Scary For Kids

Murder Game

The Murder Game is a scary Halloween activity to play at parties. This Halloween game is also known as Wink Death, Wink Killer, Wink Murderer or The Winking Game.

Murder Game

To play the Murder Game, you need at least 4 people, but it is much better to play with as many people as possible.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is randomly select a murderer and a detective. Take a deck of cards and select one card for each person playing the game. One card should be a Jack and another card should be a King. The rest should be number cards. Shuffle them and give one card to each player. The person with the Jack is the murderer. The person with the King is the detective. Nobody should know who the murderer is.

Step 2: The detective sits in the middle of the floor. Everyone else sits on the floor in a circle around the detective.

Step 3: The murderer has to secretly kill a victim by winking at them. If the murderer winks at you, you have to act out a dramatic death and then lie on the floor for the rest of the game. Pretend you’ve been shot, strangled, stabbed or poisoned and fall down dead. The murderer has to make sure that the detective doesn’t see him winking. Only the murderer is allowed to wink.

Step 4: The detective keeps turning around in the middle of the circle, watching everybody’s eyes. The detective has to catch the murderer winking.
Step 5: The detective has 3 chances to accuse the murderer. If the detective is correct, he wins the game and the murderer becomes the detective for the next round. If the detective is wrong, he remains the detective for the next round.

There is a variation on this game where everyone is the detective. Everyone watches everyone else, trying to catch the murderer. Everyone can accuse someone of being the murderer, but if they guess wrong, they are automatically killed.

scary for kids


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  • Okay I’ve been inspired! so…
    Part 9-The Elemental Maze.
    Doran was the first to stop crying. Luna continued to wail in his ear.
    “Luna! Give it up! We have to go.” his voices volume went down with every word he said.
    Luna stood up.
    “So what are we going to do?” she asked while reaching out to touch the wall.
    “Don’t touch that!” Doran yelled while smacking her hand away.
    They looked around. There where twists and turns in every direction. The fire blazing harder than ever.
    “There’s got to be a trick to this.” Doran said to him self.
    Luna ran forward into the maze. Well into one way of the maze.
    “Luna!” Doran hollared.
    Luna came back immdiately. SHe mumbled some apology, but Doran didn’t care. He was too busy thinking.
    “What did that book say?” he said.
    “What book? What are you talking about?” Luna asked.
    “Something about a gift…of course! The fog, the fog came to me. Now what could that mean? It was a thick black fog. It’s in me.” his voice stopped abuptly.
    He walked towards the fire and tried to channel the power inside of him. It didn’t work. He stomped and kicked a rock at the fire. The rock simply bounced off the wall and flew back at them. Luna grabbed the rock; it wasn’t even warm.
    “Doran feel this.” said a confused Luna.
    She tossed the rock to Doran and suddenly he had an idea. He walke dup to the wall and put his palm on it.
    “Doran!” Luna screamed as she remembered the ryme of how true pain will be reaveled.
    Doran was compleatly fine. He focused hard. Harder than ever. He willed for something to happen. Anything. The wall fought back. It tried to scare him of by throwing flames, whipping him, and spreading up his legs and arms. He couldn’t feel any of it. A force shot out of Doran’s arms. It blew the wall back, and suddenly he knew what to do.
    “Quick Luna. Follow me!” he called back.
    He dashed and ran after the wall which moments ago he had pushed away.
    “I was right.” he said with a smirk on his face.
    The wall was blown back far enough to destroy the maze and it lead them to the second part of the maze, but he had touched the wall.
    ‘True pain will be reaveled’
    He shut it out of his mind and walked forward. Suddenly after his first step into the second part his mind was flooded with horrible images. Griffin being tortured, a town that looked happy on the outside, but at night.., his mind switched, Jason dying and Griffin killing himself from greif, Luna being slowly burned alive. It was too much. The pain. The pain was too much.
    ‘True pain will be reaveled’
    “He fell to his knees. Luna rushed over. At first she was hesitant to step on the land, but she hadn’t touched the wall. Luna grabbed her older brother and shook him. She had an idea, but wasn’t sure if it would work. She tried what he had done earlier. She grabbed him and willed health. He arms glowed. They glowed a blindingly bright white. Luna closed her eyes, but continued to exert herself. THe whole area was bathed in a bright white light. She let go and sobbed.
    “Luna?” Doarn asked.
    Luna couldn’t speak, she could only hug him tighter than ever before.
    “C’mon we got to get out of here.” Doran said while looking behind himself.
    Doran and Luna walked into the final part of the maze.
    “Seperate!” a voice yelled out from nowhere.
    The siblings did as told and seperated putting a good metre between each other. Then a steel wall came down between them. It was huge and thick. Dorn was about to try to use his gift again, but he knew it would be too big of a risk. What would happen? That voice. He hated the voice it was a deep evil voice. It rang out in every direction,; for all to hear.
    “Begin.” the voice said simply.
    Doran could see a single exit from the cave, as did Luna. They both ran towards thier exits.
    Luna was in a small town. In front of her was a small sign. It read, “Come one, come all! The circus is in town! Come and see a show today. Ten and under admitted free of charge!
    “The circus?” Luna asked with some excitment in her voice.
    “Maybe they can help me escape!” she said hopefully.
    Doran walked out into a forest. In front of him was a small sign.
    “Sugar Town? That’s a weird name for a town.” he said as he started to head towards the way the arrow was pointing.
    When he was gone the arrow on the sign spun around and emited a strange noise. The bush under the sign moved. The sign now read. “Sugar Town, home of the famous Candy Factory!”
    A strange figure emerged from the bushes and wrote on the sign with what looked like blood.
    The sign was complete. “Sugar Town, home of the famous Candy Factory. Where we make sweets die for!”
    The first thing Doran saw when he reached the town was the huge factory…

