ninie or five in the MORNING

  • Thats why I always slept in the same room as my mom. Poor baby! I feel so sorry for the parents!

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