Scary For Kids

Packed Lunch

The Packed Lunch is a story written by Dead Girl XXx. It’s about a girl who meets a new kid at school whose mother packs a lunch for her every day.

Packed Lunch

I ran to school as fast I could. It was almost time for the bell to ring. Luckily, I made it in time. I was never late to school. The bad thing was, my best friend didn’t come to school that day.

I had nothing to do during lunch, so it was really boring. I had some other kids to hang out with, but they were always talking amongst themseles, so they didn’t include me in the conversation most of the time. I was just roaming around the school when I saw a little girl sitting far away from the others. SHe was all alone, eating her lunch. She looked so lonely that I thought I would try to make friends with her.

“Hey there, what’s your name,” I said, sitting down beside her.

She stopped eating and looked at me.

“I’m Daisy,” She replied quietly.

“Why are you sitting here alone?” I asked her.

“I’m new here,” she said. “I just came to this school a few days ago and I don’t have any friends.”

“Oh,” I said, looking at what she was eating. “Cute lunch. Did you make it yourself? It looks delicious.”

The lunch box she was holding in her hand was filled to the brim with meat.

“No. My mom prepares a packed lunch for me every day,” she said. “Do you want to try it?”

The girl took a piece of meat out of the lunch box and handed it to me. I ate it. It tasted awesome.

“Wow! I’ve never tasted something this good!” I said, surprised.

She looked delighted. “Really? Thank you!” she said. “I’ll ask my mom to make a packed lunch for you tomorrow!”

I agreed. She smiled brightly. I smiled back at her. I was looking forward to the lunch.

When I got home after school, I received a text message from my best friend saying that she was sick and would not be able to go to school the next day. I felt really down, but then again, I wouldn’t be lonely. I had a new friend to talk with during lunch hour.

The following day, I ran down the stairs during lunch period. I was starving for my new friend’s lunch. She was waiting for me at the bench where we met the other day.

“Here’s the packed lunch my mom made for you,” she said cheerfully.

“Thanks!” I said, already licking my lips. When i opened the lunch box and looked inside, the smell of freshly-cooked meat filled the air. It looked really delicious. I stabbed my fork into a piece of meat, blew on it and shoved it into my mouth. It was even tastier than it had been the previous day. I wondered how her mother learned to cook such delicious food.

“Thanks, really! It’s a great meal!” I said.

“Do you want to come over to my house?” she asked.

“Of course!” I said.

That day, after school had finished, I called my mom and told her that I would be home later than usual. Daisy lived quite far from my place and there were very few houses on her block. The house looked nice from the outside but, when we walked inside, a pungent smell caught my nose. It was so overpowering, but Daisy didn’t seem to notice and I didn’t want to embarrass her by mentioning it.

She led me to the kitchen and the horrible smelling grew even worse. I had to hold my breath. She asked me to sit down, so I sat on a chair.

The disgusting smell was driving me crazy. What kind of house is this? I thought to myself. There was a bowl sitting on the table. I peered into it and something began creeping me out. In the bowl there were some big, sloppy, brown meat-like things.

“Have you ever tasted tongue?” Daisy asked.

“Tongue?” I said, confused.

“Yes. Roasted tongue.” She said, smiling. “It’s the best taste of all.”

“No thanks,” I replied. “That sounds gross. Maybe we can just have some of the meat we ate for lunch today?”

“OK, no problem,” she smiled. Then, Daisy opened the refrigerator. A foul smell came forth. When Daisy stepped back, I was horrified to see what was lying inside. It was the half-eaten body of a woman. Flesh and skin had been sliced off the legs and arms. Her dead face just stared into oblivion.

“Oh I’m sorry,” said Daisy. “I forgot to introduce you. Meet my mom!”

(Scaryforkids, I really hope this story get posted in here. All the other stories are great :) Good luck to all and please I wish my story gets posted too :) Hope you like it!)

scary for kids


  • Hi guys! :) Im going to write another story! Tell me if you like it!

    Title: Surgery

    Mel was about to get surgery on her foot. She was nervous, but her mother rewarded her with a Magnum ice cream bar to help calm her down.

    A few hours later, it was time. She stripped and put on the hospital gown and climbed onto the bed. She took a big gulp then they put her on sleeping gas, and gave her her IV then started to begin.