  • The small black cat looked up at Jason. It was adorable, but shy little Jason was freaking out.
    “Just a cat. Just a cat.” he repeated like a broken record.
    The cat’s eyes were yellow. Well one was. THe other eye was silver.
    “A silver eye?” he asked to himself.
    The eyes gleamed. They shined. THey sparkled. They were beautiful. They reminded Jason of happy things and things he liked. Roller coasters, rainbows, movies, laughter…
    The eyes, previously sparkling with light and the colours of the rainbow, shifted. They were now sparkling with dull colours. Monochromatic grays, dark reds, mostly blood red, and black. Lots of black. The eyes reminded him of what he hated. Public speaking. old bullies, his shyness… I t mad him feal infirior. Useless. Weak…
    That’s when he snapped. His own fear was too much for the shy boy. He snapped out of the cats evil glare and looked away.
    “Those eyes…” he trailed off.
    He knew he had to kill the cat. Maybe he could take the eyes. The cats power. But how the eyes could show him his worst fear and make it matrialize in his mind. Of course! his mind had given him the answer. He looked around for anything he could use.., but he was nowhere. Literally nowhere. He looked around and saw they were standing on nothing. They were in…a void. Jason thought of it as a void. A simple eternal world of white. No anything, save him and the cat. It was up to him. He had no gift, but he had to try something. He overcame his shyness and grabbed the cat. The cat hissed and clawed at him, but Jason, now with his eyes closed, wouldn’t give up. He was grabbing the cats throat. Choking it.
    ‘Those eyes.’ his mind reminded him.
    Jason oped his eyes for a moment and moved his right hand towards the vile cats face, his left hand still tightly gripping the cats throat. Killing his worst fear. He found the cats eye with his finger. He, without looking, ripped it out of the cats socket. He then did the same with the other. The cat howled in agony, but no blood came out. The cat was a lie. The eyes were the problem. He looked down at the eyes that were in his hand. They were screaming, not the cat. The eyes turned into glass and store up at him. He gripped them tightly. One eye yellow; the power of joy. The other silver; the power of despair. Oposites and powerful. HE gripped them tighter and felt himself jerk. He opened his eyes, he was back. Back to the room, but Griffin wasn’t. Neither were his siblings. He panicked. He thrust the eyes into his pokets and fainted. He fell on the cot. The day had just been to much for Jason. He slept right through Griffin, Doran and Luna’s screams. Not that he could hear them anyway…

