Scary For Kids

Mommy Thing

The Mommy Thing is a short scary story about a child who wakes up in the middle of the night and sees their mother… but is it really their mother?

Mommy Thing

One night, when I was 6 years old, I awoke to find my mother standing over my bed, staring down at me with a creepy smile on her face. There was something wrong… I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something off.

“Mom?” I said.

“Yes,” she replied. Her voice was flat, monotone.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Watching you sleep,” she said.


“Because,” she replied. She didn’t say anything more.

I don’t know how, but I knew, without a doubt in my mind, that this thing was not my mother.

It stared down at me and I stared up at it. We maintained constant eye contact. Neither one of us blinked.

I knew… and it knew that I knew. We both knew we were playing a game. The trick was to see who would blink first.

“It’s time for beddy-byes,” it said.

I didn’t reply. I just kept staring at it.

“Time to close your eyes,” it said.

“I’m not closing my eyes,” I whispered.

I fought against it for the longest time, straining every nerve in my body, desperately willing myself not to blink.

Then, very carefully, without turning around or breaking eye contact, it reached behind it for the closet door, sliding it open soundlessly. When it was fully open, it stepped backwards inside it, settling back until only its smiling face and too wide eyes were visible. Then, just as carefully, it slid the closet door shut again.

I lay there for a long time, silently trembling with fear. I kept my eyes trained on the the closet door, watching for any sign of movement.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I slid out of bed, keeping my eyes on the closet door. Cautiously, I took three or four steps to my right until I came to the bedroom doorway. Never for one moment did I take my eyes off that closet.

Then, I made a run for it. I ran across the darkened hallway and into the safety of my mother’s bedroom. She was lying there in her bed, sleeping peacefully.

A wave of terror washed over me as my worst fears were realized.

Only then did I allow myself to blink.

scary for kids


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  • This was a very basic story but for some reason it kind of creeped me out and scared me a little bit. And that’s good because I don’t get scared or creeped out very easily!!

  • If my mom is beyond me than i sleep, i started screaming, shout… Good story, but creeeeeepy

  • Whatcha doing mom?
    Watching you sleep.
    OK.You are my mommy.goodnight mommy.

  • Holy Crap the pic sacred the shizzle outta me. The story was good, but the pic sacred me the most.

  • This is so creepy. I would never be able to keep my eyes open for that long. My eyes just begin to water (which helps me, if I want people to think I am crying). Anyways, the story is very creepy.
    And how come everybody is saying that the child is a boy? They could be a girl too!

  • @Darsun77, I think he is afraid that the thing will lunge at him. Pretty sure.

    I mean imagine, you wake up in the middle of night to find someone creepily staring at you without blinking…. You wouldn’t want to blink either.

  • Awesome story! If I experienced this, I will just plain yell and run away like a little girl!

  • Creepy story! But that means that the person will come back again since she just went in the closet

  • #livefromtheTARDIS the boy is now sure that the thing is not his mom. He thinks before that he knew that this thing is not not his mom but he was not sure. But after he sees his mom asleep, he is sure that he encountered something supernatural.

  • If this story was real, the kids eyes would be dry and he would get blind, but the story is good

  • If she was in the closet then probably she gonna be back. And the picture Is awesome from insidious 2 very much suitable…. I would have get a shock if my mother grinned strangely at night when I am sleeping.

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