    Mel had a dream. It took place in the hospital she was at, and they were doing surgery. But instead, she was a ghost and she saw them taking out her organs, and heart. They skinned her, then with all her blood cells, gulped down the blood.

    Mel was screaming in the dream, but they paid no attention.

    The doctors started to eat her body meat. They sighed in delight, and that’s when Mel woke up. She felt a sharp pain all over her body, and a breeze.

    She took off the tape covering her eyes and saw the doctors huddled around her, eating parts of her body. One doctor was munching on her lungs.

    She started to hyperventilate. Part of it was the whole situation and the other part was the doctor biting on one of her lungs.

    Eventually, Mel died. Her mother ran into the room and screamed.

    “I’m so sorry, we got carried away,” A girl doctor said.

    “I told you to eat her foot, not her whole body! Now my poor baby is dead,” The mother cried.

    Then, Mel’s body shot up. She atttacked all the doctors–even her mother.

    Another doctor walked in and asked, “Surgery all done?” Then he saw all the dead bodies, their organs missing and bodies munched on.

    He saw Mel baring her teeth. “Revenge is a b***h.”

    (Hoped you liked it!)

  • Check the story out below it, He Knows You– it’s my story XD
    @flamefletcher Mario and Luigi jump over mushrooms and fight monsters and talk in weird Italian accents and also make pizza. Not check out scary stories XP

  • Dead Girl XXx you are really and i mean really talented!!!! Plz write more storys!

  • These cannibal stories don’t make sense since it’s programmed into your DNA that the taste of human meat is disgusting (so there’s no self-destruction of the species.)

  • Wow! This is really a great story,I had to sit beside my uncle so I could feel comfortable reading this.Good Job!

  • It was predictable tht it was human meat, but nice twist on it actually bein her mom
    But that’s still rlly gross

  • i know a scary story!!
    The Women in White
    Once when i was at my friends house she told me about what happened to her mom, Andrea, when she was 7 years old. She lived in Mexico and their house didnt have indoor plumbing so she had to pee outiside. One day when it was raining Andrea needed to use the bathroom. Her mom took her outside and Andrea said “mommy look theres a women in white telling me to come over to her.” and her mom looked around and didnt see anyone. then she said “look mommy shes starting to walk closer!” and her mom got scared, so she picked up Andrea and started to run. Andrea said “look mommy shes following us! shes getting closer!” and her mom was terrified! then she said “mommy shes about to grab me! shes touching my arm!” and then her mom ran into the house and shut the door. They could hear someone knocking on the door, but the just went into her moms room and started praying for her to go away. finally after about 45 minutes the knocking stopped and the women in white left. (from what my friends mom told me this story is true, but i dont know for sure)

  • I’m with you, MacabreWolf, I was NOT expecting that! Great story, Dead Girl XXx!

  • ?! O.O
    I wasn’t expecting it to BE her mom they were eating! Wow! Nice job, Dead Girl XXx!

  • i dont find this scary it not like i have a dead body in my frindge ha ha … haha ok i do!!! do you want to taste freach fingers it to DIE for hahahhahahahahha

    i really like this stry i laughed at the end

  • Everyone thanks so much :) I’ll try my best to get another story posted :D Seriously thank you all! :3

  • Knife

    Today I was walking and then a creepy man walked up with a knife and said
    knife shiny…kinfe and that really scared me ….So I started to run but he
    followed me and then he cought up with me and said Kinfe….shiny…….Kinfe so i ran for dear life. I did not know what he would do. But he started to run to I ran and ran and ran but I could not run no more
    so I stopped not my car was jut five cars down he went like Knife…..shiney
    ……..knife . and then finally i was at mt car but i could not find my car keys
    then i got them and unlocked my door and got in but right as my leg was out
    he said This Knife will end your life and stabbed me in the leg I shut
    the door and drove off he chased me for a wile but could not keep up
    so he stopped so I live to tell the story to this day it gave me a real fright
    so if you see a man with a knife run away!!! the end

  • This is why I don’t take lunch from my friends lol XD
    Dead Girl XXx this is a truely awesome story! Very interesting! Keep on writing :)

  • yeah! I loved this. saw it on the “Tell me your story” page and knew it would make it. but WWHHHYYYY did you change it, sfk? seriously.

  • @deadgirl congratulations!!!!!!!! i knew dis would get posted right when i saw it! it was so suspensful! i love it! and again congats….. oh dos any1 think da lil girl in da picture looks like shes on crack? lol ;D

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