  • Part 7- The Mist Reveals its True Nature/ True Emotions.
    Doran and Luna went to bed, but found that sleep could not carress thier minds and stifle the fear as it usally would. Luna was fed up with the fact that she has no idea what to do with her power and Doran with the fact that his mother was expected to stay at the hospital even longer. Another whole week. And here he was, all the gifted siblings, in a house with an evil…thing that want to kill them. He looked at the clock.
    “Luna almost 1:11…”he said with a tone of fear in his voice.
    “Oh…uh…yea,” she replied while franticly waving her arm trying to contol her gift., “Hey Doran what’s your gift?”
    “Oh nothing.”
    Doran was no entranced by the closet. The evil closet. Neither of them could possibly predict to horror lurking behind it.., but they will soon have an idea.
    Griffin and Jason burst into the guest room.
    “Uhh. Guys Jason’s still a little shaken up by this ‘hole thing…,so ‘e was wondering if we could sleep in ‘ere tonight.” Griffing said whil scratching the back of his head.
    “Uh sure, but where there isn’t exactly much room in here…” Luna reminded them.
    “Well ah have this ‘ere cot it’s a double an all soo…” Jason’s voice trailed off.
    “Oh ok.” Doran said with a smile even though he was truly terrified.
    That was the time. The time of horror. The time of fear, death and perhaps the worst of all the unknown.
    While Doran sat straight up pondering these things and what could happen tonight, Luna snored softly and Jason cuddled Griffin in his sleep. The closet burst open and woke up everyone.
    A deep green mist rolled out of the closet and everyone just sat there dumbstruck by the event. The mist twirled and danced and seemed to never stop coming, at a snails pace, towards the bed and cot. Then suddenly the mist sprang out and enveloped them all at once.
    “Doran!” GRiffin yelled out.
    “GRiffin? is’at you?” Jason hollored.
    “What im ova here!” he yelled back.
    Suddenly Jason felt…gone. He felt nothing, but felt something as well. He knew he was no longer in the bedroom with Griffin…and Doran and Luna to of course!
    “What the fu-” he said right before he saw what was in front of him.
    In front of Jason was his worst fear…cats. He always had an irrational phobia of cats. Ever since that one day when he tried to put a stray cat and it clawed his face nearly off the bone. He was only three. Luckily it was just a small black cat…Right?
    Griffin felt the same thing a JAson did. In fact he felt it at the same time. What he saw chilled him to the bone. Not his fear,(Knives…He hated those things.) but insted a large circular platform with a hole in the middle. He was in some sort of jungle, but the plants were other worldly. Bright blue flowers with thorns…on the flower. Yellow stems with green flowers. Worst of all the trees looked…alive, as if they could move any second.
    The platform was awful. Surronding the edges were thousands of decomposing and decomposed bodies. Some were only skeletons and clothes. Some were children others elderly…age clearly didn’t matter. Even though they were dead there was no blood anywhere around here…or so he thought. He edged slowly towards the hole in the middle. He looked down at the horrible hole. Nearly filled to the brim was blood. Obviously the blood of the bodies, but what made him dopple over was not the blood but insted what was floating in it. Inside were vines and branches that spelled out the words “You’re next”.
    Doran and Luna were teleported together. All they saw was darkness. It was compleatly void of any light.
    “Doran?” Luna whispered as if the void would swallow her up in an instant.
    “Where are we?”
    “I don’t know.”
    After he said that a single flame appered floating in front of them. The flame fell and lit the floor on fire. They were in a cave as they could now see. Insted of speading wildly it followed a predetermind path. The fire moved and twisted creating a maze of fire. The fire erupted and formed into wall of fire. At thier feet, written in fire, were the words “Pick a path, your fate is sealed. Touch a wall, true pain will be reavled. Do not run, there is no chance. Try to run and you’ll be in a trance. The maze is big with one huge twist. If you get out you will see the mist.”
    The words extinguished themselves. Doran and Luna fell to thier knees and cried.

