Scary For Kids

Older Brother

The Older Brother is a creepy riddle about a girl whose parents were murdered by her elder sibling. Read the following story carefully and see if you can discern what is really going on.

Older Brother

The Older Brother

A girl told her friend that she had a dark secret she had been hiding for years. Her parents had been murdered when she was 15 years old. She said that her older brother had gone insane and stabbed her mother and father to death.

The friend was shocked at the terrible story she was hearing.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, comforting the girl. “What happened to your older brother after that?”

“He was arrested by the police”, said the girl. “There was a trial. I sat in the courtroom for weeks, listening to the lawyers argue their case. Eventually, my brother was convicted of murder and sentenced to be executed.”

“That’s horrible!” said the friend.

“Yes, it was,” the girl replied. “He was on death row for a long time. Then he was executed by lethal injection.”

“It must have been so difficult for you,” said the friend.

“You wouldn’t believe how hard it was”, said the girl. “I went through life in a daze. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I tried to block out the terrible memories. I suffered from depression, anxiety, even amnesia. It took me years and years to recover.”

“Have you ever talked to anyone about this before?” asked her friend.

“No, never,” replied the girl. “I have so many questions, but they’ll never be answered now. I was present at my older brother’s execution, but he never said a word. He never explained why he killed our parents. He just stared silently at me as they gave him the lethal injection.”

“There’s still a way you could get some answers,” said her friend. “I don’t know if you would be interested, but I know a woman who is a psychic. She can communicate with the dead. She’s very good. Maybe she could help you find the answers you are looking for.”

A few days later, the girl arranged to meet the psychic and consulted her about her past. The psychic turned down the lights, lit some candles and sat down in her chair. Then, she tossed back her head and went into a deep trance.

A few minutes passed and the girl sat in silence.

“Now, you may ask me any question you wish,” whispered the psychic.

“What caused my older brother to lose his mind?” asked the girl, nervously.

“Your brother was never crazy”, replied the psychic quietly. “He was always perfectly sane.”

“Then Why did my older brother kill my parents?” asked the girl.

“Your brother was only responsible for the death of one person,” said the psychic.

Suddenly, the girl understood everything. She buried her face in her hands and began crying uncontrollably.

Do you understand what really happened?

scary for kids


  • The girl was the one who killed the parents but the brother decided to take the blame for the death of the girl’s parents so he was killed for no reason but the girl forgot because she had amnesia and it took years to recover so she didn’t remember but when the psychic told her that the brother was never insane and he was only responsible for one death which was his death, the girl suddenly remembered everything that happened and realized that she was a killer and she did everything and caused 3 deaths. Did I get it right?

    Scaryforkids says: Yes.

  • Wow. This is really creepy. I mean, it’s vague yet obvious at the same time. The whole time I had the feeling that something about that girl’s story didn’t sound right.

  • I know now, I think that he killed himself and she killed her parents and nobody knew she killed them? Right? :D

  • People! this is supposed to be a story! A story generally explains everything!

  • Hotel: When he only saw black, it was because the ghost of the wife was looking through the keyhole at him, the black was her pupil. So she will be coming for him tonight.
    Ashpit: The one thing you can’t do with an ashpit was fall in it. Jared murdered Angie and dumped her body in the ashpit, and is after the new girl

  • I have two riddles. One was inspired by the story “Keyhole” and the other one I made up.
    I was staying in a hotel in Florida. When I checked in, the hotel manager told me not to go into Room 67. That was the room across from mine.
    The next day I couldn’t resist. I tried the door, but it was locked. So I crouched down and looked through the keyhole. At the window, I saw a pale skinned woman with beautiful long black hair. Her back was turned. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, I ran back to my room. I was planning to look again the next day. I looked through the keyhole again in the morning. This time, all I saw was darkness. Plain black. I looked for a few more minutes, but continued to see black. I gave up and walked downstairs to check out. I thought this was the oppurtunity to ask about Room 67.
    “A man and a woman were staying there a few years ago, and the man went inside and murdered his wife. The man was sentenced to death in prison. The ghost of his wife is still in the room. She has pale white skin and long black hair. It is said that if you look into her eyes she will come for you that night.”
    I thanked the man for the stay and went outside to call a cab.
    Did you notice the horror of this story?

    I met a man on a dating site on the internet. I was scared because I had read about men murdering women they had met on Facebook and MySpace, but Jared seemed really nice. We went for a drink and things were going really well, so we went back to his house. He said he was going to get something, so I looked around his living room. I saw a little hole in the corner next to the fireplace, so I went and looked. It led to the ashpit. Inside, was the dead body of a woman. She was wearing sunglasses and had ANGIE written across her top. I gasped. Angie was Jared’s ex girlfriend. He was telling me about how she left him in the night a few weeks ago. She must have been putting some coal in the fire and fell in. The poor girl.
    Do you realize the horror of this story?

  • Now that i know the answer i just want to say…..that is one nice brother. Oh well… it is sad when you kill your parents and your brotherngets blamed for it.

  • Wasn’t the brother the physic or something? Creepy cuz I have two older brothers… And yes, I’m a girl.

  • I think the girl went insane and killed one of the parents. And the brother want to take the blame for her so he killed the other one. The girl have friends and talked to them: the girl still alive. The psychic said the boy have responsibility on one person which means he killed one.

  • I think the girl went insane and killed her parents, and forgot because of the amnesia. But, the brother was convicted. The reason he just stared at her was because he couldn’t believe what she did and that she blamed him.

    After reading answer: Dammit, so close!

  • Dreymon got it right. Answer: The girl was the one who went insane and murdered her parents. Her brother took the blame in order to save his sister’s life and allowed himself to be executed (killing himself). The girl went into therapy and lost her memory (amnesia). When she went to the psychic, the memories came flooding back and she realized the truth.

  • OMG IM SO CONFUZZLED! sfk plz pst the answer, im dying 2 know who got it right lol

  • I thought that he killed the girl, and that her parents and him disappeared after that. Or the girl may have been insane, I don’t really know.

  • Well his sister was the one who’s insane, she killed her parents. But the one accused was her brother, maybe he loved her sister so much that he didn’t defend himself or nobody really believes him. He let himself die.

  • Lol he killed the sis and then they killed thereselves after seeing ther daughter dead the girl is a ghost

  • Eeyup. I’m going with this.
    >She killed them both
    >He took the blame
    >He thus ‘Killed himself’

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