Scary For Kids

Older Brother

The Older Brother is a creepy riddle about a girl whose parents were murdered by her elder sibling. Read the following story carefully and see if you can discern what is really going on.

Older Brother

The Older Brother

A girl told her friend that she had a dark secret she had been hiding for years. Her parents had been murdered when she was 15 years old. She said that her older brother had gone insane and stabbed her mother and father to death.

The friend was shocked at the terrible story she was hearing.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, comforting the girl. “What happened to your older brother after that?”

“He was arrested by the police”, said the girl. “There was a trial. I sat in the courtroom for weeks, listening to the lawyers argue their case. Eventually, my brother was convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed.”

“That’s horrible!” said the friend.

“Yes, it was,” the girl replied. “He was on death row for a long time. Then he was executed by lethal injection.”

“It must have been so difficult for you,” said the friend.

“You wouldn’t believe how hard it was”, said the girl. “I went through life in a daze. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I tried to block out the terrible memories. I suffered from depression, anxiety, even amnesia. It took me years and years to recover.”

“Have you ever talked to anyone about this before?” asked her friend.

“No, never,” replied the girl. “I have so many questions, but they’ll never be answered now. I was present at my older brother’s execution, but he never said a word. He never explained why he killed our parents. He just stared silently at me as they gave him the lethal injection.”

“There’s still a way you could get some answers,” said her friend. “I don’t know if you would be interested, but I know a woman who is a psychic. She can communicate with the dead. She’s very good. Maybe she could help you find the answers you are looking for.”

A few days later, the girl arranged to meet the psychic and consulted her about her past. The psychic turned down the lights, lit some candles and sat down in her chair. Then, she tossed back her head and went into a deep trance.

A few minutes passed and the girl sat in silence.

“Now, you may ask me any question you wish,” whispered the psychic.

“What caused my older brother to lose his mind?” asked the girl, nervously.

“Your brother was never crazy”, replied the psychic quietly. “He was always perfectly sane.”

“Then Why did my older brother kill my parents?” asked the girl.

“Your brother was only responsible for the death of one person,” said the psychic.

Suddenly, the girl understood everything. She buried her face in her hands and began crying uncontrollably.

Do you understand what really happened?

scary for kids


  • Ok,ScaryForKids,Plzz put more riddles on becuz this “stories” thing is getting boring. Thank You,Really? Scary?Call me Rose!

  • My answer would be that the brother had only killed one parent, and the sister killed the other because she did say she suffered from amnesia and she probrably forgot she killed one?? I dunno…that’s my best guess

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~The Zoo Zoo~~~~~~~~~
    The zoo zoo is a story about the oriental people of Bangladesh and India. The immigrants who came about three decades ago. They have a strong believe in Ghouls and Demons.In fact,every tribe in that area have a strong believe in a Ghoul named “Zoo zoo”. According to their statement “zoo zoo” come and take their child in a form of wild animals. They have different paintings,art and specially masks.the legend about “zoo zoo” remained silent untill the recent event. For kind information i want to mention that there are many tea gardens in that area.Few days ago a manager came for a visit at his garden with his wife and younger son but his rest_g=house were considered as a haunted place of zoozooo. Some mask of zoozoo can be still founded on that rest house. When that man was visiting his wife saw a allegoric mask of zoozoo, Then she took it with her, in deed she never had the knowledge of zoozoo,She took it with her…….3days letter the couple realized that their kid were very afraid of that mask.So they use this policy to feed him such as:when that kid dont wanna eat something thay told him that zoozoo will come, then the kid ate.(Paranormal entities get power if someone call their name). Oneday the mom suddenly heard something when she was feeding his child. she heard “zoozoo ahong” which means zoozoo is coming. It happened twice in a day soo she was tensed about it. when her spouse came back home at midnight she concerned him about this. He was laughing and saying “let the zoozoo come”……then suddenly they heard a whisper “zoozoo ahong jab” that means zoozoo has come and he is eating! they ran into their chid;s room….but suddenly thay saw a tiger shaped animal jumped out their windows and alas! they baby was teared into tei pieces! The mom became mentally unbalanced on that time. But the father is still finding the demon to huant down.

  • there are so many possible answers, but i don’t know wich one is best :/

  • The girl killed the parents in a fit of insanity. She can’t remember this.
    The brother pretended to be the murderer to save her life, therefore killing himself.

  • here are some guesses i have… of the parents went insane killed the other parent and the boy killed the parent in self-defense or anger?

    2.the girl killed the parents and then the boy killed the girl so she couldnt kill him?Then she didnt remember it?

    Please post the awnsers scary for kids!Was I right?

  • the older brother killed himself and the girl killed her parents,she was then put in a mental hospital where she told her friend about her older brother

  • Scaryforkids can you tell us the answer and did I get it right? Thank you ^_^

  • The brother killed the girl because she was killing the parents but she didn’t get it now because she had amnesia.

  • i love the riddles!!! girl was the killer she went nuts n took years 2 recover b/c she was crazy. The brother took the blame…she didn’t remember b/c she had amnesia…right?

    Scaryforkids says: You are correct :D

  • oooh! I know this ain’t the answer, but… So she’s dead? She killed both the parents, and the brother killed her. While in court, he stared at her, or in his version, the wall? So the psycic can talk with the dead? SHE WAS TALKING WITH THE GIRL?! Was the girl dead? Oh, and when it said he was scedulled to be excecuted… Thats not of our time, is it? I mean, it’s death row… But… Excecution?
    And from prettydeadgirl5 view, I understand that too. But when they say the boy was perfectly sane in both of our stories, that makes me wonder…. WHYYYYY? O___O I am a very logical person ^^ heehee

  • no what happened was the father killed the mother and the son was so upset he killed the father.

  • One parent was crazy and killed the other parent, then tryed to kill the boy but the boy killed him.

  • I have NO idea. Please help me, scary for kids! I think that the brother killed her or something…. I’M SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • the brother was the one that got killed and the girl was the insane one… did i got it right?

  • I think that means the boy never killed his parents but he never stood up for himself so he was put to death, therefor killing himself. Did I get it right?

  • The boy killed himself ? Did I get that right or wrong? ^_^ Or was it the mother?

  • I’m stumped so did she kill,one parent or did the brother kill i really don’t know does anyone else know?¿¿¿?¿¿?¿?¿?

  • I’m guessing the boy killed himself and the girl was insane (and probably in an asylum at the time with another insane person or a medical worker).

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