  • oh and i’ve had a psyic prediction too! Once maybe a few times, but my memory is fuzzy. Anyway i’m in the shower…urm…cleaning myself and then my arm hits the wall. Then suddenly i felt funny and had a vison (Vivid if i remember right) of the shampoo bottle falling and hitting my foot, s i moved my foot and low and behold for no reason it falls right where my foot was literally seconds after!

  • Part six- You Can’t Run From Everything…
    After a day full of goofing off for Luna and Doran, and a day of hard farm work for the rest of the household; the house went to sleep at roughly 9;00 pm.
    Doran awoke with a start,looked at the clock, and saw it was 1:11. He shuddered, but was glad he was away from his real house. Luna shot straight up.
    “Doran? What are you doing up?”
    “I was going to ask you the same thing…” he replied.
    The closet in their room burst open and Doran saw those same silver eyes…well their shape at least. The eyes were now a shocking lightning yellow. They were still as cold and souless as when he first saw them. Neither of them could speak or even move a muscle.
    “You can’t run from me. You can’t run from everything. Your gift is useless. Your mother is useless. You two are useless. You will never be able to beat me. I am eternal. I have always been here, and i always shall be here. Since the begainning of the universe i’ve been here. Feeding on your family line. Feeding on the line of magic. Feeding on the line of gift. Your brother? He has the gift too. It came to him when he was thirteen. He never figured out how to use it, and if i have anything to do with it, he never will…” the chaotic raspy voice trailed off and dissapared. Right after they heard something expload in Griffin’s room.
    “Doran what…was that?” Luna sobbed.
    “I don’t know.” Doran said as he opened the door and headed off towards Griffin’s room.
    He open the door slowly and carefully…to see a purple mist speading throughout the room.
    “Griffin!” he yelled.
    “Doran get out!” he yelled.
    Meanwhile while Griffin and Doran were yelling at each other Jason was akwardly standing in the corner trying to hide his small sobs.
    “Just leave,” Griffin yelled,”I can handle it!”
    Then Doranran into the mist. The mist swirled and absorbed into his skin, wen up his nostrils and was inside of him. He felt terror wash over him, he felt weak, dizzy, and useless. He fainted and landed face first on the hardwood floor. The mist then immedently attacked Griffin. It enveloped him and put him inside a bubble of evil. He got overwhelmed and fell down on the bed…barly alive. Jason couldn’t stand this. He jumped over the bed and ran around the mist to try and wake /griffin.
    “Get up! God get up! GET UP! wAKE UP YOU FU-” he screamed, but his voice waas cut off by the mist which strangled him and cut off his airway.
    “What’s goin on?” Luna asked meekly.
    Luna was shocked at what she saw and did the only thing she could think of. She threw her teddy bear into the mist. It did nothing. Luna cried ans whailed. Her gift awoke inside of her. Her gift awoke from grief. Likewise Doran and Griffin’s gifts awoke. Doran’s born from fear, and Griffin’s born of love. The moon shot down a ray of light that bathed Luna in it’s silvery glow. Then, as if she was guided by an invisible force, stomped on the ground. The ground sent out shockwaves which seemed to scare the mist off…eaither that or the fact that it was now 6:00 in the morning and thne sun was coming up.
    “Day…day already..? B-But… that’s not possible it’s only been five minutes.” Luna whipered.
    Doran, Griffin and Jason all got up and felt rejuvinated.
    “Did anyone else see that?” Jason asked while he checked his neck for damage.
    “Ya..ah sure as ‘ell did.” Griffin said.
    They all walked out of the room silently after that. Jason to go have a shower, Griffin to see what work had to be done today, Doran to call the hospital and check on thier mom, and Luna to…to test out her gift. The power she felt when she stomped on the ground was amazing. She stomped on the ground again…nothing. She went out to test other ways to channel her new found powers…

  • I hope that you’re okay with how i ended that part. *Smiles akwardly and shifts feet.” I just wanted it to be more…adult less childish. :D

  • Part 5 Griffin and Jason’s Memories.
    When they arrived to the house they immediatly started disscussing sleeping arrangements.
    “So you two are goin’ to stay with us.” asked Jason’s mother.
    “If it’s alright with ya.” Griffin replied.
    “Of course! So let’s see. Doran an’ Luna you two take the guest room upstairs. Jason can show y’all where it is.” she said.
    “But uh-” Griffin got cut off mid sentance.
    “And Jason gets ‘is own room. There it’s settled!”
    “But ah’m in the guest room and it’s not all that big” Griffin said.
    “I think you know where y’all be sleepin’.” she said as she winked at him.
    “What..? wher-oh,” he shuffled his feet akwardly, “well uhh if y’all insist.”
    Jason grabbed Griffin’s hand and they took Doran and Luna to the guest room. The guest room was on the second floor and two roms away from the parents and Jason’s rooms. Well Jason and Griffin’s room. THe guest room was indead small. The bed was just big enough to comfortably fit Luna and Doran in it. The walls were a creamy white, but a little dirty.
    “Well this is your room for now!” Jason said.
    Jason looked a little akward talking to his boyfriends brother and sister, and thus moved around and shuffled his feet a little when he talked to them.
    Jason had caramel brown hair. He was about 5 foot 11. Tall, but not nearly as tall as Griffin. He had the same tan skin colour as Griffin, probobly from working on the farm. Jason was not as strong as Griffin, even though he has been on the farm longer. Griffin and Jason left for thier room as it was now 10:00 pm and they were far far away from home, but mostly because they had to get up early.
    That night Jason had a dream about how the kids teased him in school when they first found out he was gay. Grade 8 it was.
    “Hey what’cha doin’ fag!?” Billy the school bully yelled at him.
    “Just ignore ‘im just ignore ‘im” Jason whispered to himself.
    “So fag. What. Are. You. Doin’?” he asked again.
    “None of your buisness.” Jason said curtly.
    “Get ‘im”
    Suddenly all of billy’s “friends” tackled defenseless Jason. Jason waas trpped underneath and couldn’t even breath. Then suddenly Griffin cam out of no where and beat up all 5 of the guys on top of Jason.
    “Billy, You want some!?” he yelled as he defended his friend.
    Jason couldn’t help but feel atractted to Griffin, but he knew..well thought he wasn’t gay.
    “Ooh protecting you only friend no arn’t ya?”
    “At least I have a friend, and not just a bunch of “minions”!
    Jason had many more terrible dreams of him getting hurt and bullied, but he could only remember that one. The one where his crush stood up for him, the one that ment the most to him. Well the second most. The one that ment the most and scared him the most was when Griffins mom found out he was gay and then moved across the country to get him away from “That bad influence”, but by then Griffin was 16 and his mother didn’t even care what he did anymore. That was when he moved in with him. Only two months ago, but we’ve secretly been seeing each other for 6 months before hand. And even then they hadn’t “Tried anything”, but Jason was okay with that he loved Griffin and didn’t care what they did.
    Griffin woke up to Jason sleep kicking him and the alarm going off.
    “Jason? Jason get up!” he yelled at him.
    Jason awoke with ar start yelling “No don’t you can’t mo-” he stopped mid sentance even though they both knew he was going to say “move”.
    “Uhh…heh…heh.” Jason said as he was clearly very embaressed.
    “Ah’m goin’ to take a shower. Kay?” Griffin said.
    “Oh ya sure i’ll fix up the bed.”
    Griffin turned the shower on and started to shower, when suddenly he thought someone else was in the room with him, but he couldn’t see because of the shower curtain.
    Doran woke up after Griffin had finished his shower. He woke up Luna and they saw Griffin emerge from the bathroom. Then they saw Jason exit the room.
    “”Uhh waht were they doing?” asked Doran compleatly clueless and oblivious.
    “I don’t know.” Luna replied.
    “And was it just me or was Griffin walking funny?”

  • Part 4 Big Brother Visits.
    “Mom what’s going on in there!?” Doran shouted.
    “Doran get in here!” she called back.
    Doran opened the door slowly and carefully to see his mother with a large gash in the side of her leg. The blood was pouring everywhere, all over the carpet. Then suddenly the front door burst open. Doran called 911 and told them to come to his house. He then went to see who was at the door.
    “Griffin!?” Doran yelled with shock in his voice.
    “What’s a matter? Lost respect for me ’cause i got a boyfriend?”
    “No, just shocked and all!”
    Grifin and his boyfriend were 16, and Griffin had moved in with him and his family about a two months ago as his mother was convinced that he was “Souless”. Their mom was homophobic, and hated Griffin ever since. Griffn was tall, 6 foot 5 inches, he had dirty to bright blond hair, depending on the season. He wasn’t stereotypiclly gay and neither was his boyfriend, but he was open about it. His boyfriends parents owned a farm and have no problem with Griffin.., as long as he pulls his weight on the farm of course.
    “Why are you here, don’t you know what mom will do?” Doran half shouted at him.
    “Ya ‘course ah know what she’ll do, but do ya think ah care? This ‘ere is my family, an i’ll damn-right visit when ah wanna!” He shouted back at him.
    “I see you picked up the farmers dialect.”
    “Hey two months, is two month, you’re gonna pick up at least a little.” he explained while nibbling on a piece of hay sticking out of his mouth.
    The ambulance then pulled up into the driveway. Doran told them where to go nd soon after the rushed out with a close to unconcious Jill to the ambulance, but before she passed out she yelled at Grifin.
    “What’s that fag doing here! Get off of my property you…you.” she then passed out.
    “Looks like she hasn’t changed.” said a slightly depressed Griffin. One of the ambulance workers asked if Doran had anywhere to stay while his mom was in the hospital, the he added that she’d be there for about three days.
    “Ah can take ‘im in with me. That is if it’s alright with you Doran.”
    “Sure it’s okay. This is my big brother, he dosn’t live with us, but i’ll be going with him, so no need to worry about me.
    “Okay can i get the number?”
    Griffin gave him the number. Then the worker left and as it was his break now he went for a walk to the hospital and got his lunch.

    “C’mon big bro lets go! I kinda…wanna…maybe…meet your boyfriend.” Doran said.
    “Okay c’mon get in the truck.”
    Doran stepped into the pickup truck and they drove off together to meet Jason, and pickup Luna from her friends house. Meanwhile the closet growled a low and menacing noise…

  • Part 3 Under the bed and the empty closet
    Doran was now terrifyed of his room, and his mom wouldn’t beilive the “wild and crazy stories” he was telling her. He couldn’t focus in school and got sent home early. It was 1:00 pm and he was slowly opening his closet door. Nothing was in it.
    “Phew, maybe it was just all a crazy dream, but twice now?” he said quietly to himself.
    “Unless…”his voice trailed off.
    He looked under his bed and saw nothing. He then proceded to crawl under his bed. He was on his back and looking up, he turned his hear a little to the left and saw what looked like a book.
    “What the hell..?” he asked sofly.
    He reached up and grabbed it. Then he immedialtly heard a load, deafening clap of thunder. On his way home there was a small snowstorm, but no lightning. When he was out he looked out his window and saw that it was now pouring rain outside and had constant thunder and lightning.
    He thought that it looked like the sky’s themselves were weeping. He thought to himself “Had i caused this, was it the book or just the luck of the draw?” HE opened the journal he found and saw the date. January 11 1950.
    “That’s today…”he said as he started reading the entry.
    “The eyes appeared again tonight, but nobody will believe me. I fear i might die soon. Each night the eyes grow in strength and power. They only seek to feed. This is why i write this, my first entry. Please take heed of my warning beware of the closet, beware of the eyes, beware of the power. I thought my gift would help me, but now my children will live with out a father, that i am sure of it. I hope my children will fare better with the eyes, with the closet, with the evil. The gift does not go to each desendent, but rather randomly, i am thefirst one to have the gift since the 1600’s back in europe, we were lucky to escape the witch trials. I only hope that my direct desendents will have the gift to help them survive as long as i have. 20 years it’s been i have left the house to my eldest child and i have instructed that he do the same, only our bloodline has the power to purge the evil of the house. If my desendant is reading this the gift is something you must find on your own, it comes to everyone different. It came to me from a tsunami that only hit me. Now please if you are not my child contact one and get their help to purge the evil of the house. I beg of you. ~John Uriq
    “John Uriq? That was my great grandfather! I’m his decendant, maybe i have the gift!” he half-shouted.
    He looked at the other pages of the book and saw that they were blank, except for the page next to the writing it had a skull on it drawn it what looked like blood. Under it were the words “Empty and then Full”
    Suddenly the closet burst open and sucked the journal into it’s void. No eyes only nothing. Doran looked at the clock and was relived it was only 1:30 pm. He left the room and heard a scream from his mother who opened his door soon after he left. He heard her scream the words “Blood” and and many curses. That’s when he saw some blood leeking out from under his bedroom door…

  • Part two- The Gifts of Fog and Night
    The following morning everyone treated it as a normal day, compleatly forgetting about Doran’s scream the night before, but he never forgot those eyes. The eyes had no pupils, no iris’s, and no emotion. They were similar to the type of eyes you see in cheap ghost drawings; perfectly flat on a verticle angle and curved on the other, siver as the moon, yet cold as the night. They looked angry, but he knew they had no emotion in them; only evil and fear.
    He started his morning as any other ate his cereal, argued a little bit with Luna,made up, hugged, and then left for school.
    He looked at the clock. It was 1:11 pm. School was almost over. He felt a deep chill come upon him when he saw the three ones, as it reminded him of last nights terror. He was in the middle of a short math quiz; only two questions. He was always very good at math and he liked it too, but for some reason he just couldn’t focus today. His eyes flew to the window next to him. He was on the second floor and had an extravagent veiw. He could see all of the snowflakes and the snow mounds, the bare leafless trees blanketed in the crystel snow. Then suddenly he saw something that shouldn’t have been happening; a dark fag crept at a snail’s pace towards the school. It started from over behind the forest and was already emerging from the giagantic forest. I came up to the wall of the school then stopped. Without saying a word he got up and walked through the door. Doran no saw the fog face to face. It now resembled smoke, but it was clearly still fog. The fog swirled and thrashed about moving in a violent fashion. The fog then raced up into a cloudy black piller and then swirled down towards Doran thinning as it did so. The fog was now in front of him and he reached out his hand. The fog coiled tightly around his index finger and then all of the remaning fog swirled in the fashion of a whirlpool and went right into his finger. All of the fog was now inside of him; his eyes went pitch black, then returned to normal. He felt a queezy feeling inside his stomach, but it soon dissipitated into nothing. He went back to class and got a 0 on his test for leaving in the middle of it.
    That night, around 8:00 there was a full moon it sparkled and shined as Luna looked out her bedroom window. The silvery moonlight danced around her room in a kaleidoscope of wonder and excitment. Luna loved how it looked. Then one of the moonbeams, that was right next to her, got brighter. It was now so intense she had to look away. When she looked back the beam died down and was veiwble again. It was sparkling and beckened her to come forth. She did so and was now bathed in a sparkling light her eyes when white then returned back to normal. She passed out and fell comfortably onto her bed right at 1:11 am. She even slept through Doran’s second scream…

  • story time :D P.s I’m not the best speller so deal with it >:X
    since i dont wanna explain it
    Boy (10) Doran
    Girl (6)- Lunette a.k.a Luna.
    Part 1- The closet awakens…
    Doran shot straight up in his bed, awaking from a nightmare of which he couldn’t remember. He was in a cold sweat. He had always loved the dark and the night, he always felt that it was like a warm fuzzy blanket envelping him from the outside world and from all danger and fear…that is until tonight. In the darkness he could even make out what colour his walls were.
    “Blue. They are blue.” he said aloud.
    Normally he would have loved the darkness and the mystery of the night. He looked at the clock and saw the time. It was 1:11 am.
    “Magic hour.” he said to no one in particular.
    Then suddenly as he was looking acros his room, bookshelves full of books as he was an avid reader, he remembered the latest books he had read, Stephen King’s IT, Carrie, he was a huge fan of Stephen’s works and horror in particular, he saw his desk, well where it would be at least, it was obviously still cluttered with all of his useless and useful items. As he was looking across the rest of his room his eyes suddenly flew to the one thing he could see with the help of the silvery moonlight, the closet. Suddenly the left door of the walk in closet flew wide open and hit the door stopper on the wall with a seeminingly deafining THUD! Doran couldn’t believe his eyes, inside of the closet were two evil looking silver eyes, but no mouth all he could see were the eyes. The cold souless unforgiving eyes. The stared at him menicingly un-moving not blinking and perhaps the scariest of all looking straight at him. Doran sat there staring at the eyes for who knows how long, but then the closet slammed shut. Doran looked at the clock again and saw, not beliving his eyes, that it was now 6:00 o’clock and that the sun was now peeking over the horizen. At first he sat there stunned, but then he screamed and woke up his mother and his sister. His dad even turned over in his grave…

  • i might post a story on here tommorow or sometime soon ;) here’s a little hint on what it’s about. A little boy and his younger sister and the boys closet. Oh and the shining eyes…Mwhahaha I’ve always wanted to try writing a small horror story from my own eyes. The one i did for class was preset image and wasn’t too horror more fantasy, but this one is gonna be pure horror…MWHAHAHA

  • i played it in the dark and saw a ghost it was friggen scary i didn’t take a picture because i didn’t have time lol!!!!!!

  • hehe…. i love this game, i tried playing it with a few friends but it kinda turned into chaos…. lol ^^ i guess some people can be crazy

  • Next Halloween I’m gonna tell our teacher to let us play this game!I’m gonna be the detective.;)

  • My vocals teacher played this game with us except it was called Mafia. The rules were very different seeing as how there were two main roles (Medic and Mafia) and in every round, one towns person was lynched for being wrongly accused. It was fun until everyone started getting personal with their accusations. XD

  • i remember playing this when i was 7 . . . . even now when the teacher says ” shall we play wink murderer” the entire class gets excited, despite being 15 we never grew up :’)

  • I played this game at school, but without a detective.

    step 1) pick a card from a deck. keep all the cards in, and whoever gets Jokers, are the two killers. Keep your chosen card safe, unseen from others, and with you at all times.

    step 2) Walk around. Mingle a little. the plot is everyone is at a party, and everyone is shuffling along and talking. The killers are smart, and talk too, but at the end of the conversation, they wink at the victim. If you have been winked at, you wait about 20 seconds(or so) until you dramatically ‘die’.

    step 3) Everyone screams at the sight of the death. one person tries the door, but ‘finds’ that it has been locked. The players are trapped inside. everyone forms a circle around the dead body and one person has to accuse someone. If someone shouts “I second it!” the accused has to show the card. If it is the killer, then the killer sits out, ‘never to be seen or noticed again’. If not, then the cycle restarts again.

    When both killers have been found or five people have died, the game ends, and that team wins.

  • We have another version of this game where detective is replaced by cop and murderer by thief but we dont have deaths by winking,the cop is supposed to guess the thief in the first try.

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